Linking the Sources of Public Opinion and Health Policy: Self-Interest, Collective Assessment, and Media Framing, 5
A UK Retrospective on Rationing, 6
Behind the Jargon, 2:457–65; 5:1051–59
Point-Counterpoint, 1:161–86; 4:847–77
The Policy and Politics of Reproductive Health, 2:299–456
Prescription Drugs and Administrative Costs, 3:505–97
Public Health Law Research, 4:629–839
Report from the States, 3:599–610; 6:1183–92
Report on Health Reform Implementation, 4:841–45; 5:1023–50; 6:1173–81
The Supreme Court's PPACA Decision, 2:225–98
Abiola, Sara E., James Colgrove, and Michelle M. Mello. The Politics of HPV Vaccination Policy Formation in the United States, 4:645–81
Ahrens, Kym. See Dworsky, Ahrens, and Courtney
Airoldi, Mara. Disinvestments in Practice: Overcoming Resistance to Change through a Sociotechnical Approach with Local Stakeholders, 6:1149–71
Allen, Heidi, and Katherine Baicker, Sarah Taubman, Bill Wright, and Amy Finkelstein. Report from the States: The Oregon Health Insurance Experiment: When Limited Policy Resources Provide Research Opportunities, 6:1183–92
Amin, Tahir. See Sampat and Amin...