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Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1992) 72 (3): 448–449.
Published: 01 August 1992
...William Schell A Mexican View of America in the 1860s: A Foreign Diplomat Describes the Civil War and Reconstruction . Translated and edited by Schoonover Thomas D. . Cranbury, N.J. : Associated University Presses , 1991 . Notes. Index . 271 pp. Cloth . $39.50 . Copyright...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2024) 104 (2): 314–316.
Published: 01 May 2024
...Patience A. Schell [email protected] Catholic Women and Mexican Politics, 1750–1940 . By Margaret Chowning . Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press , 2023 . Photographs. Maps. Figures. Tables. Appendix. Notes. Bibliography. Index. xiii, 362 pp. Cloth, $45.00...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1934) 14 (1): 1–31.
Published: 01 February 1934
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2003) 83 (3): 606–607.
Published: 01 August 2003
...William Schell, Jr. Empire and Revolution: The Americans in Mexico since the Civil War . By Hart John Mason . Berkeley : University of California Press , 2002 . Photographs. Map. Tables. Appendixes. Notes. Bibliography. Index . xii , 677 pp. Cloth , $39.95 . Copyright 2003...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2006) 86 (1): 123–126.
Published: 01 February 2006
...William Schell Gunder continued to battle social injustice by writing and speaking against the U.S. war in Iraq and against the mal effects of uncontrolled, greed-driven globalization almost until the day he died. He is survived by his sons, Paul and Miguel, from his marriage to Marta and by his...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2012) 92 (1): 203–204.
Published: 01 February 2012
...William Schell, Jr. Leading Them to the Promised Land: Woodrow Wilson, Covenant Theology, and the Mexican Revolution, 1913–1915 . By Benbow Mark . Kent, OH : Kent State University Press , 2010 . Illustrations. Notes. Bibliography. Index . xiii , 204 pp. Cloth , $49.00...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1999) 79 (4): 799–800.
Published: 01 November 1999
...William Schell, Jr. México-India: similitudes y encuentros a través de la historia . Edited by Uchmany Eva Alexandra . Mexico City : Fondo de Cultura Económica , 1998 . Photographs. Illustrations. Map. Table. Figure. Notes , xii, 300 pp. Cloth . Copyright 1999 by Duke...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1998) 78 (1): 119–120.
Published: 01 February 1998
...William Schell, Jr. Copyright 1998 by Duke University Press 1998 Two weeks into the new year, my friend Victor hanged himself. He was a complex man, haunted and conflicted. He had a keen mind and a highly developed sense of the absurd. He was a lifelong populist, and his red-clay Georgia...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1995) 75 (2): 287–288.
Published: 01 May 1995
...William Schell, Jr. En busca de un gobierno alterno: los Guadalupes de México . By Guedea Virginia . Mexico City ; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México , 1992 . Appendixes. Notes. Bibliography. Index . 412 pp. Paper . Copyright 1995 by Duke University Press 1995...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1997) 77 (4): 683–684.
Published: 01 November 1997
...William Schell, Jr. Latin Americanists may be disappointed by the short shrift Vassberg gives to transatlantic migration. While noting that “networks of friendship, kin, and business associates” (p. 85) closely connected Spain to its colonies and further encouraged migration, he says nothing...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2010) 90 (3): 553–554.
Published: 01 August 2010
...William Schell, Jr. My criticisms notwithstanding, there is much to recommend Henderson’s work and I expect most readers will agree with William Beezley’s evaluation that Henderson “has written the best short history [of independence] available” (cover notes). Henderson also overlooks...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2001) 81 (1): 89–133.
Published: 01 February 2001
...William Schell, Jr. 97 Lillian M. Li, “Silks by Sea: Trade, Technology, and Enterprise in China and Japan,” Business History Review 56 (1982): 212–13. 96 Hao, Commercial Revolution , 49–50, 78–83; Feuerwerker, “Economic Trends in the Late Ch’ing,” 57; and Stanley, Late Ch’ing...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1977) 57 (3): 479–503.
Published: 01 August 1977
...Louisa Schell Hoberman 78 AGN, BN, leg. 220, exp. 1 and 2. 77 Enrique Otte, “Los mercaderes vizcaínos Sancho Ortiz de Urrutia y Juan de Urrutia,” Boletín Histórico. Fundación John Boulton , 6 (Caracas, 1966), 30. 76 AGN, BN, leg. 489, exp. 9. 75 AN, Moreno, Sept. 5, 1630...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1999) 79 (1): 133–135.
Published: 01 February 1999
...Louisa Schell Hoberman Santiago de Guatemala, 1541–1775: City, Caste, and the Colonial Experience . By Lutz Christopher H. . Norman : University of Oklahoma Press , 1997 . Plates. Maps. Tables. Figure. Appendixes. Notes. Glossary. Bibliography. Index . xx , 346 pp. Paper, $16.95...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1995) 75 (1): 96–97.
Published: 01 February 1995
...Louisa Schell Hoberman Take the happy report on the construction of a ballcourt in Zacatecas. A winner’s purse of two thousand pesos has been pledged to attract players from both Americas. “Persons” have objected, however, so the Gazeta dutifully insists that “all proceeds from the games...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1997) 77 (2): 306–308.
Published: 01 May 1997
...Louisa Schell hoberman Ciencia y técnica en la metropolización de América . By Catala José Sala . Madrid : Doce Calles , 1994 . Photographs. Illustrations. Maps. Notes. Index. 346 pp. Cloth . Copyright 1997 by Duke University Press 1997 During the 1980s, a younger...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1978) 58 (3): 503–504.
Published: 01 August 1978
...Louisa Schell Hoberman Since all seven reports thus reflect the situation of their authors, they should be read in conjunction with other kinds of sources. However, by making available a very significant body of material, previously scattered in rare editions and unwieldy multivolume collections...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1980) 60 (3): 491–492.
Published: 01 August 1980
...Louisa Schell Hoberman Historia, tradiciones y leyendas de calles de México . By de Valle-Arizpe Artemio . México , 1978 . Editorial Diana . Pp. 829 . Paper. Copyright 1980 by Duke University Press 1980 Legend rather than history is the stuff of this popular work...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2005) 85 (2): 343–344.
Published: 01 May 2005
...Stephen E. Lewis Church and State Education in Revolutionary Mexico City . By Schell Patience A. . Tucson : University of Arizona Press , 2003 . Photographs. Illustrations. Maps. Tables. Notes. Bibliography. Index. Cloth , $50.00 . Copyright 2005 by Duke University Press 2005...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2002) 82 (2): 377–379.
Published: 01 May 2002
...John Lear Integral Outsiders: The American Colony in Mexico City, 1876–1911 . By Schell William Jr . Latin American Silhouettes . Wilmington, Del. : Scholarly Resources , 2001 . Photographs. Notes. Bibliography. Index . xix , 274 pp. Cloth , $55.00 . Copyright 2002...