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Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1998) 23 (3): 517–550.
Published: 01 June 1998
...–1993) to discover how both “legislative” and “nonlegislative” committee jurisdictions differ across three dimensions: congressional chambers, committees within those chambers, and specific health issue categories. Then, to capture differences across a fourth dimension, time, I also calculate annual...
Published: 01 February 2024
Figure 1 Vaccination rates by geographical region and jurisdictions as of October 14, 2022. More
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2017) 42 (5): 961–984.
Published: 01 October 2017
...Tiffany D. Joseph Abstract Recent policy debates have centered on health reform and who should benefit from such policy. Most immigrants are excluded from the 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA) due to federal restrictions on public benefits for certain immigrants. But, some subnational jurisdictions...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2000) 25 (3): 499–526.
Published: 01 June 2000
... the scheme's jurisdictional integrity has emerged as a key challenge for policy makers in Florida. We explore the relationship that has emerged between NICA and the tort system as competing avenues for families to obtain compensation for severe birth-related neurological injury. By linking NICA claims data...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2013) 38 (4): 735–755.
Published: 01 August 2013
... health. A prominent example is India, whose post-TRIPS patent laws include a provision, section 3(d), that restricts patents on incremental pharmaceutical innovations. Its critics and supporters alike suggest that this provision makes Indian patent law very different from that in other jurisdictions. Yet...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1993) 18 (2): 477–489.
Published: 01 April 1993
... jurisdictions. Hospital spending, as a percentage of state gross domestic product (GDP), declined or remained constant in four of the five states. In four out of the five, growth in per capita spending on personal care, as a percentage of GDP, remained or fell below the national average. By contrast, in Canada...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1980) 5 (2): 309–332.
Published: 01 April 1980
..., the capability of the national leadership to influence the hospital system through innovative planning is limited by jurisdictional, institutional, functional and territorial fragmentation, and differentiation of control and public responsibility in health. However, the diverse goal orientations of participants...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1978) 3 (2): 181–195.
Published: 01 April 1978
...” concept; the reliance on “expertise”; and issues involved in the burden of proof and the determination of jurisdiction over litigation. The authors conclude generally that Congress should act on the Laetrile question and they propose specific guidelines for such legislation, as well as for the appropriate...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2014) 39 (5): 1067–1088.
Published: 01 October 2014
..., the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, is primarily a US-centric phenomenon. Or is wellness, in its various different guises, a worldwide phenomenon? By focusing on three distinctly different jurisdictions — the United States, Germany, and Australia — this article examines wellness through the lens...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2008) 33 (4): 761–798.
Published: 01 August 2008
...: Is there federal authority to preempt state law (the commerce clause and spending clause issues)? May jurisdiction be created in non - article 3 tribunals, and may claims be decided without trial by jury (the separation of powers and Seventh Amendment issues)? Would pilot programs that require some claims...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2002) 27 (4): 543–574.
Published: 01 August 2002
... as it discourages physicians from taking collective action to protect their interests. This article examines two important efforts by organized medicine over a twenty-year interval to alter federal antitrust policy. In 1982, physicians and other professionals sought a special exemption from FTC jurisdiction...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2008) 33 (2): 225–247.
Published: 01 April 2008
...Joshua Parsons Cohen; Elly Stolk; Maartje Niezen There are three known criteria that underlie drug reimbursement decisions: therapeutic value, cost-effectiveness, and burden of disease. However, evidence from recent reimbursement decisions in several jurisdictions points to residual, unexplained...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2013) 38 (6): 1081–1102.
Published: 01 December 2013
... difficulty in most jurisdictions. However, several methodological differences in international guidelines for economic evaluation exist, only some of which can easily be justified. A number of beneficial changes in reimbursement processes have also been observed, such as a trend toward requiring...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2008) 33 (3): 559–593.
Published: 01 June 2008
... of contamination continues to be a concern despite federal and state efforts to ease liability fears but also that site and project features can overcome this hurdle. In particular, jurisdictions appear more likely to convert distressed properties into greenspace if recreational parks, rather than open space...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1999) 24 (4): 715–758.
Published: 01 August 1999
...Mita K. Giacomini To rationalize and restrict health care spending, policy makers in many jurisdictions have withdrawn insurance or funding for selected health care technologies. Numerous analytic frameworks and applied exercises have emerged to guide decisions about “which” services to cut...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2002) 27 (2): 213–240.
Published: 01 April 2002
... review on health care policy and the institutional capacity of courts to formulate policy in this field. The significant impact of rights-based claims on cross-jurisdictional policy differences in a federal regime is noted. © 2002 by Duke University Press 2002 Anderson, G. F. 1992 . The Courts...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2016) 41 (6): 1175–1183.
Published: 01 December 2016
... makers, or inapplicable to other jurisdictions over time and place. As Burris et al. ( 2016 ) advocate, modern, sophisticated, and interactive data collection systems would render more precise legal analysis tied to public health improvements. Although policy surveillance is promising, public health...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1978) 2 (4): 560–580.
Published: 01 August 1978
... of health planning are considered, including the contest between state and local and federal government for program control, jurisdictional conflict between state and local planning agencies, and the unsettled roles to be played by professional planners, consumers, and providers. When we assess regulatory...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2013) 38 (2): 283–289.
Published: 01 April 2013
...Theodore W. Ruger A great deal of the US Supreme Court's federalism jurisprudence over the past two decades has focused on the outer limits of federal power, suggesting a mutually exclusive division of jurisdiction between the states and the federal government, where subjects are regulated by one...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2013) 38 (2): 291–298.
Published: 01 April 2013
...Robert J. Muise; David Yerushalmi Attempting to play the role of King Solomon in his PPACA decision, Chief Justice John Roberts split the baby perversely by ruling it was not a tax under the Anti-Injunction Act, which would have likely deprived the Court of jurisdiction to hear this pre-enforcement...