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Journal Article
History of the Present (2018) 8 (1): 88–116.
Published: 01 April 2018
...Samera Esmeir Copyright © 2018 University of Illinois Press 2018 On Becoming Less ofthe World Samera Esmeir A new word entered the English language in 1789, and soon found its way to other languages. But its effects on juridico-political life, as well as on the contending concept ofthe world...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2012) 2 (1): 52–70.
Published: 01 April 2012
...Mohamed Nachi Thinking about lkhtilaf: The Political Construction ofDifference in the Islamic Context Mohamed Nach i This is an inquiry into the question ofdifference, ofthe right to difference in Islamic societies. How is difference treated or engaged there? What are the terms ofthis debate...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2014) 4 (1): 49–74.
Published: 01 April 2014
... usually refer to as the absence of a Palestinian partner for peace. Freund describes the syndrome as an "anxiety condition": the will ofthe Israeli leadership to re­ linquish the "Land of Israel" through unilateral steps-the evacuation of some ofthe colonies established after the 1967 occupation oftheWest...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2012) 2 (1): 24–51.
Published: 01 April 2012
... on statecraft. He is also believed to have been the legendary Brahman minister ofKing Chandragupta Maurya (340-293 BCE) and the real brain behind the overthrow ofthe then-ruling dynasty ofthe Nandas and the establishment ofthe Mauryan empire, the earliest imperial formation in Indian history. Historians...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2012) 2 (1): 1–23.
Published: 01 April 2012
...Ian Baucom The Human Shore: Postcolonial Studies in an Age ofNatural Science Ian Baucom In the Winter 2009 issue of Critical Inquiry, Dipesh Chakrabarty published an essay entitled "The Climate ofHistory: Four Theses: Widely known as one ofthe leading postcolonial theorists ofhis generation...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2014) 4 (1): 1–22.
Published: 01 April 2014
...Kristin Ross Copyright © 2014 University of Illinois Press 2014 Notes on the 'Cellular Regime ofNationality' Kristin Ross Our Flag is the Flag ofthe Universal Republic When Marx wrote that what mattered most about the Paris Commune of 1871 was not any ideals it sought to realize but rather...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2018) 8 (1): 4–28.
Published: 01 April 2018
...Martti Koskenniemi Copyright © 2018 University of Illinois Press 2018 Law ofNations and the "Conflict ofthe Faculties" Martti Koskenniemi Histories of international law rarely engage with what experts-teachers and practitioners-feel to be the existential insecurity ofthe field...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2015) 5 (2): 109–136.
Published: 01 October 2015
... of1789-"men are born and remain free and equal in rights"-nor the assertion ofthe Declaration ofi793-"all men are equal by nature and before the law"-define a metahistorical content but rather one that is political and historical.2 Affirming that men areequal by naturemeans reinventing nature in two...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2018) 8 (1): 57–87.
Published: 01 April 2018
... a citizen or inhabitant ofthe U.S. and its territories, it was the duty ofthe aggrieved persons to make an application for compensation, rather than seek "private satisfaction or revenge:' Ifthe Indian nation did not itself pay the claim, the U.S. promised to do so by deducting amounts from tribal annuities...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2018) 8 (1): 29–56.
Published: 01 April 2018
... and gathers.Indeed, religio stems from religare, an intensified form ofthe same root, legere. But religion binds differently than modern secular law does. This is true not because religious law substitutes a divine sovereign for a worldly one, but rather because it creates a distinct type of bond. Modern secular law...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2012) 2 (1): 95–106.
Published: 01 April 2012
... reading" as formulated by a 2009 issue ofRepresentations. This seems like good news: no critical practice can maintain its vitality without continually questioning its theories ofreading. On a closer look, however, it turns out that these "new" ways ofreading rely on rather familiar indictments ofthe...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2015) 5 (2): 200–216.
Published: 01 October 2015
... not only the concept of violence, but also that of gender, on both a methodological and a theoreti­ cal level. Taking the violence of women head on as an object means, most History ofthe Present:AJournal ofCriticalHistory, Vol. 5, No. 2, Fall 2015. Copyright© 2015 University of Illinois Press HISTORY ofthe...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2012) 2 (1): 86–94.
Published: 01 April 2012
...Kathleen Davis Cross-Dressing the Rose: Sly Allegory in Sea ofPoppies Kathleen Davis Names continually slip their moorings in the watery world ofSea ofPoppies. Deeti, the first ofthe main characters we meet, experiences rebirth on the Ganges and takes as an alias her unused given name, Aditi...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2012) 2 (2): 122–147.
Published: 01 October 2012
... public part ofthe home, as a gift to her parents, a turd. Her parents may respond in various ways. In the culture ofFreud'sbourgeois fin-de-siecleVienna, revulsion was perhaps the most likely: a sense of distress that something expelled from the body-waste, excess-had been deposited where it did...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2011) 1 (2): 170–193.
Published: 01 October 2011
... as it was floating from the floor, cried,"It is absolutely the resistance of the magnetic field!"3 In spite of these experiences, three years, and thousands of francs spent, the research of the IGP culminated in a disappointing lack of consensus among the attending scientists about the meaning ofthe phenomena. While...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2013) 3 (1): 1–28.
Published: 01 April 2013
...Monica Kim Empire's Babel: US Military Interrogation Rooms ofthe Korean War Monica Kim The US military interrogation room has often been the site ofcontroversy, but it has seldom been the object of scrutiny. Faced with photos from Abu Ghraib and reports from Gitmo, the public has primarily honed...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2017) 7 (1): 1–32.
Published: 01 April 2017
...Peo Hansen; Stefan Jonsson Copyright © 2017 University of Illinois Press 2017 Eurafrica Incognita: The Colonial Origins ofthe European Union Peo Hansen and StefanJonsson 1. At the EU Africa Summit in Lisbon on December 8-9, 2007, the European Union and 53 African states adopted the Lisbon...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2012) 2 (1): 78–85.
Published: 01 April 2012
... howAmitav Ghosh has his "Jodu lascar" experience the fo'c's'le (forecastle), the space designated for the accommodation of seamen, on a nineteenth­ century sailing ship.1About ninety years after the historical moment chosen for the commencement ofthe Ibis's voyage to Mauritius, an engine room lamp man named...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2013) 3 (1): 29–56.
Published: 01 April 2013
... in Jurgen Habermas's justly famous study ofthe public sphere's structural condition, which argued that reading in modern capitalist nations became critical reading (with "art and art criticism, literature and literary criticism all in one [periodical and critical reading in turn encouraged the reflex...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2015) 5 (1): 95–108.
Published: 01 April 2015
...Andrew N. Rubin Copyright © 2015 University of Illinois Press 2015 Orientalism and the History ofWestem Anti-Semitism: The Coming End ofan American Taboo AndrewN. Rubin At the very end ofthe introduction to Orienta/ism, Edward W. Said makes the peculiar observation that as he was writing...