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Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2011) 41 (2): 345–368.
Published: 01 May 2011
... as being “atomic.” Into the “atoms” of time the contemplative must fit his will in the work of contemplation, so that each atom of time contains an atom of will. The enfolding of will into time is meant to approximate divine eternity, and, thus, produce a feeling of God. The tool that the Cloud -author...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2000) 30 (1): 101–124.
Published: 01 January 2000
... sections of her first book as they see fit. In “To Naturall Philosophers,” for instance, Cavendish writes of the poems on atoms in her book’s first section: I desire that all that are not quick in apprehending, or will not trouble themselves...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2020) 50 (2): 377–402.
Published: 01 May 2020
... bodies but of all bodies, as their atoms collide with each other. At the locus of intersection between Order and Disorder and De Rerum Natura is an understanding of matter whether elemental or human as something more than inert stuff, the vegetable container of the spirit: Since various things have...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2006) 36 (3): 619–642.
Published: 01 September 2006
... elsewhere, aided by Margaret Jacob’s articulation Campbell / Busy Bees  637 in her article on pornography, empirical philosophy and the newly atomized sociality of seventeenth-century commercial cities, this obsession with detail in such apparently diverse...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2014) 44 (1): 95–112.
Published: 01 January 2014
..., was to show that atom- ism, suitably revised, was better suited as the philosophy to complement and elucidate Christianity than was Aristotelianism. Descartes was influ- Gaukroger / Scientific Doctrine and Christian Origins  103 enced by Mersenne’s attempts to combat...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2023) 53 (2): 433–445.
Published: 01 May 2023
... by the sixteenth century.] Galluzzi, Paolo. The Italian Renaissance of Machines . Translated by Jonathan Mandelbaum. The Bernard Berenson Lectures on the Italian Renaissance. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2020. xi, 276 pp., 107 color illus. Hardcover, ebook. Gorman, Cassandra. The Atom...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2025) 55 (1): 143–156.
Published: 01 January 2025
... Chaucer. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2024. xiii, 313 pp. Hardcover. Lüthy, Christoph Herbert, and Elena Nicoli, eds. Atoms, Corpuscles, and Minima in the Renaissance . Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy and Science, vol. 36. Leiden: Brill, 2023. ix, 321 pp. Hardcover, ebook. [On how...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2013) 43 (1): 145–172.
Published: 01 January 2013
... amplified the precious effects of candle light.52 According to Gibson, it is reflected or ambient light, not the radiant light cast directly by the sun or other sources, that accounts for most animal perception: “Radiant light comes from atoms and returns to atoms; ambi- ent light depends...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2015) 45 (3): 523–542.
Published: 01 September 2015
... to get beyond the catalog entry, to shed light on the limitations of editions and STC numbers in writing the history of how texts were made. It is to trace an atom of copy-­specific information that, when disburdened of its modern connotations, points us toward a fertile continuity of reading...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2016) 46 (3): 583–602.
Published: 01 September 2016
... is that acquisitive self-­indulgence is legally protected, while those who live lives of self-­restraint and care for oth- ers do so without any support from an institutionalized worldview. But what he does not note is that neither do they do so as wayward social atoms, whose individual desires point them...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2003) 33 (2): 241–259.
Published: 01 May 2003
... itself gives one reason to pause. It pulverizes, atomizes complex relationships that, for Catholic tradition, emerged in history, event, and liturgical rite, emerged in divine gift and human response. Through Christ’s gifts of himself to the Church, his body and bride (not just “the institution his...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2014) 44 (2): 407–427.
Published: 01 May 2014
... David A. Hedrich Hirsch, “Donne’s Atomies and Anatomies: Deconstructed Bodies and the Resurrection of Atomic Theory,” Studies in English Literature, 1500 – 1900 31, no. 1 (1991): 69 – 94, at 75. 6 Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed. (1989), s.v. exinanition, n. 7 Pierre de Bérulle...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2007) 37 (2): 419–443.
Published: 01 May 2007
... August Bibliothek in 2005.] Fisher, Saul. Pierre Gassendi’s Philosophy and Science: Atomism for Empiri- cists. Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History, vol. 131. Leiden: Brill, 2005. xxviii, 436 pp. $172.50. Gowland, Angus. The Worlds of Renaissance Melancholy: Robert Burton in Context. Ideas...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2018) 48 (2): 387–412.
Published: 01 May 2018
... to explain permutations draws on a long history: the link between alphabets and combinations can be traced at least as far back as Lucretius for whom letters, like atoms, were elements to be reordered to describe, or create, the world. An anagram was, as William Camden explained, “a dissolution...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2015) 45 (2): 367–393.
Published: 01 May 2015
... a “Janus-­headed word” for Roman writers: On one hand it refers to the fitting likeness similis( , similitudo) of image to model, a fit which is particularly close in the Epicurean explanation of sense-­images as films of atoms which originate as physically part...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2016) 46 (3): 603–628.
Published: 01 September 2016
... traces the mani- fold political, moral, ecclesiastic, economic, and educational metastases of Europe’s turn toward a secular, hedonist, and atomized polity; and the book concludes with a survey of what, to Gregory, is the disjointed and dispirit- ing profile of Western societies today, in which...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2008) 38 (3): 413–442.
Published: 01 September 2008
... to “watch the dance of atoms in this double process of making and unmaking in the living body”: [W]e should see the commonplace lifeless things which are brought by the blood, and which we call the food, caught up into and made part of the molecular whorls of the living tissue...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2010) 40 (1): 37–63.
Published: 01 January 2010
... in the robe of the citizen, his anointed head uncov- ered as he gazes up in silent prayer, Henry materializes medieval theories of kingship which understood the community as one body, atomized into discrete parts: laborers as the feet, citizens as the heart, knights as the hands, and the king as both...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2016) 46 (3): 513–543.
Published: 01 September 2016
... characterized by a degree of ideological diversity and social atomization that would be con- sidered intolerable by the generations that lived before secularism’s triumph.3 One of the strangest features of Gregory’s book is that it unveils this argument as something shocking and new (see...
Journal Article
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (2023) 53 (1): 117–147.
Published: 01 January 2023
... meaning “ignominy, contumely, contempt, or vileness.” Pococke found support for the second interpretation in the cognate Arabic term habāʾ , meaning “those small atomes, motes, or dusts, which seem to fly in the air, or in an empty house, in the Sun-beams, and look like smoak,” and which...