More than thirty-five women from various cities and backgrounds launched the Libyan Women’s Platform for Peace (LWPP; in October 2011 to ensure that women remain a vital part of post-Gaddafi Libya. We emphasize inclusive transition, women’s rights, youth leadership, security, women’s political and economic participation, constitutional reform, and education. The LWPP has grown into a network of over one hundred organizations and individuals. It has also been involved in creating platforms of dialogue with different Libyan stakeholders interested in peace and security.

The LWPP, in partnership with the regional nongovernmental organization Karama, organized in 2013 the Libyan Women’s Political Empowerment Program, which aimed to place gender equality and inclusive democracy on the agenda of the transition period in Libya. We worked with civil society groups on making electoral processes fair, redrafting the Constitutional Declaration, effecting community-level reconciliation, overseeing justice and security sector reforms, and ensuring gender-responsive policies. The...

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