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Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2008) 33 (5): 943–963.
Published: 01 October 2008
..., explore normative assumptions about how markets function, and raise questions about transparency in contract agreements between PBMs and employers. We consider ethical dimensions of PBMs' corporate citizenship in the health care sector and suggest how employers can negotiate more effectively with PBMs...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2010) 35 (1): 5–28.
Published: 01 February 2010
...Leighton Ku; Fouad Pervez In 2006 Congress passed, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) rapidly issued, regulations requiring states to obtain proof of citizenship from citizens who had applied for Medicaid. This policy was framed as reducing fraud by illegal aliens to preserve...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2017) 42 (5): 925–960.
Published: 01 October 2017
... that expand bureaucratic monitoring of citizenship status across service-providing organizations. This investigation addresses the concern that immigration politics also negatively influences health care utilization among Latino US citizens. One implication is that health insurance expansions may not reduce...
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Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2023) 48 (5): 713–760.
Published: 01 October 2023
... and racial animosity. Emphasizing citizenship and residency requirements at times improved these perceptions. Conclusions : Racial perceptions and partisanship are important correlates in Americans’ views about Medicaid and its beneficiaries. However, perceptions are not immutable. In general, the policy...
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Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2020) 45 (4): 581–593.
Published: 01 August 2020
... is that conservatives have been blind to the widening network of support for the ACA, while those on the left have underestimated health reform's impact in broadening recognition of medical care as a right of citizenship instead of a privilege earned in the workplace. The forces that constrained the ACA's development...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2016) 41 (1): 101–116.
Published: 01 February 2016
... reform using the Massachusetts reform as a comparative case study to outline how citizenship status influences individuals' coverage options under both policies. The article then briefly discusses other states that provide coverage to ACA-ineligible immigrants and the implications of uneven ACA...
Published: 01 October 2017
Figure 2 The Effect of Cueing “Health Insurance” versus “Immigration Issues” on the Propensity to Avoid Certain Daily-Life Activities in Order to Avoid Scrutiny about One's Citizenship Status More
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2017) 42 (3): 459–483.
Published: 01 June 2017
... [sought help for mental health problems in the last 12 months]: (0 = no, 1 = yes). 3 Citizenship: (0 = noncitizens, 1 = US citizens). 4 Worry about family or friend being deported: (0 = no, 1 = yes). 5 Generational status: (1 = first generation, 2 = second generation, 3 = third...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1991) 16 (3): 547–552.
Published: 01 June 1991
... prac- tice, however. The fact that able-bodied men received care from women and slaves did not disqualify them from citizenship, although able-bodied men were as dependent on women and slaves as disabled men were on their public pensions. The political rules effectively created two categories...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1999) 24 (6): 1363–1389.
Published: 01 December 1999
... context, formal citizen participation in decision making might be incompatible with social rights and present an incongruous and antagonistic pairing of executive and popular sources of authority. References Bartholomew , Amy . 1993 . Democratic Citizenship, Social Rights, and the “Reflexive...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1995) 20 (3): 767–781.
Published: 01 June 1995
.... Oxford: Clarendon Press. Johnson , T. 1972 . Professions and Power. London: Macmillan. Kass , L. 1993 . Is There a Right to Die? Hastings Center Report 23 : 34 -43. Klein , R. 1989 . The Politics of the NHS. London: Longman. Marshall , T. H. 1949 , 1964. Citizenship...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2023) 48 (2): 307–312.
Published: 01 April 2023
...” health but that it would also lay the ground for some sort of utopian “world citizenship” (Wu 27–28). Finally, the title of Wu's book— Mad by the Millions —describes how the founders of WHO's mental health programs imagined that there would be endless numbers of war survivors in need of psychiatric care...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1992) 17 (3): 589–593.
Published: 01 June 1992
... signal that social and economic injustice and poor government policies are not the proper objects of re- form. Second, Polsky recasts the idea of citizenship and the welfare state. The collapse of communism and the growing antipathy toward govern- ment has forced policymakers and scholars...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2010) 35 (2): 203–226.
Published: 01 April 2010
.... Banting, K. G. 2006 . Social Citizenship and Federalism: Is the Federal Welfare State a Contradiction in Terms? In Territory, Democracy, and Justice , ed. S. L. Greer, 44 –66. Basingstoke, U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan. Barrilleaux, C., and P. Brace. 2007 . Notes from the Laboratories of Democracy...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2000) 25 (6): 1172–1175.
Published: 01 December 2000
... bureaucracies while negotiating with homeless indi- viduals to trade their marginalized existence and identities (but also their privacy and autonomy) for goods and “citizenship.” Tensions, dilemmas, and contradictions abound at these boundaries. In Crossing the Border, Rowe sees outreach workers...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2015) 40 (6): 1225–1226.
Published: 01 December 2015
... Press. 2015. 219 pp. $29.95 paper. Revoking Citizenship: Expatriation in America from the Colonial Era to the War on Terror . Ben Herzog. New York: New York University Press. 2015. 185 pp. $40.00 cloth. Beholden: Religion, Global Health, and Human Rights . Susan R. Holman. New York: Oxford...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (2022) 47 (2): 259–291.
Published: 01 April 2022
... social agents who equated a driver's license with US citizenship, including social welfare caseworkers and staff at a local community health center. In these situations, she routinely did not contest an assumed citizenship status, preventing questions about her legal status and the restriction of access...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1995) 20 (3): 557–569.
Published: 01 June 1995
... on International Labour Migration. Newspaper Clippings and Reprints of Periodicals. London: Asian Regional Programme. Bade , Klaus . 1994 . Immigration and Social Peace in United Germany. Daedalus 123 : 85 -106. Brubaker , Rogers . 1992 . Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1984) 8 (4): 809–811.
Published: 01 August 1984
...-Health Care correctly identify the need for mental-health professionals to improve their limited knowledge about the legal rights of mentally disabled persons. They adopt the ‘‘equal citizenship’ ’ doctrine, the view that “mental patients are citizens first and are therefore entitled...
Journal Article
J Health Polit Policy Law (1990) 15 (2): 253–257.
Published: 01 April 1990
... provision of ser- vices has never simply inhered in one’s status as a member of the community. We have not developed a strong concept of what T. H. Marshall once called social citizenship rights corresponding to our rather well-developed concept of political citizenship rights. Thus, we have had...