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Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1994) 26 (suppl_1): 47–65.
Published: 01 January 1994
Journal Article
History of Political Economy 11540294.
Published: 25 September 2024
... support. Third, the right to issue money should be monopolized by the state; otherwise, the state's monetary policy will be interfered with by other currencies. Fourth, an important monetary policy is the government's buying and selling of commodities countercyclically by issuing and receiving money, thus...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (2018) 50 (S1): 249–265.
Published: 01 December 2018
...Robert Leonard E. F. Schumacher is best remembered as the author of the best-selling Small Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as If People Mattered (1973), one of the key books of the counterculture of the 1970s and the only such one written by an economist. He was also the instigator...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (2019) 51 (1): 169–172.
Published: 01 February 2019
...Leigh Deneef Craufurd Goodwin’s sense that the Graduate School was not adequately preparing its doctoral students for academic careers in a variety of institutions led to both a local and a national refocusing of efforts. The local effort produced a best-selling book, The Academic’s Handbook...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (2013) 45 (suppl_1): 137–165.
Published: 01 December 2013
... in the Nation , the New York Times , and Newsweek , as well as in his best-selling book, Economics in One Lesson , in public speeches, and in numerous appearances on TV and radio, Hazlitt offered economic commentary to the current issues of his day and was fundamental in popularizing the ideas of free market...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (2022) 54 (1): 37–73.
Published: 01 February 2022
... based on buyer and seller reservation values and their motivation to buy low and sell high; the classical sketch of price formation offers a quite fruitful foundation for a modern theory of price discovery, supplied below. Market experiments, based on private distributed reservation values and using...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (2000) 32 (3): 696–697.
Published: 01 September 2000
...—this was the main point of physiocratic criticism of the existing
system—but Rousseau went on to argue that peasants suffered twice because they
were forced to sell straight away in order to pay rent and taxes and could not hold
supplies back to get a better price. What is one to make of this argument...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1986) 18 (4): 639–653.
Published: 01 November 1986
... seg-
ment of the time-periods analysis differs from the Appendix on Barter in
three crucial respects: in Book V the activities of buying and selling are
undertaken by separate groups of people operating under different moti-
vations; secondly, the willingness to trade in Book V...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (2008) 40 (1): 183–200.
Published: 01 March 2008
... asset that the wife can sell at any
3. P. V. Viswanath (2006) argues that the minimization of transaction costs rationalizes
land quality differentials in Talmudic law. His argument is highly speculative. The Talmud
itself makes no mention of transaction costs to motivate land quality...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (2009) 41 (1): 89–107.
Published: 01 March 2009
... than drive and compel the
wicked by laws and power to do and allow what is right. (WA 15:302)
Only at this point does Luther turn to the fourth way of exchang-
ing goods with others, namely, through buying and selling, which is the
main subject of the treatise. If payment is made in cash...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (2003) 35 (2): 205–240.
Published: 01 June 2003
... rev-
enue would necessarily be absorbed entirely by the monopolist without
any rise whatsoever in the selling price of the product. In his own words,
“the producercannot possibly add the tax to the price” (Seligman
1892, 164). He reminds us that “monopoly in so far as it exists at all
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (2003) 35 (2): 205–240.
Published: 01 June 2003
... on gross rev- enue would necessarily be absorbed entirely by the monopolist without any rise whatsoever in the selling price of the product. In his own words, the producer . . . cannot possibly add the tax to the price (Seligman 1892, 164). He reminds us that monopoly in so far as it exists at all...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1982) 14 (3): 342–365.
Published: 01 September 1982
...’ (“selling in order to buy He then (chs. 4-5)
contrasts this simple commodity production with the more advanced, cap-
italist commodity production (“buying in order to sell In order to an-
swer the question of the source of the capitalist’s profit, Marx leaves the
sphere of circulation...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1995) 27 (3): 539–561.
Published: 01 September 1995
... corresponds to God’s will. Thus, from Muhammad’s
point of view, the natural regulation of the market corresponds to cosmic
regulation” (Essid 1988,8 1). The prophet Muhammad opposed coercing
merchants to sell at prices that would result in loss on the grounds that
such policies would only impoverish...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1982) 14 (2): 260–283.
Published: 01 June 1982
... “if I
sell my goods for as much as I can get for them,” says Hobbes;8 the
just “value of all things contracted for” is what the contractors “be
contented to give.”9 Grotius (and through him Pufendorf) quotes Sen-
eca: “Though you have well praised your wares, they are worth only...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1977) 9 (2): 273–282.
Published: 01 June 1977
... their whole output, or what comes
to be the same thing, not to sell any goods at less than a fixed
price, or they may agree to restrict the supply for the home
9. Hobson, “Mystery of Dumping,” p. 189.
10. Ibid.
I 1. Competition, as a Marshallian “situation” or structure, cannot...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1992) 24 (2): 493–497.
Published: 01 June 1992
... the new Edi-
tion of my Book. It is Published? Does it sell well? does it sell ill? does
it sell at all?” (Mossner and Ross 1977,229). There is no evidence that
The Wealth of Nations was continuing to sell well in the second edi-
tion. Indeed, there is evidence to the contrary, but scholars have...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1980) 12 (2): 234–242.
Published: 01 June 1980
... taught that it was sinful to sell
a good for more or buy it for less than its just price.* The former doc-
trine corresponds to both current legal practice and conventional eco-
nomic views on the desirability of freedom of contract. The latter ap-
pears, from the point of view of modern...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1985) 17 (3): 395–402.
Published: 01 September 1985
with excellence and advertising, may have very high value. The pur-
chaser of oysters, for example, may feel that when he buys oysters
of a particular “brand” (trademark), he is getting oysters, plus some-
thing else; or in other words, not merely oysters such as others sell,
but a particular...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1983) 15 (4): 519–528.
Published: 01 November 1983
... transferable to third parties, the kethubah is more than a
passive insurance policy. It is a potentially active financial asset. Selling
her kethubah, a woman may partially realize her financial rights prior to
their actual maturity. The buyer of a kethubah will realize it under precisely
the same...