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Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2017) 47 (1): 75–119.
Published: 01 January 2017
... those questions the author examines the special character and critical tensions of Carolingian monasticism and why the monk chose the lives and sayings of the desert fathers to copy while on campaign. From a single sentence in an obscure manuscript, a world of associations and connections opens...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2019) 49 (1): 7–31.
Published: 01 January 2019
...Eleanor Johnson This essay argues that Chaucer’s much- unloved “Monk’s Tale,” rather than being a failure or misfire on Chaucer’s part, actually constitutes a high- water mark of the bold and experimental literary theory that characterizes much of Chaucer’s later career. In this case, the Monk...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2012) 42 (3): 699–724.
Published: 01 September 2012
...Katherine Zieman This essay explores the late medieval rhetoric of self-representation and conceptions of audience through an examination of the writings of the fifteenth-century Carthusian monk Richard Methley. Methley is considered as a “public contemplative” — a writer who offers his own...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2021) 51 (1): 9–35.
Published: 01 January 2021
...Hannah Weaver Telling the story of the exceptional penance of an Irish knight, the twelfthcentury Tractatus de Purgatorio Sancti Patricii contends that it was possible to go on a bodily pilgrimage to purgatory. The Cistercian monk H. of Saltrey wrote his Tractatus at a historical moment when...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2003) 33 (3): 387–402.
Published: 01 September 2003
... of abandoned wives and mothers, and demonic specters
of women, but monks claimed that there were few, if any, esh-and-blood
women in their desert. Likewise, Elizabeth Clark has invited historians of
Christianity to consider the prospect that our sources present us not with
real women from the past...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2002) 32 (2): 227–268.
Published: 01 May 2002
.... In describing the shrine as an enclosure, one
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 32:2, Spring 2002.
Copyright © by Duke University Press / 2002 / $2.00.
that protects the incorrupted body of the saint and one over which the
monks swear oaths of allegiance...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2014) 44 (1): 45–68.
Published: 01 January 2014
University of Memphis
Memphis, Tennessee
Sober, downcast, grief-stricken, the monks perform their labors. Some sing,
some count out their rosaries or thumb their books; all of them pray for the
duke on whom their very existence depends. These fifteenth-century Car...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2011) 41 (2): 251–291.
Published: 01 May 2011
generally required that, on the one hand, the unity of the monastery absorb
every monk into its communal whole and that, on the other hand, each
individual monk remain singular and isolated. This paradox will receive
further attention below, but essentially it ensured that the monks be equally...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2003) 33 (3): 437–451.
Published: 01 September 2003
ples of Antony—conform to the Athanasian model. The text fosters this
assumption by never explicitly linking any of the Arians that it mentions
with the ascetic movement. They are never identied as monks or virgins.
While monks and Arians both visit Antony at his ascetic retreat ( Vita Ant.
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2022) 52 (2): 191–217.
Published: 01 May 2022
... the sacraments of the Church sacred actions” [vocat enim actiones sacras ecclesiastica sacramenta]. 55 By analogy to the functions of perfecting, illuminating, purifying, the objector argues that monks cannot teach, because “whoever teaches communicates sacred things to others.” 56 Thomas enunciates...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2010) 40 (2): 223–247.
Published: 01 May 2010
... to the artist, mentioning
Nikon’s stature, hair, and dress, but the artist, on attempting to paint the
portrait, finds that he is unable even to begin the task, let alone finish it.
As the text explains, the artist’s inability is due to the fact that he has never
before seen the saint. Then a monk...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2003) 33 (3): 419–435.
Published: 01 September 2003
.... The Life of Mary of Egypt is framed by the tale of Zosimas, a Palestin-
ian monk in middle age, who begins to be tormented by the thought that he
has achieved perfection and so despairs of being able to advance in the spir-
itual life. At the behest of a vision, he retreats to a secluded monastery near...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2021) 51 (2): 241–262.
Published: 01 May 2021
... was the dispute that the Blachernae icon was chosen to arbitrate? A watermill located in Thrace was claimed by two separate parties: a general named Leo Mandalos and the monks of the monastery of Kallios in Constantinople. 33 The general and the monks locked horns with no resolution, despite at least one judge...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2012) 42 (3): 615–634.
Published: 01 September 2012
chester in 1501. The most significant difference separating the two was that
Talavera was a professed religious (a Jeronimite monk) and Fox never entered
a religious order. As will be demonstrated below, their careers and the religio-
political environments in which they worked shaped their approach...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2014) 44 (3): 503–529.
Published: 01 September 2014
... and who wrote
two books — a treatise on sundials and an account of the founding of his
504 Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies / 44.3 / 2014
native city by the monks of Lindisfarne, which he titled The Legend of St.
Cuthbert. According to the seventeenth-century Oxford historian...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2003) 33 (3): 453–470.
Published: 01 September 2003
... this. Jerome, for example, expressed dismay that “clerics, monks, and
others who lead celibate lives” had accepted Jovinian’s view that marriage
and celibacy were equally meritorious. “They cut themselves off from their
wives in order to imitate the chastity of virgins,” Jerome complained, “and
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2012) 42 (3): 597–614.
Published: 01 September 2012
... to houses of monks.3 Scholars
have often explained the failure or dissolution of nunneries in the fourteenth
and fifteenth centuries as the culmination of a long, gradual decline initiated
by the earlier passage and eventual enforcement of enclosure policies.4
These views are based on two...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2023) 53 (2): 323–345.
Published: 01 May 2023
... Library, MS Additional 61823, shows that the communities who received Kempe's text understood it as interactive, or even as a script for enactment or meditation. I build upon Jessica Brantley's work on the private, yet performative, reading practices of the Carthusian monks, including the Carthusians...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2011) 41 (3): 463–485.
Published: 01 September 2011
... antisacrament that inverts the rites of Christianity. Robert the Monk,
in his Historia Iherosolimitana, describes the way in which pagans torture
Christians and violate sacred churches: “They overturn the altars, having
defiled them with their own filth, they circumcise Christians, and take...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2017) 47 (1): 193–198.
Published: 01 January 2017
... of a Carolingian
monk while accompanying a military campaign, stands out not only for its
expansive length but also for its rich elaboration.9 He stresses the agency of
the monk Ellenhart, which has a vivid presence in each moment of Dutton’s
narrative, but from the very outset, Dutton is out for “larger...