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Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1946) 26 (4): 500–501.
Published: 01 November 1946
...Rex D. Hopper Sociologia . Volume I, Introdução ao estudo dos seus princípios. Primeira parte: Límites e posição da sociologia . Volume II, Introdução ao estudo dos seus principios. Segunda parte: Sociologias e sociologia . By Freyre Gilberto . ( Rio de Janeiro : Livraría José...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1963) 43 (3): 436–438.
Published: 01 August 1963
...L. N. McAlister El porfiriato. La vida política exterior. Parte segunda . By Villegas Daniel Cosío . Vol. VI of Historia moderna de México , edited by Villegas Daniel Cosío . México , 1963 . Editorial Hermes . Pp. 967 . Copyright 1963 by Duke University Press 1963...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1965) 45 (4): 625–628.
Published: 01 November 1965
...Michael C. Meyer El porfiriato. La vida económica. Parte segunda . Ed. by Villegas Daniel Cosío . Vol. VII of Historia moderna de México . México , 1965 . Pp. 1297 . Copyright 1965 by Duke University Press 1965 With the appearance of the second volume on economic life...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1961) 41 (2): 290–291.
Published: 01 May 1961
...T. B. Irving Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana. Primera parte. Colonia y siglo XIX . By Hamilton Carlos . New York , 1960 . Las Americas Publishing Company . Index . Pp. 180 . Copyright 1961 by Duke University Press 1961 At first sight this text seemed promising...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1968) 48 (1): 144.
Published: 01 February 1968
...David Stern The indicated coverage for this first part, 1887-1914, is inaccurate. Even in a summary work a few pages are insufficient to cover the decade 1904-14. What the author will really do with this period must await the next installment. To deal with the period 1887-1904 the work...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1967) 47 (1): 146.
Published: 01 February 1967
...E. Bradford Burns Arquivo Histórico do Itamaraty, Parte III—33—Comissões e Tribunals Mistos . Prepared by the Ministério Das Relaçõrs Exteriores do Brasil . Rio de Janeiro , 1964 . Departamento de Imprensa Nacional . Illustrations. Index . Pp. 264 . Paper. Copyright 1967 by Duke...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1957) 37 (1): 113–114.
Published: 01 February 1957
...John Howland Rowe La nueva crónica y buen gobierno. Primera parte: Epoca prehispánica . By Ayala Felipe Guaman Poma de . Interpreted by Galvez Luis Bustios . Lima , 1956 . Editorial Cultura . Dirección de Cultura, Arqueología e Historia del Ministerio de Educación Pública del...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1957) 37 (4): 536–537.
Published: 01 November 1957
...Jane Lucas de Grummond Copyright 1957 by Duke University Press 1957 El Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho y su esposa la Marquesa de Solanda. La vida matrimonial del General Sucre, expuesta dentro de un plano histórico, sustentado en documentos, inéditos en parte . By Gbisanti Angel...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1958) 38 (4): 565–566.
Published: 01 November 1958
...C. J. Bishko Lâminas de paleografia. (Introdução aos estados históricos: Parte prática I) . Edited by Blanco Ricardo Román . Album—I, Text —II . São Paulo , 1954 , 1956 . Universidade de São Paulo . Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras. Album, 100 Lâminas; text , 452 pp...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1954) 34 (4): 593–594.
Published: 01 November 1954
... Cordolino . Rio de Janeiro , n. d. Edição da Irmandade da Santa Cruz dos Militares . Illustrations. Bibliography. Appendix . Pp. 144 . Memórias de um revolucionário. Primera parte: A marcha da coluna . Second edition. By Lins de Barros João Alberto . Rio de Janeiro , 1953 . Editora...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1959) 39 (3): 498–499.
Published: 01 August 1959
...John A. Hutchins Arquivo histórico do Itamaraty, Parte III—Documentação anterior a 1822 . Introduction by de Macedo Soares José Carlos . Rio de Janeiro , 1957 . Ministry of Foreign Relations of Brazil . Copyright 1959 by Duke University Press 1959 ...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1959) 39 (2): 286–287.
Published: 01 May 1959
...Harris Gaylord Warren La expedición norteamericana contra el Paraguay. 1858-1859. Segunda Parte. Los resultados . By Ynsfran Pablo Max . Mexico City-Buenos Aires , 1958 . Editorial Guarania . Biblioteca de Historia y Arqueología Americanas . Illustrations. Bibliography. Index . Pp...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1937) 17 (1): 80–82.
Published: 01 February 1937
...Harry Bernstein Ulises Criollo: La Vida del Autor Escrita por él Mismo . By Vasconcelos José . 5th ed. ( Mexico : Ediciones Botas , 1936 . Pp. 536 .) La Tormenta: Segunda Parte de Ulises Criollo . By Vasconcelos José . 3d ed. ( Mexico : Ediciones Botas , 1936 . Pp...
Journal Article
Suffragio e rappresentanza nel Perú dell’800: Parte prima. Gli itinerari della sovranità (1808-1860)
Hispanic American Historical Review (2006) 86 (3): 618–620.
Published: 01 August 2006
...Vincent Peloso Suffragio e rappresentanza nel Perú dell’800: Parte prima . Gli itinerari della sovranità (1808 – 1860) . By Chiaramonti Gabriella . Nova Americana . Turin : Otto Editore , 2002 . Maps. Tables. Glossary. Bibliography . 421 pp. Paper . © 2006 by Duke University...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2009) 89 (4): 713–714.
Published: 01 November 2009
...Ĩigo García-Bryce Una vida agónica: Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre: Testimonio de parte . By Chang-Rodríguez Eugenio . Lima : Fondo Editorial del Congreso del Perú , 2007 . Photographs. Bibliography. Index . xxviii , 378 pp. Paper . Copyright 2009 by Duke University Press...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1952) 32 (4): 575–577.
Published: 01 November 1952
...Harold E. Wethey La arquitectura en el Paraguay . By Giuria Juan . ( Buenos Aires : Instituto de Arte Americano e Investigaciones Estéticas , 1950 . Pp. 137 , 57 figs., 19 plans .) La arquitectura mestiza en las riberas del Titikaca, Primera parte . By Noel Martín S...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1958) 38 (3): 411–412.
Published: 01 August 1958
...Rollie E. Poppino Diário de urna viagem ao Brasil. E de urna estada nesse país durante parte dos anos de 1821,1822 e 1823 . By Graham Maria . Translation and Notes by Lacombe Américo Jacobina . São Paulo , 1956 . Companhia Editora Nacional . Biblioteca Pedagógica Brasileira...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1959) 39 (3): 508–509.
Published: 01 August 1959
...Luis Morton, Jr. Historia militar de la revolución constitucionalista. Segunda Parte. Tomo IV. El desarrollo de la revolución y las operaciones de desgaste. (De julio a diciembre de 1913). Anexos . By Sánchez Lamego Miguel A. . Mexico City , 1957 . Instituto Nacional de Estudios...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1945) 25 (4): 482–485.
Published: 01 November 1945
...George Kubler Historia general del Perú (segunda parte de los Comentarios reales de los Incas) . By de l Vega Inca Garcilasoa . ( Buenos Aires : Emecé Editores, S.A. 1944 . 3 vols. Pp. xlix , 319 ; 286 ; 316 . Illustrations, glossary, index, collation, and a map . Paper...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1945) 25 (3): 381–383.
Published: 01 August 1945
...Javier Malagón Barceló Descripción de la parte española de Santo Domingo . By Élie Moreau de Saint-Méry Médéric Louis . Translated from the French by Rodríguez C. Armando . ( Ciudad Trujillo : Editora Montalvo , 1944 . Pp. xv , 491 . Paper.) Copyright 1945 by Duke...