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Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1952) 32 (2): 257–261.
Published: 01 May 1952
...Roberto Levillier Viajes al estrecho de Magallanes, 1579-1584 . By Sarmiento de Gamboa Pedro . Edited by Rosenblat Angel . Preface by Menéndez Armando Braun . ( 2 vols ., Buenos Aires : Emecé Editores , 1950 . Pp. xlvii , 353 , 507 . Maps, appendices, glossary, index...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1968) 48 (1): 102–104.
Published: 01 February 1968
..., and ventures. There are two facsimile letters (of eleven found in 1954) written in Paris on August 11 and 21, 1479, and signed Guidantonio Vespucci. Although this uncle of Amerigo signed the letters, Levillier sets out to prove, by paleographic and textual analysis, that the Vespucci letters from the Paris...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1946) 26 (1): 67–69.
Published: 01 February 1946
... this by about the same interval as Greek geometric style culture precedes the first preserved Greek his­ toriography. A. L. Kroeber. University of California, Berkeley. Don Francisco de Toledo supremo organizador del Peru. Su vida, su obra {1515-1572). By Roberto Levillier. Tomo I, Anos de andanzas y de guerra...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1970) 50 (1): 135–137.
Published: 01 February 1970
..., based upon tortuous cartographic reasoning, was adopted by Roberto Levillier in América la bien llamada (1948). This is not the place to analyze Levillier’s work. Sierra, however, uses this book as a takeoff point for an attack on Levillier and “los historiadores vespuccistas.” Entitling his opening...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1962) 42 (1): 63–88.
Published: 01 February 1962
.... The three opinions given by the friars and the Jesuits to these questions have been published: all three by both Levillier and Lissón Chaves, and the Jesuit opinion by Vargas Ugarte. 27 Somewhat unexpectedly—when one reflects on the glorious defence of the Indians that the Dominicans had so consistently...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1968) 48 (4): 691–693.
Published: 01 November 1968
.... Such is the view of Frederick J. Pohl, who follows the lead of Alberto Magnaghi. Sauer reports having dealt with the subject himself, in a German Festschrift not easily available. But after the long argument, supported by some cartographical evidence from Roberto Levillier’s América la bien llamada (Buenos...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1957) 37 (4): 525.
Published: 01 November 1957
...Guillermo Céspedes Los incas . Por Levillier Roberto . Sevilla , 1956 . Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas . Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos. Mapa . Pp. 259 . Copyright 1957 by Duke University Press 1957 ...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1952) 32 (1): 110–111.
Published: 01 February 1952
...Charles E. Nowell Américo Vespucio, El nuevo mundo, cartas relativas a sus viajes y descubrimientos . Edited by Levillier Roberto . ( Buenos Aires : Editorial Nova , 1951 . Pp. 342 . Paper .) Copyright 1952 by Duke University Press 1952 ...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1944) 24 (2): 312–313.
Published: 01 May 1944
...C. H. Haring Descubrimiento y población del norte argentino por españoles del Perú (Desde la entrada al Tucumán hasta la fundación de Sgo. del Estero, 1543-1553) . By Levillier Roberto . ( Buenos Aires : Espasa-Calpe S. A. , 1943 . Pp. 190 .) Copyright 1944 by Duke University...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2023) 103 (1): 1–30.
Published: 01 February 2023
...” because it specifies the number of women and children. Yet this census lacks age categories. Kagan, “Contando vecinos,” 117–18. 19. On colonial-era khipus, see Salomon, Cord Keepers , 109–35. 20. Ramírez, World , 88. 21. See Merluzzi, Gobernando , 139–43. 22. Levillier...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1955) 35 (2): 319.
Published: 01 May 1955
... Vespucio en su V centenario, 1454-1954. Sus cartas y viajes, ségun Magnaghi . By Levillier Roberto . Madrid , 1954 . Publicaciones de la Real Sociedad Geográfica , Serie B, no. 33 . Pp. 92 . Copyright 1955 by Duke University Press 1955 ...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1971) 51 (3): 556–557.
Published: 01 August 1971
... concerns the history and bibliography of Charcas in the sixteenth century. The nineteen chapters on this topic rely heavily on the documents published by Roberto Levillier. Important as these documents are, one cannot adequately present this history without making use of historical works as basic...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1980) 60 (4): 702–703.
Published: 01 November 1980
... Andean archives. But not quite. By crossing the 1600 line, Zavala lost his lodestar—Levillier’s Gobernadores— and has failed to replace it with the new Hanke-Rodríguez Guía . Therefore he nearly ignores the Archivo de Indias. The chief value of this tome lies in its presentation of documents from...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1963) 43 (1): 167–168.
Published: 01 February 1963
... takes the well-known Argentine historian Roberto Levillier to task for championing the cause of Amerigo Vespucci. Cordero rejects the latter as a charlatan. The author advocates renaming America after Columbus and the Río de la Plata after Solís. He would also erect an imposing monument to Juan...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1977) 57 (4): 794.
Published: 01 November 1977
... expressly interested in revisionist arguments, will be disappointed by the heavy reliance upon secondary sources and by the meager citations that omit page numbers. In any case, the reader will doubtless wish to weigh the presentations against liberal interpretations by Ricardo Levene, Roberto Levillier...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1998) 78 (1): 5–44.
Published: 01 February 1998
...; Hemming, Conquest of the Incas , 297-300, 311-14, 459-61; and official correspondence in Roberto Levillier, ed., Gobernantes del Perú: cartas y papeles, siglo XVI: documentos del Archivo de Indias , 14 vols. (Madrid: Sucesores de Rivadeneyra, 1921-26), vol. 3. 53 Angulo, “Libro original,” 158...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1979) 59 (1): 134–135.
Published: 01 February 1979
..., quoted, and translated (p. 218). The Roman writer Macrobius is reduced to Microbius (p. 7) and the Argentine Levillier is leveled to Levellier (p. 563). In the massive book list (pp. 480-516), the proof-reading falls short of what might be expected in so substantial and useful a work. The main...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1946) 26 (1): 97.
Published: 01 February 1946
... published by Roberto Levillier, appear in the appendix. Robert H. Shields. Berkeley, California. Libros de derecho en bibliotecas particulares cordobesas, 1673-1810. By Carlos A. Luque Colombres. [Universidad Nacional de Cdrdoba, Instituto de Estudios Americanistas, Cuadernos de historia, IX.] (Cdrdoba...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1966) 46 (3): 335–336.
Published: 01 August 1966
...), Carlos Heras (Avellaneda), Armando Braun Menéndez (Roca, both terms), Ricardo R. Caillet-Bois (Juárez Celman), Enrique Ruiz Guiñazu (Pellegrini), Roberto Levillier (Uriburu), Raúl A. Molina (Alvear), and Roberto Etchepareborda (Yrigoyen, second term) are among the outstanding valores of Argentine...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1980) 60 (1): 118–119.
Published: 01 February 1980
... published by Roberto Levillier. Out of 716 footnotes, 298 cite Gobernantes del Perú , 43 Audiencia de Charcas and other Levillieriana. The CDII appears in 72 notes, Encinas’ Cedulario in 36. Guillermo Lohmann Villena, Rubén Vargas Ugarte, Joseph Barnadas, and Alejandro Málaga Medina are adduced 86...