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Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1980) 5 (2): 234–249.
Published: 01 April 1980
...Jeffrey Rubin A confusing array of options to reform mental health care is now under consideration by policymakers. To clarify the implications of these options, five categories of actions are distinguished. These reforms are: federal program change, litigation, state commitment statute reform...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1983) 8 (2): 235–250.
Published: 01 April 1983
...Jeffrey M. Prottas In the last ten years there has grown up, in the United States, the most extensive organ procurement system in the world. This system, consisting of approximately 120 organ procurement agencies, retrieved 4435 cadaveric kidneys for transplant purposes in 1981. The nation's organ...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2012) 37 (2): 297–328.
Published: 01 April 2012
...Peter D. Jacobson; Jeffrey Wasserman; Anda Botoseneanu; Amy Silverstein; Helen W. Wu We report the results of a study designed to assess and evaluate how the law shapes the public health system's preparedness activities. Based on 144 qualitative interviews conducted in nine states, we used a model...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1986) 10 (4): 613–623.
Published: 01 August 1986
...Jeffrey Merrill; Catherine McLaughlin In response to dramatic rises in health care costs, policymakers have been debating the relative merits of regulatory and competitive strategies as a means of containing costs. One major activity espoused by proponents of competition is the growth of health...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1987) 12 (2): 253–270.
Published: 01 April 1987
...Jeffrey M. Prottas; Eugenia Handler The implementation of state-sponsored voluntary case management programs for public assistance recipients creates provider and recipient recruiting problems that are unique to the state's economic environment, its political climate, its historic relationship...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1984) 9 (2): 339–342.
Published: 01 April 1984
...Jeffrey M. Prottas Alvin Drake, Stan Finkelstein, and Harvey Sapolsky, The American Blood Supply (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1982), 161 pp., $25.00 Copyright © 1984 by the Department of Health Administration, Duke University 1984 Book...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1993) 18 (4): 789–819.
Published: 01 August 1993
...Peter D. Jacobson; Jeffrey Wasserman; Kristiana Raube To understand why some states have enacted relatively stringent laws to control smoking in public places while others have not, we examined the political evolution of tobacco control initiatives in six states: New York, Minnesota, Florida...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1987) 12 (4): 703–722.
Published: 01 August 1987
...Jeffrey S. McCombs; Jon B. Christianson This paper reviews the empirical literature on competitive bidding for health services under public programs and, in this context, discusses the major issues that must be confronted in designing bidding systems. These issues include the specification of units...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1976) 1 (3): 285–294.
Published: 01 June 1976
...Michael Lipsky; Lawrence McCray; Jeffrey Prottas; Harvey Sapolsky The probable adoption of a national health insurance system in the near future makes the Veterans Administration's health care program vulnerable to change. The last major turning point in the program occurred at the end of World War...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2001) 26 (3): 487–522.
Published: 01 June 2001
...Jennifer M. Mellor; Jeffrey Milyo Several recent studies have made the provocative claim that income inequality is an important determinant of population health. The primary evidence for this hypothesis is the repeated finding—across countries and across U.S. states— that there is an association...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2014) 39 (3): 591–631.
Published: 01 June 2014
...Jeffrey Drope; Raphael Lencucha Abstract There has been growing tension at the intersection of health and economic policy making as global governance has increased across sectors. This tension has been particularly evident between tobacco control and trade policy, as the international norms...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1993) 18 (1): 1–25.
Published: 01 February 1993
...Jeffrey A. Buck; Mark S. Kamlet Many proposals for financing health care for the uninsured recommend expanding the Medicaid program. They often advocate extending Medicaid to all those under the poverty level and standardizing program benefits. However, the proposals have ignored important problems...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1993) 18 (1): 67–69.
Published: 01 February 1993
...Jeffrey A. Buck Copyright © 1993 by Duke University Press 1993 References Buck , J. A. , and J. Klemm. Forthcoming. Recent Trends in Medicaid Expenditures. Health Care Financing Review. Cherlow , A. , M. R. Ellwood, E. Howell, K. Miller, and S. Dodds. 1991 . Data Quality...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1999) 24 (3): 567–598.
Published: 01 June 1999
...Peter D. Jacobson; Jeffrey Wasserman We examine the process by which antitobacco laws and ordinances were implemented and enforced in seven states and nineteen localities. Our findings indicate that state- and local-level clean indoor air laws were rarely enforced by governmental agencies. Instead...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2002) 27 (2): 293–296.
Published: 01 April 2002
...Jennifer M. Mellor; Jeffrey Milyo © 2002 by Duke University Press 2002 Deaton, Angus. 2001 . Health, Inequality, and Economic Development . Unpublished manuscript. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University. Deaton, A., and D. Lubotsky. 2001 . Mortality,Inequality, and Race in American...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2005) 30 (6): 1101–1130.
Published: 01 December 2005
...Jennifer M. Mellor; Jeffrey Milyo Recent studies have found that two state-level measures of social capital, average levels of civic participation and trust, are associated with improvements in individual health status. In this study we employ these measures, together with the Putnam index of state...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2002) 27 (6): 1023–1028.
Published: 01 December 2002
...Stephen M. Shortell; Ann P. Zukoski; Jeffrey A. Alexander; Gloria J. Bazzoli; Douglas A. Conrad; Romana Hasnain-Wynia; Shoshanna Sofaer; Benjamin Y. Chan; Elizabeth Casey; Frances S. Margolin © 2002 by Duke University Press 2002 Alexander, J. A., M. E. Comfort, and B. J. Weiner. 1998...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2017) 42 (2): 285–307.
Published: 01 April 2017
...Frederick J. Boehmke; Abigail Matthews Rury; Bruce A. Desmarais; Jeffrey J. Harden Abstract We conduct a series of simulations to compare how various strategies for seeding a policy in the American states affect the rate at which that policy spreads. Using empirically derived parameters...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2002) 27 (1): 49–92.
Published: 01 February 2002
...Stephen M. Shortell; Ann P. Zukoski; Jeffrey A. Alexander; Gloria J. Bazzoli; Douglas A. Conrad; Romana Hasnain-Wynia; Shoshanna Sofaer; Benjamin Y. Chan; Elizabeth Casey; Frances S. Margolin Private-public partnerships are increasingly seen as an important mechanism for improving community health...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1989) 14 (1): 41–56.
Published: 01 February 1989
...Jeffrey M. Prottas The American organ procurement system has improved and matured in the last five years. At the same time, the basic challenges facing it have remained substantially the same because the moral and legal framework of the system has not changed. Success at organ procurement continues...