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Book Review|
January 10 2025
Waiting for the Revolution to End: Syrian Displacement, Time, and Subjectivity
Waiting for the Revolution to End: Syrian Displacement, Time, and Subjectivity
. Charlotte Al-Khalili. UCL Press
, 2023
. 213
pages. isbn 9781800085053.
Birgitte Stampe Holst
BIRGITTE STAMPE HOLST is associated researcher with Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, funded through a Carlsberg Foundation internationalization fellowship. She is working on her first book, provisionally titled Authoritarian Lives: Displaced Syrian Families, Subjectivity, and the State. Contact: [email protected].
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Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 11575509.
Birgitte Stampe Holst; Waiting for the Revolution to End: Syrian Displacement, Time, and Subjectivity. Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 2025; 11575509. doi:
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