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Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2015) 95 (3): 493–498.
Published: 01 August 2015
...Diego Armus; Mark Healey Copyright © 2015 by Duke University Press 2015 Tulio Halperin Donghi, a towering figure in the fields of Argentine and Latin American history, died on November 14, 2014, in Berkeley, California. Incisive and prolific, Halperin was a twentieth-century intellectual...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1994) 74 (1): 63–82.
Published: 01 February 1994
... for civil engineers at the Universidad de Antioquia. The latter was the immediate predecessor of the Escuela de Minas; when the Escuela opened, on April 11, 1887, it simply inherited the program’s facilities, faculty, and students. 8 Founded by the brothers Pedro Nel and Tulio Ospina...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1988) 68 (1): 179–180.
Published: 01 February 1988
...Alicia Vidaurreta José Hernández y sus mundos . By Donghi Tulio Halperín . Buenos Aires : Editorial Sudamericana-Instituto Torcuata Di Telia : 1985 . Pp. 344 . Paper. Copyright 1988 by Duke University Press 1988 La personalidad conflictiva de José Hernández en sus facetas...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1982) 62 (2): 311.
Published: 01 May 1982
...Jonathan Brown Proyecto y construcción de una nación (Argentina 1846-1880) . Edited by Donghi Tulio Halperín . Caracas : Biblioteca Ayacucho , 1980 . Chronology . Pp. cii , 599 . Paper. Copyright 1982 by Duke University Press 1982 From the anti-Rosas protests...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1995) 75 (3): 500–501.
Published: 01 August 1995
...David Bushnell Sarmiento: Author of a Nation . Edited by Donghi Tulio Halperín . Berkeley : University of California Press , 1994 . Tables. Notes. Bibliography. Index. x, 398 pp. Cloth , $50.00 . Paper , $20.00 . Copyright 1995 by Duke University Press 1995...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1986) 66 (4): 775–776.
Published: 01 November 1986
...Woodrow Borah Reforma y disolución de los imperios ibéricos, 1750-1850 . By Halperín-Donghi Tulio . Madrid : Alianza Editorial , 1985 . Historia de América Latina, 3 . Bibliography . Pp. 383 . Paper. Copyright 1986 by Duke University Press 1986 Periodization of the flow...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1979) 59 (4): 756–757.
Published: 01 November 1979
...David Rock Los ciclos históricos argentinos . By Ortiz Tulio Eduakdo . Introduction by Campos Germán J. Bidart . Buenos Aires , 1977 . Editorial Plus Ultra . Tables. Appendixes. Notes. Bibliography . Pp. 237 . Paper . Copyright 1979 by Duke University Press 1979...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1984) 64 (1): 207–208.
Published: 01 February 1984
... Prólogo, by Gustavo Ferrari and Ezequiel Gallo; Un nuevo clima de ideas, by Tulio Halperín Donghi; Juan Bautista Alberdi, by Jorge M. Mayer; La presidencia de Avellaneda, by María Cristina San Román and Guillermo Horacio Gasió; Bartolomé Mitre, by Juan R. Aguirre Lanari; La ocupación del...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1978) 58 (4): 697–699.
Published: 01 November 1978
...Tulio Halperin Donghi * The author is Professor of History at the University of California, Berkeley. Copyright 1978 by Duke University Press 1978 Carlos Real de Azúa murió en Montevideo, donde había nacido, su última residencia no muy distante de su casa natal. En ese teatro...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1979) 59 (2): 324–325.
Published: 01 May 1979
...Tulio Halperin Donghi Artigas y su revolución agraria, 1811-1820 . By Sala de Touron Lucía , de la Torre Nelson , and Rodríguez Julio C. . México , 1978 . Siglo Veintiuno Editores . Maps. Notes . Pp. 322 . Paper. Copyright 1979 by Duke University Press 1979 Thanks...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2005) 85 (3): 487–489.
Published: 01 August 2005
...Tulio Halperin Donghi Copyright 2005 by Duke University Press 2005 La unánime desolación (y es la palabra justa) con que la noticia de la muerte de Enrique Tandeter fue recibida—tanto por sus colegas argentinos como por los estudiosos de la historia colonial de Hispanoamérica—permitió...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1995) 75 (4): 733.
Published: 01 November 1995
...Tulio Halperín Donghi Frontier Development: Land, Labour, and Capital on the Wheatlands of Argentina and Canada . By Adelman Jeremy . New York : Oxford University Press , 1994 . Maps. Graphs. Tables. Figures. Appendixes. Notes. Bibliography. Index. xiii, 322 pp. Cloth . $62.00...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1989) 69 (3): 576–577.
Published: 01 August 1989
...Tulio HalperÍn Donghi Central among those intuitions was the conviction that the proper subject of history was human activity and not its products; i.e., to paraphrase Wilhelm von Humboldt’s dictum on language, history is not about ergon but about energeia . One can see here how...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1989) 69 (1): 130–131.
Published: 01 February 1989
...Tulio Halperin Donghi America Latina: Dallo stato coloniale allo stato nazione . 2 vols. By Annino Antonio . Turin, Italy : Università Degli Studi de Torino, Dipartimento de Studi Politici , 1987 . Notes. Figures. Graphs. Tables . Pp. 1097 . Paper. Copyright 1989 by Duke...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1987) 67 (3): 518–519.
Published: 01 August 1987
...Tulio Halperin-Donghi The Cambridge History of Latin America . Vol. IV. C. 1870-1930 . Edited by Bethel Leslie . New York : Cambridge University Press , 1986 . Maps. Tables. Notes. Bibliographical Essays. Index . Pp. xviii , 676 . Cloth . Copyright 1987 by Duke University...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1986) 66 (4): 781–782.
Published: 01 November 1986
...Tulio Halperín Donghi Argentina, 1516-1982: From Spanish Colonization to the Falklands War . By Rock David . Berkeley : University of California Press , 1985 . Maps. Tables. Illustrations. Notes. Bibliography. Index . Pp. xxix , 478 . Cloth. $35.00 Copyright 1986 by Duke...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1984) 64 (2): 320–322.
Published: 01 May 1984
...Tulio Halperín-Donghi What he stresses is the presence of a hitherto undetected system of credit that gives the lie to the notion that the Royal Treasury could meet expenses only with disposable funds: instead, interest-free credit by the ramos to the masa común came to the rescue when...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1984) 64 (2): 414–415.
Published: 01 May 1984
... Alberto Romero; Españoles y criollos, José Luis Moreno; Tradicionalismo y renovación, Gregorio Weinberg; Del barro al ladrillo, Ricardo Figueira; La arquitectura colonial, Ramón Gutiérrez; La ciudad jacobina, José Luis Romero; Consecuencias de la libertad comercial, Tulio Halperín Donghi; Elite, facciones...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1980) 60 (1): 123–125.
Published: 01 February 1980
...Leon G. Campbell El ocaso del orden colonial en Hispanoamérica . By Donghi Tulio Halperin . Buenos Aires , 1978 . Editorial Sudamericana . Tables. Maps. Notes. Bibliography . Pp. 247 . Paper. Copyright 1980 by Duke University Press 1980 Tulio Halperin Donghi has compiled...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1974) 54 (4): 709–711.
Published: 01 November 1974
...Frank Safford The Aftermath of Revolution in Latin America . By Halperín-Donghi Tulio . Translated by de Bunsen Josephine . New York , 1973 . Harper & Row . Bibliography. Index . Pp. viii , 149 . Paper. $2.95 . Copyright 1974 by Duke University Press 1974 When...