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Journal Article
History of the Present (2012) 2 (1): 1–23.
Published: 01 April 2012
...Ian Baucom The Human Shore: Postcolonial Studies in an Age ofNatural Science Ian Baucom In the Winter 2009 issue of Critical Inquiry, Dipesh Chakrabarty published an essay entitled "The Climate ofHistory: Four Theses: Widely known as one ofthe leading postcolonial theorists ofhis generation...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2013) 3 (1): 99–118.
Published: 01 April 2013
...Lee Edelman Intervention Occupy Wall Street: "Bartleby" Against the Humanities Lee Edelman OnAugust 11, 2011, MittRomney,while pursuing the Republican nomination for the presidency ofthe United States, appeared before a crowd at the Iowa State Fair to argue for cutting government spending instead...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2023) 13 (1): 57–70.
Published: 01 April 2023
...Dwaipayan Banerjee Abstract In the history of medicine, the 1918 influenza pandemic (otherwise known as the Spanish flu) occupies a curious place. For decades, historians have claimed that this event reshaped human history, but then somehow disappeared, leaving little historical trace. They have...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2022) 12 (1): 34–59.
Published: 01 April 2022
... and times carves out a privileged zone of exhausted and victimized humanity, with significant implications for addressing the injuries of violated human beings in Europe and elsewhere. Throughout, this article examines how psychoanalytic approaches to the history of the traumatized subject supplement...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2021) 11 (1): 23–52.
Published: 01 April 2021
... of the sulāliyāt through an interdisciplinary examination of their leadership. The sulāliyāt challenge to official narratives of development and universalist human rights signals their capacity to formulate alternative local meanings of land ownership. Soukat was reluctant to take part in the public debate...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2021) 11 (1): 53–79.
Published: 01 April 2021
..., for a human life. The article reveals this shift through a set of historical readings across four venues in the period 1980–1993: scientific research, diagnostic protocols, judicial practice, and political rhetoric. More than an empirical advance, this shift in addiction discourse reflects a novel...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2022) 12 (1): 80–102.
Published: 01 April 2022
...Max Cavitch Abstract Psychoanalysis is often wrongly perceived to be uninterested in history. Yet, as the most comprehensive and sophisticated basis for the exploration of human consciousness, the field of psychoanalysis, from its inception to the present, has continued to offer unprecedented...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2022) 12 (1): 60–79.
Published: 01 April 2022
... of historical thinking are always already colored by the anxieties and neurotic symptoms of the colonialist viewer. The argument then traces experimental hypotheses regarding the near and deep history of the human by key figures from the late nineteenth through the early twenty-first centuries—such as Sigmund...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2022) 12 (2): 283–297.
Published: 01 October 2022
... more attention. It also explores the Afro-Asian antinomies of Indian Ocean studies as a reflection of broader critical ambivalences about questions of colonial humanism and anticolonial liberation. Works Cited Alexander Meena . Atmospheric Embroidery . Evanston, IL : TriQuarterly , 2018...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2011) 1 (1): 113–129.
Published: 01 April 2011
...Wendy Brown Interventions Neoliberalized Knowledge Wendy Brown Only a few years ago, "crisis of the humanities" might have referred to the long slow decline in the numbers of university students studying the humanities, or to one or another element ofthe culture wars-identity politics...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2023) 13 (2): 275–283.
Published: 01 October 2023
... disciplinary policing that, however, presents itself as a courageous transgression of prevailing disciplinary norms in the name of some higher truth. Sweet is not alone among historians, or more broadly humanities scholars, in enacting the spectacle of transgression. A similar sensibility animates...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2014) 4 (2): 171–202.
Published: 01 October 2014
...:'2 Ideally such a theory would be best expressed in a"mathematical scheme: one that could be represented by a single and simple"formula compact enough to wear on your T-shirt:'3 And even better would be if such a theory could be extended to include not just the natural sciences but the humanities...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2011) 1 (1): 84–112.
Published: 01 April 2011
... their throats, in an effort to appeal to consumers who prefer their meat to be "humanely slaughtered:'1 It seems like an idea whose time has come: that there is no reason why we cannot be both compassionate and carnivorous. In theAmericanmedia, Temple Grandin has become the publicface ofthese carnivorous...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2019) 9 (1): 27–54.
Published: 01 April 2019
... went unheeded. The incoming tide, combining with an unrelenting swell, flooded and destroyedtheAmphitrite a little after nine p. m. , probably less than six hours after the stranding. It was only from one of the survivors that local helpers finally learned that the vessel had carried humans...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2019) 9 (1): 1–26.
Published: 01 April 2019
... that the ontological continuities thatlrigaray finds relentlessly underwriting Western conceptualizations of the human subject might persist and return only insofar as they always also twist and turn within the historical domains across which they wander. Foucault's careful consideration ofearly Christianity's...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2015) 5 (2): 109–136.
Published: 01 October 2015
...Massimiliano Tomba 1793: The Neglected Legacy ofInsurgent Universality Massimiliano Tomba Insurgent universality refers to the excess ofequality and freedom over the juridicalframe ofuniversal human rights. It announces a politics beyond the state. While the histories ofhuman rights usually give...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2016) 6 (1): 87–103.
Published: 01 April 2016
...Ethan Kleinberg Intervention Justthe Facts: The Fantasy ofa Historical Science Ethan Kleinberg One tries, one strives, but in the end it is not attained.Let none be im­ patient with this! The important thing [ is always) how we deal with humanity as it is, explicable or inexplicable; the life...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2020) 10 (1): 176–182.
Published: 01 April 2020
... of Communication . Urbana : University of Illinois Press , 1949 . Wiener Norbert . The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society . New York : Houghton Mifflin , 1950 . 4 On the history of this cybernetic fold, see Hayles; Dupuy; Pickering; Halpern; and Kline. 3 The first...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2018) 8 (1): 29–56.
Published: 01 April 2018
... ifnot exclusively-the relationship between hu­ man beings, whereas religious law, in its historical context, primarily binds humans to other beings both worldly and divine, and only secondarily or simultaneously to each other. While all religions form normative bonds, the law-like bonding power...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2012) 2 (2): 200–218.
Published: 01 October 2012
..., to entertain and absolve. All representations of human rights abuses are complex productions, combining in their best incarnationsfactual documentation with emotion­ ally arresting ways of gaining the viewers' attention. Like much of contemporary journalism, human rights representations utilize the presumed...