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early modern England

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Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2014) 44 (2): 321–344.
Published: 01 May 2014
... but also represents her as a captive of erotic desire, a slave of unruly passion, and a prisoner of the law. This multifaceted vision of royal incarceration is animated by a heterogeneous tradition of ideological writing in medieval and early modern England and Scotland. Three strands of a rich mosaic...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2002) 32 (1): 59–84.
Published: 01 January 2002
...Victor I. Scherb © by Duke University Press 2002 a Assimilating Giants: The Appropriation of Gog and Magog in Medieval and Early Modern England...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2002) 32 (2): 375–398.
Published: 01 May 2002
...Andrew Gordon © by Duke University Press 2002 a The Act of Libel: Conscripting Civic Space in Early Modern England Andrew Gordon University...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2002) 32 (3): 493–518.
Published: 01 September 2002
...Patricia Fumerton © by Duke University Press 2002 Not Home: Alehouses, Ballads, and the Vagrant Husband in Early Modern England Patricia Fumerton...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2018) 48 (2): 341–364.
Published: 01 May 2018
...David J. Davis This essay reconsiders the place of divine revelation in late medieval and early modern England. It explores the language of ravishment and divine “raptus” as a ritualized discourse to describe divine revelation present in mystical texts, by figures like Julian of Norwich and Walter...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2018) 48 (2): 365–385.
Published: 01 May 2018
... • • “A Tomb Once Stood in This Room”: Memorials to Memorials in Early Modern England Philip Schwyzer University of Exeter Exeter...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2018) 48 (3): 491–517.
Published: 01 September 2018
...Lee Manion This essay addresses questions about genre, periodization, and conversion in early modern England by examining changes to the crusading romance. Despite their perceived Catholic leanings, the crusading romance and the romance in general were subsumed into a larger set of “heroical...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2020) 50 (3): 477–492.
Published: 01 September 2020
... Ideologies of Diplomacy: Rhetoric, Ritual, and Representation in Early Modern England Jane Yeang Chui Wong Nanyang Technological University Singapore In 2008 John Watkins edited a special issue for the Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Toward a New Diplomatic History of Medi- eval and Early...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2023) 53 (2): 379–404.
Published: 01 May 2023
.... Recent scholarly work on Andrewes has both demonstrated his importance as a writer and nuanced our understanding of attitudes toward the Crucifixion in early modern England more generally. Rather than a blanket iconophobia vis-à-vis the crucifix (in the mind's eye at least), a subtler engagement with pre...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2008) 38 (2): 229–252.
Published: 01 May 2008
...Holly Dugan © 2008 by Duke University Press 2008 a Scent of a Woman: Performing the Politics of Smell in Late Medieval and Early Modern England...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2008) 38 (3): 443–465.
Published: 01 September 2008
... a Place, Health, and Disease: The Airs, Waters, Places Tradition in Early Modern England and North America Andrew Wear The Wellcome Trust Centre...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2009) 39 (2): 375–406.
Published: 01 May 2009
...Thomas A. Hamill This essay examines the ways in which cockfighting in early modern England operates as an allegorical mode, as a trope for conscribing social relations and phenomena as distinct as male subject-formation and the realization of eschatological truth. Focusing on two distinct...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2009) 39 (1): 1–5.
Published: 01 January 2009
...Marina Brownlee “Intricate Alliances” is a phrase that calls attention to the inevitability of contrastive referencing by which the two imperial powers of early modern Europe–Spain and England–have all too often been regarded. This special issue explores in a more nuanced manner, and from a variety...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2015) 45 (3): 457–485.
Published: 01 September 2015
...William Sherman; Heather Wolfe It is now a commonplace that texts were malleable in early modern England regardless of their manuscript or print origins; but the publications of Thomas Milles strain these categories—and the vocabularies used to describe them—to the breaking point. Between 1599...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2024) 54 (3): 637–668.
Published: 01 September 2024
...Steve Hindle The relationship between the historical demography and social history of early modern England is long and complex. In the early stages of their development in the 1960s and ’70s, the two disciplines were entwined, working beneficially together in a historiographical project...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2013) 43 (2): 247–273.
Published: 01 May 2013
...-constructions in early modern England. © 2013 by Duke University Press 2013 a Grieved and Disordered: Gender and Emotion in Early Modern Patient Narratives...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2010) 40 (3): 559–592.
Published: 01 September 2010
... in terms of the questions they provoked about the meaning of life and the nature of death, and about the divine economy of rewards and punishments. This essay places mortalist thinking in relation to competing historiographical narratives of Reformation and secularization in early modern England, paying...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2017) 47 (3): 415–435.
Published: 01 September 2017
...Thomas Fulton Bibles were among the most circulated books in medieval and early modern England, the most studied and most read, and as such they provide a profoundly valuable archive for the history of reading. Because the biblical text underwent intense and often contentious hermeneutic scrutiny...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2011) 41 (2): 369–391.
Published: 01 May 2011
..., as experiments in secularity, as adaptations of allegory's visionary energies to the social and institutional secularization of early modern England. But in one poem, The Bowge of Courte , Skelton remakes allegory not just as an idiom of social and institutional analysis but also, much more powerfully...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2013) 43 (1): 99–120.
Published: 01 January 2013
...Donovan Sherman This essay reads Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice as a manifestation of early modern England’s anxiety over the soul. As something both essential and unrepresentable, the soul existed in the popular imagination as potentially monstrous or divine, distanced from both the body...