In November 2012 I published in a photo-essay a body of artworks titled I Am My Own Guardian to criticize the discriminatory laws requiring male guardianship of adult women in Saudi Arabia (Muftah 2012). This series consists of four images, each of a single, larger-than-life woman’s head wearing a headdress typically donned by Saudi men. The figure in each print uses rich black ink that strongly contrasts against vividly white paper. Two of the portrait visages look at the viewer (in black and white) and two look away (printed over a colorful, free-flowing cloud-like mist). I first exhibited the four portraits as large screen prints in November 2012 at Sydney College of the Arts as part of my honors degree. A small version of my artwork was included in a January 2015 Saudi exhibition in Jeddah titled Fast Forward: Inner Voices.1 Interestingly enough, when state representatives came...

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