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Published: 01 November 2006
Figure 1 Dotted lines represent Spanish/casta parish boundaries. Solid lines mark Indian parish boundaries. The graphic data are drawn from a 1793 map of the city recreated in the CD-ROM Ciudades capitales: Una visión histórica urbana , vol. 5 (Mexico: Instituto Nacional de Estadística More
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1978) 58 (2): 332–333.
Published: 01 May 1978
... even succeeded in overthrowing it, while still others superseded it and dealt directly with federal presidents. Leal’s coronelismo on the other hand is more representative of a south-central variety such as would be found in Minas Gerais. Aside from being the pioneer on the subject, Leal...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2011) 91 (3): 535–536.
Published: 01 August 2011
...Michael E. Smith The Art of Urbanism: How Mesoamerican Kingdoms Represented Themselves in Architecture and Imagery . Edited by Fash William L. and Luján Leonardo López . Washington, DC : Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collections / Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2012) 92 (2): 373–374.
Published: 01 May 2012
...Joseph L. Arbena Representing the Nation: Sport and Spectacle in Post-Revolutionary Mexico . By Brewster Claire Brewster Keith . New York : Routledge , 2010 . Photographs. Illustrations. Notes. Bibliography. Index. xiv, 177 pp. Cloth . Copyright 2012 by Duke University Press...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1964) 44 (1): 96–97.
Published: 01 February 1964
...Elmer Wm. Flaccus Mexico: Ancient and Modern. As Represented by a Selection of Works in the Bancroft Library . Berkeley , 1962 . Friends of the Bancroft Library . University of California . Illustrations. Maps . Pp. 95 . Paper. Copyright 1964 by Duke University Press 1964...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1940) 20 (3): 380–401.
Published: 01 August 1940
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1941) 21 (3): 508–510.
Published: 01 August 1941
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1934) 14 (3): 339–340.
Published: 01 August 1934
...Percy Alvin Martin The Modernist Trend in Spanish-American Poetry. Collection of Representative Poems of the Modernist Movement and the Reaction . Translated into English Verse with a Commentary by Craig G. Dundas . ( Berkeley : University of California Press , 1934 . Pp. xii , 347...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1975) 55 (4): 828–830.
Published: 01 November 1975
...Edward Glab, Jr. United States and Chile during the Allende Years, 1970-1973. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Inter-American Affairs of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives . Washington , 1975 . U. S. Government Printing Office . Tables. Appendix . Pp. vi , 677...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1972) 52 (3): 529.
Published: 01 August 1972
..., 90 pages of informative, interpretative commentary, sometimes off the mark, as in the case of Neruda. Copyright 1972 by Duke University Press 1972 The Modernist Trend in Spanish-American Poetry: A Collection of Representative Poems of the Modernist Movement and the Reaction . Translated...
Published: 01 February 2004
Figure 1 “The childhood of the peasantry is represented here in this Indian, who seems to look to the horizon waiting for the Revolution that will arrive to redeem his degraded race” ( El Oaxaqueño , 2 Dec. 1933). More
Published: 01 August 1981
FIGURE 2: Receipts from Customs, Tribute, Salt, and Aguardientes, 1830-57. Sources: Memorias of the ministers of finance. Dotted lines represent gaps in the data for three years or more. More
Published: 01 August 1981
FIGURE 3: Customs and Tribute Receipts as a Percentage of Total Revenues, 1830-57. Sources: Memorias of ministers of finance. Dotted lines represent gaps in data for three years or more. More
Published: 01 May 1974
Figure II Changes in Population of Destèrro Convent. (A) Mortality of Nuns of the Black Veil: The numbers tabulated represent 5-year mortality figures. (B) Entrance of Nuns of the Black Veil: The numbers tabulated represent the average of entering nuns over the 5-year period indicated More
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2023) 103 (3): 461–494.
Published: 01 August 2023
.... This body held annual elections to appoint the rector and passed governing rules for the university that allocated academic chairs based on public tenders. The faculty forcefully defended their newly gained autonomy from ecclesiastical and royal authorities, and its representative practices were...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2009) 89 (2): 253–283.
Published: 01 May 2009
... to tolerate it. In this article, I argue that we need a political interpretation of the failure of tax reform during 1920s. Molina’s draft was blocked in the Senate by the majority of the representatives of the interior provinces. In fact, income tax was considered to be a threat to the less affluent...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2011) 91 (3): 391–408.
Published: 01 August 2011
... and political consideration of the complexity and specificity of the historical and social process of institutionalization of science. Rather than attempt an exhaustive analysis of the readings of Stepan’s work, we will focus on the main areas of historiographic debate, based on the more representative works...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2012) 92 (4): 703–736.
Published: 01 November 2012
... above. In Peru, anti-Communism proved a key idiom through which the Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana (APRA) sought to gain control over organized labor and to challenge the Peruvian Communist Party’s claims to represent and lead workers. APRA’s anti-Communism grew out of Víctor Haya de la...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2013) 93 (2): 205–238.
Published: 01 May 2013
... stayed together in the same region, as they did in Montevideo. Shipmate ties represented a living connection for Africans not only with their experience in the Atlantic crossing but also with their homelands. Shipmates provided support to their fellows when they needed trusted associates, as the marriage...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2015) 95 (1): 1–35.
Published: 01 February 2015
...Paul Gootenberg; Isaac Campos Abstract This introduction brings the issue of Latin American drug trades and cultures into conversation with the region's historiography. Illicit drugs are now notoriously associated with Latin America and represent untold billions in exports, generating over the last...