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Journal Article
History of Political Economy (2011) 43 (4): 625–648.
Published: 01 November 2011
...Teresa Tomás Rangil The writings of the American economist Jack Hirshleifer (1925–2005) are considered some of the most influential contributions to the economics of conflict. This article examines how Hirshleifer transformed the behavioral assumptions of Homo economicus (the self-interest model...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1986) 18 (2): 281–290.
Published: 01 June 1986
... Forstund Jagdzeitung , 441 -55. Fisher , I. 1977 . The theory of interest (1930), reprinted. Philadelphia. Hirshleifer , J. 1970 . Investment, interest, and capital . Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Löfgren , K. G. 1983 . ‘The Faustmann-Ohlin theorem: a historical note.’ History...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (2012) 44 (2): 195–233.
Published: 01 June 2012
..., University of Milan-Bicocca, February 2007, and at the ESHET conference, Strasbourg, July 2007. For answering various queries, I thank Gary Becker, Jack Hirshleifer, Mordecai Kurz, William Landes, Jane Mansbridge, Howard Margolis, Mark Perlman, and Gordon Tullock. For comments and suggestions, I am grateful...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1983) 15 (1): 92–105.
Published: 01 March 1983
.... Hayek , Friedrich A. 1945 . “The use of knowledge in society.” American Economic Review 35 , no. 4 (Sept.): 519 -30. Hicks , John R. 1939 . Value and capital . London. Hirshleifer , J. , and John G. Riley 1979 . “The analytics of uncertainty and information: an expository...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1989) 21 (1): 15–26.
Published: 01 March 1989
... , A. 1977 . ‘The accumulation of capital theory.’ Oxford Economic Papers 29 . 1 : 1 -29. Harcourt , G. C. 1972 . Some Cambridge controversies in the theory of capital . Cambridge. Hirshleifer , J. 1970 . Investment, interest and capital . Englewood Cliffs. Knight , F. H...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1994) 26 (2): 297–325.
Published: 01 June 1994
... grateful for discussions with Martin Bronfenbrenner (Duke), Jack Hirshleifer (UCLA), Warren Samuels (Michigan State), and colleagues at California State University, Fullerton. Some of these ideas were developed when I was a visiting fellow at the History of Ideas Unit at The Australian National University...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (2011) 43 (4): 783–785.
Published: 01 November 2011
..., Commercial Republicanism, and the Cult of Great Men in La Beaumelle’s Pensées (1752)  553 Teresa Tomás Rangil Conflict as a “Normal Economic Activity”: The Contribution of Jack Hirshleifer...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1997) 29 (suppl_1): 172–188.
Published: 01 January 1997
... Ph.D. and took a job at the r a n d Corporation. Sharpe was a graduate student at UCLA under Jack Hirshleifer, and it was Hirshleifer who arranged for Sharpe to do his dissertation under Markowitz. A History of an Intellectual Arbitrage 177 based...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (2007) 39 (1): 1–46.
Published: 01 March 2007
..., Individualistic Ethics, and Interpersonal Comparisons of Utility. Journal of Political Economy 63.4 : 309 -21. Hirshleifer, Jack. [1963] 1987 . Disaster and Recovery: An Historical Survey. In Economic Behaviour in Adversity , 5 -94. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ____. [1967] 1987 . Disaster...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1980) 12 (1): 65–82.
Published: 01 March 1980
... I. Introduction Many of the contributions of Irving Fisher to financial economics are well known. As presented by Jack Hirshleifer (1969, for example, the established theories of the asset-acquisition decision process repre- sent extensions of the basic theory developed by Fisher...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1971) 3 (2): 353–372.
Published: 01 June 1971
.... [ 1941 ]. The Pure Theory of Capital . London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd. Hicks , John R. [ 1965 ]. Capital and Growth . Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hirshleifer , J. [ 1967 ]. “A Note on the Böhm-Bawerk/Wicksell Theory of Interest.” Review of Economic Studies 34 : 191 -200...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1992) 24 (1): 61–77.
Published: 01 March 1992
... . The Socialization of the Individual in Adam Smith. HOPE 14 . 3 : 427 -39. Hirshleifer , Jack . 1985 . The Expanding Domain of Economics. American Economic Review 75 : 53 -68. Klamer , Arjo , Donald McCloskey, and Robert Solow. 1988 . The Consequences of Economic Rhetoric . Cambridge...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (2000) 32 (4): 765–788.
Published: 01 November 2000
... . The Existence of a Positive Rate of Interest in a Stationary State: A Wicksellian Enigma. In Swedish Economic Thought: Explorations and Advances , edited by Lars Jonung, 33 -45. London: Routledge. Hayek, F. A. 1941 . The Pure Theory of Capital . Chicago: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Hirshleifer, J...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (2009) 41 (1): 163–181.
Published: 01 March 2009
... Association on Its Hundredth Anniversary. Journal of the American Statistical Association 36.215 : 329 -42. Hall, Robert L., and Charles J. Hitch. 1939 . Price Theory and Business Behaviour. Oxford Economic Papers 2 (May): 12 -45. Hirshleifer, Jack. 1977 . Economics from a Biological...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1989) 21 (2): 231–251.
Published: 01 June 1989
... in political economy . Brighton, UK. Hirshleifer , J. 1970 . Investment, interest, and capital . Englewood Cliffs. Hollander , S. 1979 . The economics of David Ricardo . Tgoronto. Kaldor , N. 1972 . ‘The irrelevance of equilibrium economics.’ Economic Journal 82 : 1237 -55...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (2005) 37 (1): 27–59.
Published: 01 March 2005
...). Econometrica 33.3 : 651 -53. ____. 1969 . Rational-Choice Models of Political Behavior vs. Functionalist and Conformist Theories. World Politics 21.4 : 513 -38. Henry, Nicholas. 1995 . Public Administration and Public Affairs . 6th ed. Englewood Cliffs,N.J.: Prentice Hall. Hirshleifer, Jack...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (2010) 42 (Suppl_1): 291–314.
Published: 01 December 2010
..., and Satoshi Kanazawa. 1997 . Sociological Rational Choice Theory. Annual Review of Sociology 23 : 191 –214. Heilbroner, Robert. 1953 . The Worldly Philosophers: The Lives, Times, and Ideas of the Great Economic Thinkers . New York: Simon and Schuster. Hirshleifer, Jack. 1985 . The Expanding...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1989) 21 (3): 409–424.
Published: 01 September 1989
.... Hollander 1977 . ‘Mr. Ricardo and the moderns.’ Quarterly Journal of Economics 91 : 351 -69. Hirshleifer , J. 1970 . Investment, interest and capital . New York. Jevons , S. 1871 . The theory of political economy . London. Knight , F. 1935 . 'Ricardian theory of production...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (2001) 33 (3): 577–608.
Published: 01 September 2001
..., J. G. 1962 . Public Goods and Public Policy. Public Finance 17 : 197 -219. Hirshleifer, Jack. 1958 . Peak Loads and Efficient Pricing, Comment. Quarterly Journal of Economics 72 (August): 451 -62. Hume, David. 1767 . The History of England,from the Invasion of Julius Caesar...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (2013) 45 (3): 523–548.
Published: 01 September 2013
...-Companion . London . ———. 1727 . A New Method for Valuing Annuities upon Lives . London . Heckscher E. F. 1912 . “Skogbrukets räntabilitet” [The profitability of forestry] . Ekonomisk Tidskrift 14 : 139-56, 253-76 . Hirshleifer J. 1970 . Investment, Interest, and Capital...