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rape as a weapon of war

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Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2019) 15 (3): 261–285.
Published: 01 November 2019
...miriam cooke Abstract This article analyzes recent Iraqi texts, some authorizing and others condemning rape as a weapon of war. The focus is on Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) perpetrators of sexual violence, their Yazidi victims, and two women’s demands for reparative, restorative justice...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2022) 18 (2): 260–284.
Published: 01 July 2022
..., imprisoned. (no. 38, 101) The monstrous apparatus of the prison complex has a long history. Its age-old legacy is consolidated by the innumerable violations against women within its confines. Equally monstrous is this history of institutionalized rape used as “a millennial weapon of war” (cooke 2019...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2022) 18 (3): 408–413.
Published: 01 November 2022
... of violence against women as a weapon of war and annihilation, as do all these contributions. For her chapter, “Emulating the Prophet’s Wives: Reimagining Hicret among Women in the Gülen Community in Brazil,” Liza Dumovich conducted ethnographic/participant observation fieldwork among women Gülen...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2014) 10 (3): 8–39.
Published: 01 November 2014
...). We have ample evidence from history of women playing a wide variety of roles. In Brian Sandberg’s (2005, 165 – 85) study of women and violence in sieges during the French Wars of Religion, for example, women emerged as victims of gendered forms of violence such as rape...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2016) 12 (3): 323–342.
Published: 01 November 2016
...-Against-Men-in-Conflict-Zones.pdf (accessed April 14, 2003 ). Henry Nicola . 2014 . “ The Fixation on Wartime Rape: Feminist Critique and International Criminal Law .” Social and Legal Studies 23 , no. 1 : 93 – 111 . Human Rights Watch . 2013 . “ Egypt: Epidemic of Sexual Violence...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2021) 17 (3): 348–365.
Published: 01 November 2021
... of the Turks and be raped.” 12. In what can now be considered an independent literary genre within the representation of Armenian women in relation to catastrophe and war, narratives of Armenian grandmothers have become popular: for instance Can 1993 , Çetin 2004 , and Palalı 2005 . 13. Here I...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2021) 17 (1): 64–95.
Published: 01 March 2021
... revolutionary culture. Finally, it contends that only with the consolidation of Khomeini’s power and the start of the Iran-Iraq War is this figure renamed Zainab and sustained as a central icon of the Islamic Republic. My argument about the era-specific, boundary-crossing figure of the “militant woman...
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Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2012) 8 (1): 92–114.
Published: 01 March 2012
... of the betrayal), alluding to the KDP (Emîn 1999, 207 – 10); both terms condemned the cooperation between the Kurdish parties and Tehran during the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-1988.8 Over the course of the military campaigns and with the aid of chemical weapons, the regime forced the peshmerga...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2010) 6 (1): 1–45.
Published: 01 March 2010
... who pens books with titles like Th e Trouble with Islam Today (Manji 2005).29 Th e second context, much in the news as I was fi rst working on this article in the early days of 2009, is that of violence against (Muslim) women infl icted in war and by militaries, not just in Afghanistan...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2024) 20 (1): 1–22.
Published: 01 March 2024
... and the uprisings and movements? Although realities such as short attention spans on mainstream media outlets and geopolitical concerns (such as the United States’ “turn to Asia,” the war in Ukraine, and the war in Israel/Palestine) undoubtedly play a role, there is more to consider, which we point...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2012) 8 (1): 115–139.
Published: 01 March 2012
... highlight the sense of regret as the central point of the ex-soldiers’ narratives. The war made men of young recruits, but with a twisted, one-sided sexuality focused on dominat- ing, controlling, and harming the other. With their guns these men raped and killed their country...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2017) 13 (1): 87–106.
Published: 01 March 2017
... the Families Gone: Egyptian Literary Texts of the Nineties .” Arab Studies Journal 9–10 , no. 2/1 : 31 – 49 . Mehrez Samia . 2008 . Egypt’s Culture Wars: Politics and Practice . London : Routledge . Morrow John A. , ed. 2013 . Islamic Images and Ideas: Essays on Sacred Symbolism...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2006) 2 (2): 86–114.
Published: 01 July 2006
..., and their attitudes differ from those of their grandfathers’. However, for the very poor, the reasons are economic in the first place. The fact that polygamy still has legal sanctioning makes it a powerful social weapon in the subordination of women. This reorganization of space has been...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2017) 13 (3): 416–437.
Published: 01 November 2017
.... This reasoning granted Ermia tremendous influence over her audience and played into a long-standing discourse circulated by the Iranian government and its sympathizers in which Western and expatriate media are psychological weapons in the “soft war” Iran’s enemies are said to have waged on its citizens...