The doctrine of managed competition in health care sought to achieve the social goals of access and efficiency using market incentives and consumer choice rather than governmental regulation and public administration. In retrospect, it demanded too much from both the public and the private sectors. Rather than develop choice-supporting rules and institutions, the public sector has promoted process regulation and benefit mandates. The private health insurance sector has pursued short-term profitability rather than cooperate in the development of fair competition and informed consumer choice. Purchasers have subsidized inefficient insurance designs in order to exploit tax and regulatory loopholes and to retain an image of corporate paternalism. America's health care system suffers from the public abuse of private interests and the private abuse of the public interest.
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June 01 2003
The Politics of Managed Competition: Public Abuse of the Private Interest
J Health Polit Policy Law (2003) 28 (2-3): 341–354.
James C. Robinson; The Politics of Managed Competition: Public Abuse of the Private Interest. J Health Polit Policy Law 1 June 2003; 28 (2-3): 341–354. doi:
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