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multiple critique
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1-20 of 158 Search Results for
multiple critique
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Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2015) 11 (1): 80–97.
Published: 01 March 2015
... by patriarchal power and cooperating through storytelling. Both narratives reflect their own forms of “multiple critique.” Tomorrow confronts the exploitation of the working class in postcolonial Morocco but does so in a way that disguises a frontal challenge to the masculinist context of the 1960s...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2018) 14 (1): 124–128.
Published: 01 March 2018
... , 113) idea of “multiple critique”: Multiple critique is not a fixed authorizing mechanism but a fluid discursive strategy taken up from multiple speaking positions. It allows for conversations with many interlocutors on many different topics. Unlike identity politics, which depends on an essentialized...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2010) 6 (3): 149–182.
Published: 01 November 2010
... Banat al-Riyadh into English as a case study, I argue that revisions made by press and author to my translation assimilated it to chick-lit generic conventions in the anglophone marketplace, muting the gender politics and situatedness of multiple kinds of Arabic that acted, in the original novel...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2017) 13 (3): 476–478.
Published: 01 November 2017
..., and activists need to navigate these landscapes with as much attention to our purposes as ever, alert to the risk of being co-opted for one ideological agenda or another. As scholars, we are equipped with critical tools to enable multiple critiques of structural oppression. We are equipped...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2017) 13 (3): 347–349.
Published: 01 November 2017
... (Osanloo), it is important to continue the work of judicious historicization and analysis of current rhetoric and action, and to engage in multiple critiques of structures of power and gender injustices whether they are in Islamic discourses and Middle Eastern societies, in the United States, or in western...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2024) 20 (2): 219–238.
Published: 01 July 2024
... feminists have raised awareness regarding the lack of space available for Muslim women to speak. miriam cooke ( 2000 ) coined the term multiple critique to convey the idea that Islamic feminists are criticizing both the male monopoly on sacred text interpretation (Qurʾan) and Western stereotypical...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2023) 19 (3): 267–290.
Published: 01 November 2023
... themselves are created by overlaying single images, and each composite image is presented as part of a diptych or triptych. Bouderbala’s images conceal and reveal the female body, remarking on the multiple social veils worn by Tunisian women. Najah Zarbout also deploys doubling in artworks from the drawing...
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Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2021) 17 (1): 117–120.
Published: 01 March 2021
... “the social life of critique” and the effects it has had on the queer Palestinian solidarity movement both to discursively reenfranchise queer Palestinians and to contribute to the movement. Atshan focuses on the multiplicities of queer Palestinians as well as on their political positions to push back against...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2009) 5 (3): 145–174.
Published: 01 November 2009
I read Sara’s concept of family unity, convergence, and solidarity,
like Roulah and Suleiman’s statements quoted above, through the lens of
women-of-color feminist critiques that call for considering the multiple
axes of power that work intersectionally to shape concepts and practices...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2018) 14 (2): 193–212.
Published: 01 July 2018
..., Sufialism seems to correspond to Khatibi’s double critique found in literature that stages conflicts and reconfigures the sensorium. The work of Francophone Maghrebi writers is often anticolonial, antitraditional, and anti-Islamic, tapping into Sufism and surrealism as sources of dissidence...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2012) 8 (3): 63–88.
Published: 01 November 2012
the modern ‘homosexual’ only serve to obscure the berdache’s meaning
within Native American culture.”
Other studies of the globalization of lesbian and gay identities
built on the critique of assumed universalism and essentialism to draw
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2016) 12 (1): 112–121.
Published: 01 March 2016
... by Burchell Graham . New York : Palgrave Macmillan . Fraser Nancy . 1990 . “ Rethinking the Public Sphere: A Contribution to the Critique of Actually Existing Democracy .” Social Text , nos. 25–26 : 56 – 80 . Güldür Can . n.d. “ Erdoğanʾın Doğum Kontrol Sözleri Sosyal Medyaʾyı Yıktı...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2007) 3 (2): 118–119.
Published: 01 July 2007
who highlight most clearly the diff erent characters and contrasts” (106).
Embedded in these tales is a critique of the treatment of Arab women
in the modern world. Th is pertains not only to customs loosely based
on religion but also to women’s political and social rights in the various...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2015) 11 (3): 337–339.
Published: 01 November 2015
... violence. Masculinity is above all fluid, defined through successes and failures, and socially produced as much by women as by men. Men are judged by multiple audiences at home, in the workplace, and in streets, schools, mosques, and police stations. The ethnography is set in Al-Zawiya Al-Hamra...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2020) 16 (1): 19–40.
Published: 01 March 2020
..., and two, the steady decay of infrastructure and social services and how it renders middle-class life an impossibility. The article argues that by focusing on the intimate, Ibrahim’s novel and the TV adaptation both reveal the various forms of work women perform and make use of women’s work to critique...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2018) 14 (1): 68–74.
Published: 01 March 2018
.... Helfer (the writer) responds to Rashid (the character) that as an epistemological model, the alphabet cannot be multiple. For Helfer, the poetic, religious, and traditional texts that are transmitted or “handed down to us” must be the bases of reading the other (165). Is this a hint at his moral...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2021) 17 (3): 457–461.
Published: 01 November 2021
... of life in their common rejection of the neoliberal Islamic call for conservative consumer respectability. In her discussion of these cases, Savcı invites us to consider the limits of critique as a political mode of engagement for progressive politics and draws our attention to the political potential...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2017) 13 (3): 453–457.
Published: 01 November 2017
... Yeziji, for a public lecture he gave to Arab intellectuals and writers in the wake of the naksa , the 1967 Arab defeat that resulted in Israeli colonization of additional Palestinian, Syrian, and Egyptian lands (Kanafani 1990 ). Harlow ( 1990 ) located Kanafani’s critique of “blind language”—where...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2024) 20 (1): 23–42.
Published: 01 March 2024
... the literary history of iltizam . The article contends that Salih’s critical method and search for ethical knowledge frame iltizam as a form of militant kitsch that prized dogma and readymade answers over ethical and political curiosity. By reading Salih’s historical-political critique in terms of gendered...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2019) 15 (3): 389–391.
Published: 01 November 2019
..., the global rise of biomedical psychiatry cannot explain the regionally and historically specific lived experience of mental illness. Proposing an alternative to top-down research methods that Orkideh Behrouzan groups under the rubric of “post-Foucauldian” cultural critique, Prozak Diaries investigates...