At a November 2012 workshop, state health policy officials, other Medicaid and insurance exchange practitioners, and health policy researchers discussed issues surrounding the implementation and sustainability of Medicaid expansion and insurance exchange coordination under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Foremost were concerns about (1) intergovernmental relations (states experiencing uncertain information, lack of coordination among federal agencies, and limited resources to take on new responsibilities under the PPACA), and (2) policy design (new issues such as Medicaid exchange coordination on top of preexisting Medicaid challenges). JHPPL has proposed the creation of a research network to develop policy options and share strategies and best practices.
Research Article|
August 01 2013
JHPPL Workshop on Medicaid Fiscal and Governance Issues: Objectives and Themes
J Health Polit Policy Law (2013) 38 (4): 841–845.
Peter V. Long, Andrea Louise Campbell; JHPPL Workshop on Medicaid Fiscal and Governance Issues: Objectives and Themes. J Health Polit Policy Law 1 August 2013; 38 (4): 841–845. doi:
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