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1-20 of 403 Search Results for
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Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1965) 45 (3): 484–487.
Published: 01 August 1965
...James J. Parsons Flowers for the King; The Expedition of Ruiz and Pavón and the Flora of Perú . By Steele Arthur Robert . Durham , 1964 . Duke University Press . Bibliography. Index. Notes. Pictures. Tables . Pp. 378 . Copyright 1965 by Duke University Press 1965 Spain’s...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1945) 25 (2): 273–274.
Published: 01 May 1945
...William Pratt Dale, II Travels of Ruiz, Pavón, and Dombey in Peru and Chile ( 1777-1788 ) . By Ruiz Hipólito . With an epilogue and official documents added by Barreiro Agustín Jesus . Translated by Dahlgren B. E. . [ Field Museum of Natural History, Botanical Series, Vol...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1943) 23 (4): 735–736.
Published: 01 November 1943
...Dorothy Schons Copyright 1943 by Duke University Press 1943 Juan Ruiz de Alarcón, su vida y su obra . By Leal Antonio Castro . ( Mexico : Ediciones Cuadernos Americanos , 1943 . Vol. II . Pp. 270 .) ...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1939) 19 (4): 542–544.
Published: 01 November 1939
...Dorothy Schons Copyright 1939 by Duke University Press 1939 Juan Ruiz de Alarcón y su tiempo . By Rueda Julio Jiménez . ( Mexico : José Porrua y Hijos , 1939 . Pp. 327 .) ...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1956) 36 (3): 421.
Published: 01 August 1956
...Pierre Chaunu Copyright 1956 by Duke University Press 1956 Une famille de marchands: les Ruiz. Contribution a l’étude du commerce entre la France et l Espagne au temps de Philippe II . By Lapeyre Henri . Paris , 1955 . A. Colin . Centre de Recherches Historiques de l’Ecole...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1958) 38 (3): 407–408.
Published: 01 August 1958
...Irving A. Leonard Obras completas de Juan Ruiz de Alarcón . Vol. I. Teatro . Edited by Carlo Augustín Millares . Introduction by Reyes Alfonso . Mexico City , 1957 . Fondo de Cultura Económica . Biblioteca Americana, Literatura Colonial, No. 33 . Notes . Pp. liv , 1022...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2020) 100 (2): 341–343.
Published: 01 May 2020
...Julia Madajczak Guardians of Idolatry: Gods, Demons, and Priests in Hernando Ruiz de Alarcón's “Treatise on the Heathen Superstitions .” By Viviana Díaz Balsera . Norman : University of Oklahoma Press , 2018 . Figures. Notes. Bibliography. Index. xii, 209 pp. Cloth , $45.00...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1983) 63 (4): 798.
Published: 01 November 1983
...Samuel L. Baily La clase obrera en la historia de México: De Adolfo Ruiz Cortines a Adolfo López Mateos (1952-1964) . By Reyna José Luis and Delarbre RaúL Trejo . Mexico City : Siglo Veintiuno Editores , 1981 . Notes . Pp. 188 . Paper . Copyright 1983 by Duke University...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1989) 69 (2): 339–340.
Published: 01 May 1989
...Teofilo F. Ruiz A Society Organized for War: The Iberian Municipal Militias in the Central Middle Ages, 1000-1284 . By Powers James F. . Berkeley : University of California Press , 1988 . Maps. Plates. Tables. Appendixes. Notes. Glossary. Bibliography. Index . Pp. 365 . Cloth...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1989) 69 (1): 129–130.
Published: 01 February 1989
...Ramón Eduardo Ruiz In their book, Josefina Zoraida Vázquez and Lorenzo Meyer have, to their credit, written a Mexican version of Mexican-U.S. relations. As volumes come and go, it is small, but, despite its size, packs a wallop. Though diplomats by birth and inclination, Vázquez and Meyer tell...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1987) 67 (1): 172–173.
Published: 01 February 1987
...Ramón Eduardo Ruiz La pobreza en México . By Navarro Moisés González . Mexico City : El Colegio de México , 1985 . Notes. Bibliography. Index . Pp. 494 . Paper. Copyright 1987 by Duke University Press 1987 For over three decades, Moisés González Navarro has been writing...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1991) 71 (2): 385–386.
Published: 01 May 1991
...Teófilo F. Ruiz Emperor of Culture. Alfonso X the Learned of Castile and His Thirteenth-Century Renaissance . Edited by Burns Robert I. . Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press , 1990 . xii , 272 pp. Copyright 1991 by Duke University Press 1991 The thirteen...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1963) 43 (1): 157–158.
Published: 01 February 1963
...Ramón E. Ruiz Memorias de un juez de pueblo . By Palma Rafael Pérez . México , 1961 . Librería de Manuel Porrúa, S.A . Pp. 177 . Paper. Copyright 1963 by Duke University Press 1963 Informative and delightfully-written books are rare. Rafael Pérez Palma is the author of one...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1965) 45 (3): 509–510.
Published: 01 August 1965
...Ramón Ruiz From the account of María y Campos, Blanco emerges a hero and martyr, the victim of ambitious rivals. His tragic death—he was shot in the back while attempting to swim the Río Grande—the author blames on Obregón, who never forgave Blanco for his independence. Carranza, who exiled...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1967) 47 (3): 409–410.
Published: 01 August 1967
...Ramón E. Ruiz New Patterns in Old Mexico. A Study of Town and Metropolis . By Hayner Norman S. and Hayner Una Middleton . New Haven , 1966 . College and University Press . Illustrations. Notes. Index . Pp. 316 . $6.00 . The Caribbean: Mexico Today . Edited by Wilgus...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1962) 42 (2): 277–278.
Published: 01 May 1962
...Ramón E. Ruiz Historia de las relaciones entre México y los Estados Unidos, 1819-1848 . By García Carlos Bosch . México , 1961 . Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales . Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México . Pp. 297 . Copyright 1962 by Duke University Press 1962...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1962) 42 (2): 278.
Published: 01 May 1962
...Ramón E. Ruiz Writing polemics against Lázaro Cárdenas, former president and reformer, is an old pastime in Mexico. Carlos Alvear Acevedo has written the latest of them. In his study, Cárdenas is the fool, the plotter, and the Communist. Everything the man from Michoacán attempted, the author...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1962) 42 (4): 627.
Published: 01 November 1962
...Ramón E. Ruiz Forjadores de la revolución mexicana . By Bojórquez Juan de Dios . Mexico City , 1960 . Instituto Nacional de Estudios Históricos de la Revolución Mexicana . Pp. 172 . Paper. Copyright 1962 by Duke University Press 1962 Juan de Dios Bojórquez lived during...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1961) 41 (2): 317.
Published: 01 May 1961
...Ramón Eduardo Ruiz Asesinato de Carranza . By Urquizo Francisco L. México , 1959 . Populibros “La Prensa.” Pp. 234 . Paper . $.50 . Copyright 1961 by Duke University Press 1961 Many Mexican leaders have perished by treason and the sword, but none died as tragically...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1969) 49 (1): 152–153.
Published: 01 February 1969
...Ramón E. Ruiz Vasconcelos of Mexico. Philosopher and Prophet . By Haddox John H. . Austin , 1967 . University of Texas Press . Illustration. Notes. Appendices. Bibliography. Index . Pp. ix , 103 . $3.50 . Copyright 1969 by Duke University Press 1969 In his last chapter...