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Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1989) 14 (3): 565–585.
Published: 01 June 1989
... called the illness episode approach, we modeled the out-of-pocket costs associated with thirteen illnesses of varying severity for beneficiaries with traditional Medicare coverage only and for beneficiaries who join one of two Los Angeles HMOs which charge no additional premium. The typical total charges...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1990) 15 (3): 607–626.
Published: 01 June 1990
... survey of the 1985 National Nursing Home Survey was analyzed to determine the extent of spend-down among elderly nursing home patients during a single nursing home episode, the proportion of patients who remained Medicaid or private payers throughout their stay, and how the measures varied by patient...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2018) 43 (4): 605–650.
Published: 01 August 2018
... the two episodes, focusing on the political-institutional contexts of each case, the processes that produced the shifting coalitions from enactment to repeal, and the policy attributes that posed risks or provided protection to each program. The political-institutional contexts and the processes...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1986) 11 (2): 231–254.
Published: 01 April 1986
... means to protect handicapped newborns. The episode offers insights into the dynamics of the U.S. system of separated powers, the limitations of the “civil rights” approach, and the importance of negotiating structures for the resolution of private moral dilemmas with public implications. Copyright ©...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1979) 4 (1): 87–108.
Published: 01 February 1979
... CSA's effectiveness in 1975, a Domestic Council Task Force reported in a White Paper to President Gerald Ford that its control measures do “reduce abuse of dangerous drugs.” The Task Force's evidence was based upon a before-and-after analysis of the frequency of “drug abuse episodes” reported...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2014) 39 (1): 57–95.
Published: 01 February 2014
... Democrats emphasized the extensive yearlong debate over health care reform and argued that the final bill represented a compromise of good ideas from both parties. We undertake a policy-centered analysis to help reconcile these conflicting reports of this legislative episode. Drawing on real-time accounts...
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Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1988) 13 (4): 765–768.
Published: 01 August 1988
... be given to integrating individuals into least restrictive en- vironments? Current policy arguments are supported in part by a tacit set of assumptions concerning the nature, extent, and scale of mental hospitalization in the United States. These assumptions are as follows: The number of episodes...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1994) 19 (1): 249–254.
Published: 01 February 1994
... in the making and implementation of policy. Episodes of fundamental constitutional change have been relatively rare in the health policy arena. Even more than is the case in most other policy arenas, the nature of politics within the health care arena has provided entrenched interests...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2011) 36 (3): 571–576.
Published: 01 June 2011
... of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) finally adds a contemporary American case to the set of episodes of major health policy reform. But is it the long-­anticipated “big bang” of pathbreaking change? Is it yet another demonstration of failure to make such change? The answers...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1987) 12 (4): 703–722.
Published: 01 August 1987
... period (capitation), per episode of illness, or per individual unit of service (e.g., a visit, procedure, or test). Perpersordper episode. Per capita payments in the health care sector are gen- erally associated with health maintenance organizations (HMOs) that cover a wide range...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2011) 36 (3): 429–436.
Published: 01 June 2011
...- gress took office, by conventional accounting we were at the seventh significant episode of health care reform debate in a century. Each time before, reform not only failed, it crashed spectacularly. What made the year 2010 so different from all other years? Over the coming months and years...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2000) 25 (5): 995–997.
Published: 01 October 2000
... of political institutions (broadly understood) within the wider context of a state’s political economy and political culture. When a set of policy actors has both the political authority and the will to accomplish significant change, she argues, an episode of “policy change” occurs when major policy shifts...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1998) 23 (2): 391–394.
Published: 01 April 1998
...-quarters of the book is devoted to a careful dissection of the key components of this policy-making episode. It begins with two opening chapters that focus on the political and intellectual underpin- nings for the Clinton plan and the process of designing the plan through the Task Force on Health Care...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2018) 43 (5): 767–769.
Published: 01 October 2018
... resources (or an unnecessarily expensive mix of inputs) to produce specific services, or it could reflect delivering too many services. If one conceptualizes the “product” as an episode of care, as opposed to delivery of a specific service, these two definitions converge because the specific services...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1999) 24 (1): 91–114.
Published: 01 February 1999
... with all other subgroups combined (52.7 percent) (␹2 = 15.6, df = 1, p < .005). Among the 234 individuals who reported receiving care, the most com- mon reasons for seeking care included a chronic medical problem (41.9 percent), acute or episodic care (41.5 percent), or a physical examination when...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2012) 37 (4): 611–632.
Published: 01 August 2012
... part of the twentieth century the health policy agenda was increasingly dominated by the question of how to control public spending on health care. The instruments and targets of cost constraint varied across nations. Nonetheless, a common pattern emerged: episodes of cost constraint were...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2004) 29 (4-5): 701–734.
Published: 01 October 2004
... not address the main problems in the health care system: The industrialization of episodic medicine was not the original intent of the market idealists of the early 1970s who favored health maintenance organizations. Many of them regard chain hospitals and emergicenters as the antithesis of what...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2001) 26 (6): 1361–1374.
Published: 01 December 2001
... are widely divided and the public has formed firm views. The impeach- ment episode, for instance, found about two-thirds of the public consis- tently opposing impeachment in the face of fierce partisan battle among members of Congress. Between the extremes...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2016) 41 (4): 541–558.
Published: 01 August 2016
... ). Over the past sixty years we have dramatically shifted the locus of care. In 1955 77 percent of treatment episodes took place in inpatient settings (President's Commission on Mental Health 1978 ). In 2012, fewer than 6 percent of people receiving mental health treatment used inpatient care (Substance...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2019) 44 (1): 157–164.
Published: 01 February 2019
... of view, and he includes a number of vignettes about patients, it sounds better than the fragmented system of today. But from what he tells us, these systems often involve more resources and more time and are not set up to reap the savings from fewer acute episodes later. In the Scottish National...