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Dunhuang manuscripts

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Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2022) 9 (1): 170–194.
Published: 01 April 2022
... of Filial Piety). Using Dunhuang manuscripts of the florilegium titled Xinji wenci jiujing chao 新集文詞九經抄 (New Compilation of Phrases Excerpted from the Nine Classics), the essay shows that the texts of these classics presented by such compilations differed substantially from the “official” texts of the time...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2020) 7 (2): 382–410.
Published: 01 November 2020
... these is the study by Takahashi that compared the ancient handwritten copies held in Japan with the corresponding Dunhuang manuscripts in an effort to determine the original features of the Tang dynasty handwritten copies. Kageyama resolved to investigate the extant handwritten copies and complete comprehensive...
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Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2017) 4 (1): 1–18.
Published: 01 April 2017
... pioneered methods to rewrite the history of Chan lineages. He regarded the later legends of Bodhidharma's encounter with Liang Wudi as “a snowball growing ever larger.” 18 He held that as the Platform Sūtra grew from a relatively short text in the Dunhuang manuscripts to a text nearly twice the size...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2023) 10 (2): 461–486.
Published: 01 November 2023
... of the Dead ( Tang taizong ru ming ji 唐太宗入冥記) that flourished during Tang times. A manuscript has survived in the Dunhuang Caves (manuscript S.2630). 40 Through complicated and contingent processes, the related stories about Taizong were incorporated into the ecology of stories we call Xiyou ji . While...
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Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2022) 9 (1): 273–275.
Published: 01 April 2022
... Information in China: A History . His main research areas are the literary culture of the Tang period (7th–10th cent.), manuscript culture, textual memory and memorization, and medieval educational manuscripts from Dunhuang. STEPHEN RODDY is professor of languages, literatures, and cultures...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2020) 7 (2): 287–312.
Published: 01 November 2020
... the populace of northern China. Discoveries of templates for different religious occasions in the compilation of prayers discovered in Dunhuang collected in the Dunhuang yuanwen ji 敦煌願文集 (A Collection of Dunhuang Prayers) provide evidence for the proliferation of the genre. Next, similarities between...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2014) 1 (1-2): 289–308.
Published: 01 November 2014
... branch. Written versions of the Liji dating to after the Eastern Han include: A Six Dynasties 六朝 (222–589) version of the chapters “Da zhuan” 大傳 (The Great Treatise) and “Shao yi” 少儀 (Lesser Ceremonial), of which only forty-two lines of text remain. These texts are included in Dunhuang mi ji liu...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2015) 2 (2): 419–443.
Published: 01 November 2015
... . Cultural Memory and Early Civilization: Writing, Remembrance, and Political Imaginatio . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2012 (2011) . Bottéro, Franҫoise . “ The Qièyùn Manuscripts from Dūnhuáng .” In Studies in Chinese Manuscripts: From the Warring States Period to the Twentieth Centur...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2022) 9 (1): 1–7.
Published: 01 April 2022
...集文詞九經抄 (New Compilation of Phrases Excerpted from the Nine Classics, ca. 755–883), a manuscript found in at least sixteen fragments at Dunhuang. While the value of this conceptual framework has already been demonstrated by scholars working on early Chinese texts, which recent archeological finds...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2020) 7 (2): 491–501.
Published: 01 November 2020
.... Durrant, Li, and Schaberg rely on Ruan Yuan's edition published in 1815. They are aware of the problem, granting that, “while our text is not a full critical edition consistently listing such variants as those from Dunhuang and Japanese manuscripts, it is practical and serviceable for the task at hand...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2016) 3 (1): 137–174.
Published: 01 April 2016
... among the Dunhuang 敦煌 materials, 82 evidence that by the time of the Nan-Bei dynasties, there were already propitious omen manuals accompanied by diagrammatic records and writings. Figure 2. Yuzhu baodian 玉燭寶典 (Precious Archive of the Jade Candle), by Du Taiqin 杜臺卿 (Sui dynasty), in Guyi...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2021) 8 (1): 12–30.
Published: 01 April 2021
..., Diamond Sutra Narratives , 411–12 . The Dunhuang manuscripts also include a copy of the Diamond Sutra that had been copied for the benefit of a deceased ox: “I pray that this ox may personally receive the merit, be reborn in the Pure Land, and never again receive the body of an animal” (229). 5...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2022) 9 (2): 338–366.
Published: 01 November 2022
... for how the development of Chan lineages and practices was understood not only in the following years but, to some extent, up to the turn of the twentieth century when the Dunhuang scriptures were discovered, which revolutionized our understanding of the history of the Tang dynasty Chan. As for Wang...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2014) 1 (1-2): 155–185.
Published: 01 November 2014
.... 14. The most comprehensive work on libraries Han through Song is Drège, Les bibliothèques en Chine . The only actual surviving Tang imprint is a Dunhuang copy of the Jinggang jing (Diamond Sutra), published in 868. McDermott, Chinese Book, would put the date for a sophisticated culture...
Journal Article
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (2015) 2 (2): 347–379.
Published: 01 November 2015
..., which is frequently found in the Dunhuang 敦煌 manuscripts and the Lotus Sutra 法華經 (Skt. Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-sūtra ). They assume that Shen Yue and his contemporaries were very familiar with śloka , key to the revolution of prosodic patterns in Chinese poetry. 11 As for śloka meter...