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Journal Article
History of the Present (2011) 1 (2): 244–258.
Published: 01 October 2011
...Angela Woods "I suffer in an unknown manner that is hieroglyphical": Jung and Babette en route to Freud and Schreber Angela Woods To begin: two fragments. The first is an embroidered jacket. It belonged to a woman called Agnes Richter who lived in an Austrian asylum in the late 1890s. In the words...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2011) 1 (1): 84–112.
Published: 01 April 2011
... she found it troubling to participate in any way whatsoever in the suffering of animals. She is not alone. A recent New York Times article reported on the trend in Europe, and more recently in the United States, to kill chickens by gassing them rather than the traditional method ofslitting...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2019) 9 (1): 27–54.
Published: 01 April 2019
... of ventures for alleviating "suffering at a distance;' in Luc Boltanski's handy formulation, arguably started with abolitionism, but included early on the "prevention ofcruelty to animals" as wellas the institution ofnationallifeboat systems (both from 1824 onward).5 This cluster of relief initiatives has...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2014) 4 (1): 49–74.
Published: 01 April 2014
... removing Jews from their homes: 2 From the start, the non-ironic piece defines the difference between Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Peace-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PETS) as a mental health expert would when compiling a pathological index: "Whereas most ofthose who suffer from stress disorders...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2023) 13 (1): 52–56.
Published: 01 April 2023
... of vulnerability, I am referring to political, social, and economic conditions that have the power to negatively impact individuals and collectives in the long term and make them more prone to suffer and impede their recovery in times of crisis. The allocation of responsibility for crisis is a central concern...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2024) 14 (2): 193–221.
Published: 01 October 2024
... Scotia who became refugees as a result of their “services, sacrifices, and sufferings in consequence of their attachment to the cause of the United States” (548). 4 For example, Michael Warner’s influential account of eighteenth-century print culture identifies the “normally impersonal” medium...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2019) 9 (2): 113–141.
Published: 01 October 2019
... goods and services, legal equality, and political representation? How will feminism be both on the side of peace and of women's refusal to forget and forgive? Revisiting Antigone opens up ways to rethink women's suffering and agency during and in the aftermath of civil war.Antigone is a figure of grief...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2019) 9 (2): 213–216.
Published: 01 October 2019
..., as a clinical psychoanalyst. Doing this work, one learns that many patients suffer not from too much repression, but from too little.This becomes all the more crucial when we recognize that our aggressive impulses are every bit as powerful as our sexual ones, a point I neglected to make clearly enough...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2015) 5 (1): 1–30.
Published: 01 April 2015
... that nonviolent resistance requires that the individual "[suffer] the penalty for their breach" ofthe law.20 They are fonder still ofinvoking Martin Luther King, Jr.and his "Letter from a Birmingham Jail;' often citing the following lines: "One who breaks an unjust law must do it openly, lovingly...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2022) 12 (1): 34–59.
Published: 01 April 2022
..., the soldiers Freud treated suffered from “reminiscences.” Unlike these civilian patients, however, their reminiscences could be traced not to a primordial or pleasurable object of desire but, unexpectedly, to their recent participation in grisly violence on the battlefield. Witnessing the involuntary reliving...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2023) 13 (1): 87–100.
Published: 01 April 2023
... refuses. She responds that the kodiya advised her against “cheating” doctors who prolonged the treatment of their patients solely to make a profit. This argument reveals a larger tension within the family over healing practitioners—the narrator reveals that his eldest brother had long suffered from...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2024) 14 (1): 138–155.
Published: 01 April 2024
..., painting a picture of her caregiving services that wove together loyalty and the toll loyalty had taken on her body. She stated that she “had served with fidelity and intention until she fell ill with the habitual infirmity [ enfermedad ] which I suffer from and took me out of service” ( Catharina v...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2011) 1 (2): i–iv.
Published: 01 October 2011
... Present BRAINS Another Neurological Scene Elizabeth A. Wilson Science, Seduction, and the Lure of Reality in Third Republic France M. Brady Brower The Metapharmacology of the "Addicted" Brain Nancy Campbell The Brain in Abeyance: Freud and the Claim of Neuropsychoanalysis Stefanos Geroulanos "I suffer...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2014) 4 (1): 75–96.
Published: 01 April 2014
... oftwo thousand dollars from Pedro Ruiz, her lover and employer. The confession was not offered voluntarily. The first British governor of a formerly Spanish Trinidad, Thomas Picton, had authorized Calderon's inquisitors to torture her, and she had admitted her guilt while suffering the pains...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2023) 13 (1): 1–10.
Published: 01 April 2023
... will suffer even more: more loss, more decimation of lives and livelihoods. It is this inevitable invocation of the Global South as a perilous, contaminating geography of vulnerability, precarity, suffering, and poverty that fuels our meditations. Our special issue refuses the continued insistence...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2018) 8 (1): 29–56.
Published: 01 April 2018
... T O RY ofthe P R E S E NT to this explanation, Jewish ritual slaughter reduces the animal's suffering by hastening its death. An alternative explanation portrays the laws ofJewish ritual slaughter as a divine commandment, whose grounds are beyond human understanding. Midrash Tanhuma presents...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2021) 11 (1): 53–79.
Published: 01 April 2021
... dependent person may suffer no obvious physical or social impairments. Thus they insisted that the two be diagnosed separately, while recognizing that the relations between them deserved careful study. But it is in the subsequent revision to this category, published in DSM-III-R (1987), that we see...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2018) 8 (1): 1–3.
Published: 01 April 2018
... suffered from it. Her analy sis not only complicates public-private distinctions by explaining how law incited private violence against indigenous peoples under the cover ofne gotiated peace, but also reveals a heretofore unrecognized but foundational 2 HISTORY ofthe PRESENT pre-history to widely...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2023) 13 (1): 133–135.
Published: 01 April 2023
... in the form of eerie, gloomy, heart-wrenching tales of personal and collective suffering. These stories are often told in a calm, pragmatic, matter-of-fact tone, one not too dissimilar from the so-called detachment of the early twentieth-century historian. They are partly animated by the impulse to preserve...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2021) 11 (2): 119–151.
Published: 01 October 2021
... of the German Eastern front, Jewish prisoners were forced to exhume the mass-buried dead from earlier in the war and cremate them. The rationale is usually given as one of destroying evidence of the crime. But it should probably also be understood not only as a novel form of cruelty added to the sufferings...