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Submission Guidelines

Article Submission Guidelines
All manuscripts must be submitted electronically through our online submission system. Editorial correspondence can be sent by e-mail to [email protected].

Copyright and Originality
Manuscripts submitted to the journal must be based on original research and the careful analysis of primary and secondary source materials. Submission of an article implies that it has not been previously published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish any material under copyright. All use of or reference to published and unpublished material produced by others, whether quoted or paraphrased, must be attributed (with page numbers) using the author-date documentation system in the JMEWS style guide (see also The Chicago Manual of Style, 18th ed., chap. 13). All manuscripts must include full bibliographic information.

Manuscript Preparation and Style
JMEWS uses a double-blind peer review process. Manuscripts should not include the author's name or other information that identifies the author in footers, headers, or a title page. Please note if you are referencing your own previously published or unpublished work in the Comments to the Editors box in the submission system. All references to authors' previous work should be cited in the third person.

Articles must be in English and run 7,500–10,000 words, including endnotes and references. Endnotes should be numbered with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.).

The editors reserve the right to copyedit manuscripts to conform to the journal's style guide. Spelling will be edited to conform to American usage.

JMEWS does not use double dating. Use only Common Era (CE) dates unless quoting from an original source, in which case use the date as quoted (hijri, solar, etc.), with the CE equivalent in brackets.

Author names and titles must be spelled correctly and consistently.

Titles in non-Roman alphabets (Arabic, Cyrillic, etc.) must be transliterated and translated. Capitalize only the first word, proper names, and place-names in the original title. Example: Dirasa fi adab al-Rafi‘i (A Study of the Literary Work of al-Rafi‘i).

The place of publication should appear in its common English form (e.g., Cairo rather than al-Qahira). If the publisher's name is spelled in a non-Roman alphabet, it should be transliterated. If the publisher uses the Roman alphabet in publicity, that form of the publisher's name may be used (e.g., Rabat: El Maarif al Jadida).

Foreign Words and Transliteration
Words with accepted English spellings, such as place-names or the personal names of prominent figures, should be spelled in accordance with English norms.

Technical terms, personal names, place-names, books and article titles, and the names of political parties and organizations in languages using non-Roman alphabets must be fully transliterated.

Authors are responsible for the consistency and accuracy of their transliterations.

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