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femme fatale

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Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2019) 15 (3): 307–329.
Published: 01 November 2019
...Carolina Bracco Abstract The appearance of the character of a femme fatale in Egyptian cinema in the mid-1950s is deeply intertwined with the new social and moral imprint made by the Nasserist regime. At a time when women’s participation in the public sphere was regulated, the portrayal of the evil...
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Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2018) 14 (1): 78–82.
Published: 01 March 2018
... from the different perspectives of the adulterous Kosrow and his mistress, Hana, we are introduced to two Hanas: the manipulative femme fatale and the innocent self-sacrificing victim. The film makes us question the quick judgments and binary structure that puts a woman in one category or the other...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2014) 10 (2): 80–106.
Published: 01 July 2014
... are definitively not the over-sexualized femmes fatales of action films or slick political thrillers. Peter Matthews (2004) explains that the female characters defy the vampy Hollywood stereotype of women com- batants: “Masquerading as loose-living Europeans, carrying mortality in a shopping...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2006) 2 (2): 35–59.
Published: 01 July 2006
..., investigations of sexual exploitation, domestic violence and harassment at school and work have been published since the 1980s by commercial and feminist magazines. In the mid-1990s, journalists from Femmes du Maroc and Citadine extended a practice initiated in the mid-1980s by Thamania Mars...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2015) 11 (3): 283–305.
Published: 01 November 2015
... interventions that suppressed expert witnessing by local women birth attendants ( qabla s) and instead privileged the witness credibility of husbands as heads of households. References Abadie-Feyguine Hélène . 1905 . De l’assistance médicale des femmes indigènes en Algérie . Montpellier : Delord...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2006) 2 (2): 60–85.
Published: 01 July 2006
... names like Serkhat en-Nissa (Women’s Scream”) and Voix de Femmes (Women’s Voices). In so doing, they have challenged a traditional norm that con- siders a woman’s voice as awra (taboo) and relocated their claims on the outside world, or, man’s world. Their representatives often have taken parts...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2020) 16 (1): 19–40.
Published: 01 March 2020
... is beautiful but the hardships of life show on her face, and her colourful dresses and short skirts are eventually replaced with loose, shapeless garments and a veil, making her look like most women you encounter on the street—a far cry from the glamorous and immaculately dressed femmes fatales all over TV...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2015) 11 (1): 80–97.
Published: 01 March 2015
... Rights in Islam . Reading, MA : Addison-Wesley . Mernissi Fatima . 1995 . Dreams of Trespass: Tales of a Harem Girlhood . New York: Basic. Available in French as Rêves de femmes: Une enfance au harem, translated by Richetin Claudine . Paris : Michel , 1998 . al-Rawi Fatima...
Journal Article
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (2021) 17 (2): 157–176.
Published: 01 July 2021
... to study and reread these neglected texts flourished, this initial body of critical works rendered a legitimate visibility to feminist literature and criticism. Additionally, Luce Irigaray’s ( 1985 : 135) le parler-femme (“womanspeak” or “female-talk”), which would aim to “provide a place for the ‘other...