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Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1980) 12 (4): 638–642.
Published: 01 November 1980
... readable, presentable, and unifying. University of New England, JOHN CUNNINGHAMWOOD New South Wales Price and Value Theory in the Aristotelian Tradition. By Odd Langholm. Bergen, Norway: Universitetsforlaget, 1979. Pp. 174. $22.00 According to the main theme...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1983) 15 (4): 501–512.
Published: 01 November 1983
... in contemporary capitalism: the backward art of living.’ Journal of Economic Issues (June): 437 -51. History of Political Economy 15:4 0 1983 by Duke University Press Returning to the Aristotelian paradigm: Daly and Schumacher...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy 11540278.
Published: 25 September 2024
...Norbert Slenzok; Krzysztof Turowski Abstract According to the dominant interpretation, Carl Menger, the founder of the Austrian school, was an Aristotelian methodologist of social science. As this article attempts to demonstrate, this influence was not decisive in shaping Menger's methodology...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1986) 18 (2): 356–359.
Published: 01 June 1986
... in the history of political economy has come from those who see theory and induction as complements rather than as substitutes. Simmons College, Boston BRADLEYW. BATEMAN Wealth and money in the Aristotelian tradition. By Odd Langholm. Bergen-Oslo- Stavanger-TromsG...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (2011) 43 (4): 683–698.
Published: 01 November 2011
... writings on usury and that his argument for its immorality is not dependent upon the proposition. These facts, which differentiate Luther from the Scholastic writers, are consistent with his opposition to Aristotelian natural philosophy and the influence of nominalism on his thought. In order to establish...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1990) 22 (S1): 263–288.
Published: 01 December 1990
...; but they include also readings of an Aristotelian sort, and I have myself made a number of contributions in clarification and defense of the latter.) Not only, I have argued, does the historical situation in which Menger found him- selfpoint to the inevitability of the Aristotelian reading;2 this reading fits also...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (2020) 52 (4): 801–808.
Published: 01 August 2020
... : Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, Gallimard . Sen Amartya . 1987 . On Ethics and Economics . Oxford : Blackwell . Wallach J. R. 1992 . “ Contemporary Aristotelianism .” Political Theory 20 , no. 4 : 613 – 41 . Book Reviews 801 interesting and scholarly) chapter on how the ideas...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1990) 22 (S1): 69–91.
Published: 01 December 1990
... to suggest that Austrian economic theory has affinities with an Aristotelian approach to the world, a suggestion made plausible by the importance that Aristotle has had for Austrian philosophical thought. The individual most responsible for popularizing the view that it is not simply plausible to discuss...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1989) 21 (4): 689–709.
Published: 01 November 1989
...) to the status of the principle of universal attraction.’ According to Joseph Schumpeter, he “blocks out a whole philosophy of the human mind” (with Aristotelian and Scholastic roots) which anticipates “the substance of Locke’s empiricism as well as the principle of associationist psychology...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1990) 22 (S1): 3–14.
Published: 01 December 1990
... interpretation of Menger as a foil in his paper. Kauder argued for a direct Aristotelian influence on Men- ger and the early Austrians, one which was transmitted through their studies of Aristotle and through the Greek philosopher's influence onfin de siecle Austrian culture. Silverman shows that the evidence...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (2020) 52 (2): 399–403.
Published: 01 April 2020
... University Press . Oslington Paul . 2018 . Political Economy as Natural Theology: Smith Malthus and Their Followers . London : Routledge . Van Staveren Irene . 2001 . The Values of Economics: An Aristotelian Perspective . London : Routledge . Vivenza Gloria...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (2000) 32 (3): 649–657.
Published: 01 September 2000
..., and the Emergence of Scientific Thought . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Langholm, Odd. 1983 . Wealth and Money in the Aristotelian Tradition: A Study in Scholastic Economic Sources . Bergen: Universitetsforlaget. ____. 1992 . Economics in the Medieval Schools . Leiden: E. J. Brill...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1984) 16 (1): 107–134.
Published: 01 March 1984
... economics. S. Todd Lowry, History of Polit- ical Economy 1 (1 969): 65, identifies Philip Wicksteed as a neoclassical economist who “recognized our Aristotelian heritage.” Writing in 1952, Joseph Soudek found that Jevons with his marginal-utility explanation of exchange “developed a theory...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (2001) 33 (1): 51–69.
Published: 01 March 2001
... des hohen und späten Mittelalters . Stuttgart: Hiersemann. Blythe, James M. 1989 . Family, Government, and the Medieval Aristotelians. History of Political Thought 10.1 : 1 -16. Bonney, Richard, ed. 1995 . Economic Systems and State Finance . Oxford: Clarendon Press. Boyle, Leonard...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1977) 9 (4): 504–521.
Published: 01 November 1977
... the revolutionary new ideas into Christian theol- ogy led to Aquinas’ dismissal from his university and to the condem- nation of his views by ecclesiastical authorities.20 So far as economic thought is concerned, one feature of the Aristotelian doctrine that Aquinas tried to assimilate is of critical...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1994) 26 (4): 725–732.
Published: 01 November 1994
... Economy of Labor: Aristotelian Themes in Economic Theory. By James Bernard Murphy. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1993. 244 pp. $25.00. Aristotle (384-322 BC). Edited by Mark Blaug. Brookfield, Vt., and Aldershot, England: Edward Elgar, 1991. 276 pp. $74.95. The Athenian...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1969) 1 (1): 44–66.
Published: 01 March 1969
... to examine systematically the evidences of Aristotelian analysis in modern economic theory. It will, however, be useful to indicate at times the Roman legal vehicle by which some of Aristotle’s ideas were transmitted into modern thought, and the Scholastic assimilation of it. Soudek, “Aristotle’s...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1986) 18 (2): 354–356.
Published: 01 June 1986
... to appreciate each other. As Ponsard argued, though, real progress in the history of political economy has come from those who see theory and induction as complements rather than as substitutes. Simmons College, Boston BRADLEYW. BATEMAN Wealth and money in the Aristotelian...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1978) 10 (2): 349–352.
Published: 01 June 1978
... Smith does not appear to have adopted any one ancient pattern of ethics. The belief that purposeful activity was the main goal of human life was both a Stoic and an Aristotelian doctrine. A protest against the current ex- pressions of Aristotelianism seemed necessary in Smith’s time because...
Journal Article
History of Political Economy (1980) 12 (4): 635–638.
Published: 01 November 1980
... in the Aristotelian Tradition. By Odd Langholm. Bergen, Norway: Universitetsforlaget, 1979. Pp. 174. $22.00 According to the main theme of this book, neoclassical economics is the product of a four-century, cumulative effort to clarify a famous diagram and a garbled text through which Aristotle...