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Journal Article
History of the Present (2017) 7 (1): 122–137.
Published: 01 April 2017
...Gary Wilder Mal<ingFreedom Time Gary Wilder This article is an expanded version ofan informal talk given in March 2015 as part of the History ofa Book lecture series hosted by the Princeton University English Depart­ ment. The talks are meant partlyfor authors to share writing experiences...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2015) 5 (2): 187–199.
Published: 01 October 2015
... research in Jerusalem; to her time in Marburg as Martin Heidegger's devoted student and passionate lover; and to discussions with friends and colleagues at dinner parties, conversations that become heated with regard to her iconoclastic and contested interpretation ofEichmann's personality. Before I turn...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2013) 3 (2): 160–197.
Published: 01 October 2013
...Sara Pursley The Stage ofAdolescence: Anticolonial Time, Youth Insurgency, and the Marriage Crisis in Hashimite Iraq Sara Pursley Modem understandings ofchildhood and adolescence, as a number ofschol­ ars haveshown, areintertwinedwithhistories ofEuropean colonialism.1 There has been less focus...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2022) 12 (1): 60–79.
Published: 01 April 2022
...Michelle Stephens Abstract In the early 2000s, Dipesh Chakrabarty powerfully defined the historical terms at stake in the shift from the postcolonial to the Anthropocene era, arguing that the posthuman image of a world without us profoundly contradicts historical practices for visualizing time...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2022) 12 (2): 271–282.
Published: 01 October 2022
... down market prices. An estimated 30 percent of US agricultural production is discarded or wasted; most of this loss is absorbed by farmers rather than by corporate processors ( Buzby ; Minor et al.). 5 Even in the best of times, this system of abundance and affordable food fails about 11 percent...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2023) 13 (1): 11–19.
Published: 01 April 2023
... at that time. I reach back to you to hold you . As an adolescent, I didn’t know whether I wanted to run away from Sri Lanka, where danger was ever present, or go back home to others whose lives resembled my own. The profound grief I felt was mingled with a burning desire to live. The adults in my life were...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2023) 13 (1): 71–86.
Published: 01 April 2023
... the pandemic, the essay suggests that the pandemic shone new light on preexisting patronage relations. However, these relations were creatively harnessed by laborers in times of crisis. Accustomed to sanctions regimes that restricted movement even before the pandemic, Yusuf facilitated his release through new...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2021) 11 (2): 119–151.
Published: 01 October 2021
... and actually reverting them back to the practice of accounting for deep times in historical writing. The argument proceeds, in a first step, by analyzing the ties between modern European mortuary cultures and historical writing. In a second step, the history of humanitarian moralities is brought to bear...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2020) 10 (1): 67–83.
Published: 01 April 2020
...Lisa Tilley Abstract The plantation continues to expand across contemporary frontiers, remaking social orders and ravaging ecologies in the service of value extraction through commodity production. This article revisits the “strange industrial order” of the plantation in 1950s Indonesia at a time...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2021) 11 (1): 53–79.
Published: 01 April 2021
... construction of the subject in our time. This account is not entirely wrong, but it does elide a great deal. It was only with Obama and the opioid crisis that the new rhetoric was elaborated in detail and fully implemented in policy. But the shift began much earlier, in the early 1990s. By 1993...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2023) 13 (2): 141–165.
Published: 01 October 2023
... culture would reproduce and secure themselves, their possessions, and their futures. This project was to be accomplished through the assimilation and at times incorporation of people, often youth, from polities understood as fundamentally other from that of their instructors and benefactors. Assessments...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2024) 14 (1): 174–191.
Published: 01 April 2024
...Rickie Solinger Abstract This autobiographical essay sets up a white middle-class young woman’s emergence as a rights-bearing, choice-making exemplar of sexual freedom and as a holder of intimate racial capital in the 1970s. At the same time, elites and various professional authorities were re...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2022) 12 (1): 34–59.
Published: 01 April 2022
... and times carves out a privileged zone of exhausted and victimized humanity, with significant implications for addressing the injuries of violated human beings in Europe and elsewhere. Throughout, this article examines how psychoanalytic approaches to the history of the traumatized subject supplement...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2024) 14 (2): 274–296.
Published: 01 October 2024
... in the 1970s. It puts Laroui in dialogue with other intellectual voices of this time to illustrate the originality of his call for the public role of historians of decolonization. The article also discusses Laroui’s political withdrawal in the next decade and his shift from Marxism to liberal state reformism...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2012) 2 (2): 107–121.
Published: 01 October 2012
...Caroline Arni; Catharine Diehl "Moi seule" 1833: Feminist Subjectivity, Temporality, and Historical Interpretation CarolineAmi Translated by Catharine Diehl In 1833, a time abounding with combative pamphlets, a particularly explicit declaration made its appearance: "This first writing by a woman...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2012) 2 (1): 1–23.
Published: 01 April 2012
... that this "is also the time when human beings switched from wood and other renewable fuels to large-scale use offossil fuel-first coal and then oil and gas:' "The mansion of modern freedom;' Chakrabarty thus observes, "stands on an ever-expanding base offossil-fuel use.Most ofour freedoms so far have been energy...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2017) 7 (1): 59–95.
Published: 01 April 2017
... the vast distances its employees cover every day, points to something else: what they do with time. The verb"synchronize" is composedofthe Greek prefix .zyn,"together;' and the word chronos,"time: In its transitive form, to synchronize refers to actions or activities that cause something to happen...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2023) 13 (1): 57–70.
Published: 01 April 2023
..., the pandemic might appear as an exceptional aberration, a suspension of time or an experience out of time. But for most, there will be no such clean break between the time before and the time after the pandemic. Let me return finally to where I began: to the mystery of the missing 1918 pandemic...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2020) 10 (1): 172–175.
Published: 01 April 2020
... and Ethics: Reading Jacques Lacan’s Seminar VII , translated by Jöttkandt Sigi . Albany : State University of New York Press , 2009 . Freud Sigmund . “ Thoughts for the Times on War and Death .” In The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud , vol. 14...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2014) 4 (2): 203–219.
Published: 01 October 2014
... oftenreads thehandyformula ofcrisis as an explanation ofthis: a"crisis" ofhistory,"dis­ oriented" history, it has beensaid,whileour relationship to time has continued to change.With our future closed off, the past has been engulfed in shadow and the present has become our sole horizon.1 In a world that now...