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Journal Article
History of the Present (2018) 8 (2): 209–232.
Published: 01 October 2018
...Pascal Marichalar Copyright © 2018 University of Illinois Press 2018 Dying for a Living: Economic and Moral Restructuring in a French Factory Pascal Marichalar In 1897, after a decade of intense scholarly work, Max Weber suffered a ner­ vous breakdown'. For most of the six years that followed...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2020) 10 (2): 209–235.
Published: 01 October 2020
...Sophie Wahnich; Alexander Dunlop; Sylvia Schafer Abstract In the spring of Year II (1794), the future of French society was uncertain. This article looks at the response to the uncertainty of three members of the Committee on Public Safety, who discussed the need to choose between a revolutionary...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2019) 9 (1): 84–112.
Published: 01 April 2019
.... -Jules Moch, Delegate for France to the United Nations, 1959 [T]he question of nuclear tests is nothing other than a project of recolo­ nization -Ahmed Sekou Toure, President of Guinea and Delegate to the United Nations, 1959 On February 14, 2 014, the popular French daily Le Parisien published "Le...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2024) 14 (2): 274–296.
Published: 01 October 2024
... African historiography have either dismissed it as an ideological text or lauded it as an ambitious attempt to call out French hegemony in its former colonies. This essay offers an alternative reading that underlines its social and political dimensions in the context of Moroccan nation-building...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2014) 4 (1): 1–22.
Published: 01 April 2014
... performing sentry duty late at night. The Papal Army had fought on the side ofthe French in the Franco­ Prussian War but disbanded when the latter entered Paris; this fact helps explain the African's presence in the area at the time but it does not explain his conversion to the Commune. But beyond...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2017) 7 (1): 1–32.
Published: 01 April 2017
... concluded their negotiations in preparation for theTreatyofRome, the front­ page headline ofLe Monde ran, "TowardEurafrica:'7 A few days later, French premier Guy Mollet paid an official visit to President Eisenhower, bringing with him the news that not only hadEuropeans decided to unite but that "an even...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2015) 5 (2): 109–136.
Published: 01 October 2015
..., it is important to note that the political content of the first French Declaration is polemically oriented against the Ancien Regime and its privileges, whereas the second expresses the excess of political univer­ sality.4 Indeed, the tradition of the first declaration shows how individuals strip themselves...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2014) 4 (2): 115–142.
Published: 01 October 2014
... Historikerstreit [historians' battle]; Pierre Nora's defense of the French refusal to publish a translation ofEric Hobsbawm's TheAge ofExtremes in the 1990s; and the broader political context of the Prague Declaration. The current upsurge in East European commemorations for the victims of communism originates from...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2013) 3 (2): 140–159.
Published: 01 October 2013
... doctors. -Charles Daremberg, Histoire des sciences medicales, vol. 1, 1870 Medical critique compares the medical artof the presentwith that ofthe pastand values the pastthanks to the present. -Jose Miguel Guardia, La medecine a travers /es siecles, 1865 The French nineteenth century was characterized...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2017) 7 (1): 122–137.
Published: 01 April 2017
... TheFrenchImperialNation-State: Negritude and Colonial Humanism Between the World Wars in 2005, I sketched out a new research project on the relationship between the French impe­ rial wars of colonial liberation during decolonization in the 1950s, the emergence of "romantic" mercenaries during the postcolonial period...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2011) 1 (2): 265–274.
Published: 01 October 2011
..., an equivalentof Thilo Sarrazin's bestseller in Germany.1 The French book presents sub-Saharan Africans from the Sahel as unassimilable because of their patriarchal culture whose sexism is supposedly best illus­ trated by the practice of polygamy. My correspondent concluded: "Please stop exploiting us, and devote...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2011) 1 (2): 170–193.
Published: 01 October 2011
... that the new history showed toward the subjective and solitary method of philosophy and literature is also to be found in the eagerness with which French psychology turned in this period to objective and experimental methods modeled on the work of German pioneers like WilhelmWundt.16 It was the desire...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2012) 2 (2): 148–168.
Published: 01 October 2012
... the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen of 1793 150 HISTORY ofthe PRESENT as an example.There, liberty is the right to do anything that does not harm the rights of others; property is "the practical application of the right of liberty: It is, Marx noted, "the right ofself-interestIt leads...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2018) 8 (1): 4–28.
Published: 01 April 2018
... and disciplinary, as both groups worked to capture those transformations in a novel professional vocabulary. Eventually, a notion of ius gentium (law of nations) was invoked on both sides to justify and ex­ plain opposing positions on royal power. By the end ofthe century it would be customary for French civil...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2011) 1 (1): 59–83.
Published: 01 April 2011
... to the elite balls staged at the Opera and those held in guingettes on the city's margins.13 Fur­ ther regulations fixed the days on which dances could be held and restricted costumes and cross-dressing to carnival time.14 These police instructions used Article 330 of the French penal code, which criminalized...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2022) 12 (2): 183–206.
Published: 01 October 2022
... ( Noiriel, Gilets jaunes 116–17 ). 3 Ran Halévi contrasts this with the Revolution, when the French hated aristocrats and privileges, but not Louis XVI, despite the Jacobins’ efforts. 4 Critics of Macron drew on a historical text in a similar fashion. Referencing The Eighteenth Brumaire...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2024) 14 (2): 193–221.
Published: 01 October 2024
.... In “The Decline of the Nation-State,” Arendt briefly discusses the US Declaration of Independence (1776), the French Declaration of the Rights of Man (1789), and Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France ( 1790 ). She does not discuss the most influential contemporary respondent to Burke, Thomas Paine...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2019) 9 (2): 217–232.
Published: 01 October 2019
... in the production of the criteria of exclusion, discipline, and transformation of illegalism (illegalisme) into delinquency, Foucault characterizes illegalism in oppositional terms, such as French peasants' refasal to pay taxes, refasal of conscription, or refasal of a new proprietary regime. It is about "illegal...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2015) 5 (1): 65–82.
Published: 01 April 2015
... in Hegelianand Marxist ideas, were alternatelydescribed (without irony) as re­ ductive or universalizing. As a corollary issue in the sociologyofknowledge, then, my contention is that Orienta/ism has been too quickly assimilated into a scholarly paradigm whose framework is seen as more French than Ger­ man...
Journal Article
History of the Present (2024) 14 (1): 156–173.
Published: 01 April 2024
... of action. Planters (mostly French) resented and blamed the more “lenient” Spanish slave code for increased marronage but did not want to pay taxes to fund the slave-catching missions they demanded ( Din, “Cimarrones” 241 ). The fears and the increasing level of alarm of the planters is documented...