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dui (paired phrasing; parallelism)

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Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2014) 1 (1-2): 186–215.
Published: 01 November 2014
.... The increased use and popularity of shenglü primers, especially in primary education from the Song forward, is explored in section 2. The third section illustrates how shenglü primers emphasized an integration of yun (rhyme) and dui (paired phrasing or parallelism). While tracing the rise of shiyun shu (poetic...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2020) 7 (2): 411–469.
Published: 01 November 2020
... art in Du Fu's poetry in terms of parallel, borrowed parallel, paired phrase, allusion, personification, exaggeration, contrast, syntax, word formation, and reduplication. The discussion is further revised in “Du shi de xiuci yishu” 杜詩的修辭藝術 (Rhetoric Art of Du Fu's Poetry), the second part of the same...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2016) 3 (1): 85–107.
Published: 01 April 2016
... to authors who would claim literati status. 51. See Yan K., Quan shanggu sandai , 540 . By commenting on success and failure on the go board, the poet could express his thoughts about politics and life. In this regard, a few dui lian 對聯 (couplets) describe go to particularly dramatic effect...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2019) 6 (2): 275–330.
Published: 01 November 2019
... euphonic and phonorhetorical patterns, such as regular meter (often tetrasyllabic), perfect rhyme, he yun 合韻 (consonance; i.e., homoeoteleuton), repetition and parallelism, phrase-internal rhyming and cross-rhyming, and quotation and citation. 10 When viewed in toto, the speeches also show how...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2015) 2 (2): 286–323.
Published: 01 November 2015
...” juxtaposed to “stand with shoulders side by side” are also comparatively more strictly contrasting verbal phrases. The reason we do not find the parallelism particularly eye catching in this poem is that it is seamlessly integrated into the poem. If the poem led us to believe that the poet had consciously...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2015) 2 (2): 444–480.
Published: 01 November 2015
... it as white; like a bird singing, then flying away. Parallel in fours and pairs of six, like a silk heart with a brocade tongue. The Gong note is low and the Yu note is fluttery; the panpipe is in (the musician's) hands. 眩耀為文,瑣碎排偶;抽黃對白,啽哢飛走;駢四儷六,錦心繡口;宮沈羽振,笙簧觸手。 18 Liu Zongyuan summarized...
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Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2020) 7 (2): 339–381.
Published: 01 November 2020
...: nouns with nouns (e.g., 急湍 [swift current] with 猛浪 [surging waves]), verbal phrase with verbal phrase (e.g., 望峰 [seeing peaks] with 窥谷 [peeking into ravines]), and so on. Moreover, this matching penetrates to the level of single characters. In segment 11, for instance, the paralleled binomes (望峰 with 窥谷...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2022) 9 (2): 277–307.
Published: 01 November 2022
... that made all later achievements in interpretation and creation (i.e., civilization itself) possible. Each of these allusions to yangfu contain near verbatim parallels to a set phrase that appears twice in the Xici 繫辭 (Appended Phrases) commentary of the Yijing . There this binary illustrates...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2022) 9 (1): 47–78.
Published: 01 April 2022
... We have here an example of “ambiguous parallelism,” in which “a couplet whose two lines each have two grammatical structures, and the structures pair off two by two” (54). Then, in a couplet taken from the second poem in the same series, we have a different kind of poetic configuration, more commonly...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2019) 6 (1): 169–204.
Published: 01 April 2019
... such as “Facing the Cold Window” ( Dui hanchuang 對寒窗) feature women obviously gazing into the distance ( fig. 13 ). Though placed in interior spaces, often with things in front of them to do, their gaze points the reader's attention elsewhere. When the figure is outside, she often looks toward the end...
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Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2015) 2 (2): 481–514.
Published: 01 November 2015
... there was not yet a general grasp of the rhythmic properties of passages assembled from independent five-syllable phrases, many Han-era 漢 (202 BCE–220 CE) wugu works of relatively strong narrative character must still rely on techniques of dui'ou 對偶, paibi 排比 (both parallelism), and chongdie 重疊...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2021) 8 (2): 307–340.
Published: 01 November 2021
... (green shirt soaked by tears, red leaves aroused with feelings). Shen Jing manipulates the play title Qingshan lei and regroups it in a new pattern (2-2) by inserting shi 濕 (wet/soaked) in the middle, transforming the two play titles into a neat pair of parallel couplets. In summary, by taking apart...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2018) 5 (1): 95–118.
Published: 01 April 2018
... the Li Shangyin obsession and through the Xikun chouchang ji gave that obsession a permanent material and textual expression, creating a national phenomenon. 14 The centrality of his contribution can also be inferred from the fact that he wrote the brief but elegantly crafted parallel-prose preface...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2018) 5 (1): 66–94.
Published: 01 April 2018
... and Tianbao reigns, the ruler and his ministers became overly enamored of music; Emperor Xuanzong became obsessed with foreign sounds, such that all under heaven became vulgar. Thereupon, talented men began to set lyrics to this music, which included long and short phrases, each following the melody...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2018) 5 (2): 276–321.
Published: 01 November 2018
... for occurrences of two words in the same poem. Two words may collocate in a poem, and two words may also form an antithetical pair consisting of words that appear at corresponding positions in a poem, with rhyming, syntactic, and semantic properties following a specific set of rules. 7 Two words that collocate...
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Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2021) 8 (1): 203–235.
Published: 01 April 2021
.... In the calligraphy scroll, this is rendered with a different character: bao 寶 (precious). 54. In the calligraphy scroll, a new line starts with the phrase “Dragon Countenance,” as well as the phrase “Sagacious Ruler” at the end, in observance of the calligraphic practice of giving pride of place to any...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2015) 2 (1): 43–91.
Published: 01 April 2015
...Lihong Liu Abstract This article examines birthday albums, a genre that combines paintings and literary texts in calligraphy, produced by a group of peer artists and writers to celebrate birthdays of elders in the Wu region (Suzhou) during the mid-Ming period (1450–1550). Each album pairs paintings...
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Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2021) 8 (1): 59–88.
Published: 01 April 2021
... crafted parallels and couplets have a unique quality that nobody could match. Most of his peers living at the same time attended to Jia with their hands cupped before the chest as a gesture to show their admiration. Later in his life, Jia moved to Lanling [modern Linyi] and settled down there. Among his...