About the Journal
JMEWS is the official journal of the Association for Middle East Women's Studies.
This interdisciplinary journal advances the fields of Middle East gender, sexuality, and women's studies through the contributions of academics, artists, and activists from around the globe working in the interpretive social sciences and humanities. JMEWS publishes area-specific research informed by transnational feminist, sexuality, masculinity, and cultural theories and scholarship. It is particularly interested in work that employs historical, ethnographic, literary, textual, and visual analyses and methodologies. The journal also publishes book and film reviews, review essays, and dissertation abstracts that highlight theoretical innovation in gender and sexuality studies focused on the Middle East. JMEWS received the 2015 CELJ Award for Best Journal Design.
Watch a video about JMEWS with editor miriam cooke.
Soha Bayoumi
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Twitter: @jmews

Join the Association of Middle East Women’s Studies
Journal of Middle Eastern Women's Studies is published on behalf of AMEWS. For more information about membership, visit the society's page.

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Publish in this journal
For information on how to submit an article, visit our submission guidelines.

Graduate Student Paper Prize
The Graduate Student Paper Prize was established to recognize and promote excellence in the field of Middle East gender, sexuality and women’s studies among doctoral students in the interpretive social sciences and humanities. Find out more about submission guidelines here.
Introducing JMEWS
Learn more about the Journal of Middle Eastern Women's Studies with this spotlight featuring former editor miriam cooke.

Reading Lists from Duke University Press
Check out our staff-curated Reading Lists of incisive work on today's most critical issues.

2015 CELJ Award for Best Journal Design
Congratulations to the Journal of Middle East Women's Studies for winning the 2015 award for journal design after its redesign.