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Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2002) 82 (2): 383–385.
Published: 01 May 2002
...Jeffrey L. Gould Sandinista: Carlos Fonseca and the Nicaraguan Revolution . By Zimmerman Matilde . Durham : Duke University Press , 2001 . Photographs. Map. Notes. Bibliography. Index . x , 277 pp. Cloth , $54.95 . Paper , $18.95 . Copyright 2002 by Duke University Press...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1990) 70 (3): 500–501.
Published: 01 August 1990
... of Sandino’s thought and its quirks is probably better than Ramírez’s. Also included are a short bibliography, a Sergio Ramírez essay with an excellent capsule history of Nicaragua and a concise biography of Sandino, and an excerpt from Viva Sandino by Carlos Fonseca, founder of the FSLN. A last short piece...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2005) 85 (4): 723–725.
Published: 01 November 2005
...Virginia Garrard-Burnett Misioneros y civilizadores: Protestantismo y modernización en el Perú (1915–1930) . By Ariza Juan Fonseca . Lima : Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú , 2002 . Tables. Appendixes. Bibliography . xi , 374 pp. Paper . Copyright 2005 by Duke...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2016) 96 (3): 560–562.
Published: 01 August 2016
...R. Alan Covey Vilcabamba and the Archaeology of Inca Resistance . By Bauer Brian S. , Fonseca Santa Cruz Javier , and Aráoz Silva Miriam . Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press Monographs . Los Angeles : Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press , 2015 . Photographs. Maps...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1970) 50 (2): 431.
Published: 01 May 1970
...Lawrence Nevins A Revolução Francesa e a vida de José Bonifácio: uma interpretação incâmoda . By da Fonseca Gondin . São Paulo , 1968 . Edart-São Paulo—Livraria Editora . Pp. xvi , 218 . Copyright 1970 by Duke University Press 1970 Gondin da Fonseca does not cast much...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1970) 50 (2): 412–413.
Published: 01 May 1970
... with the social history of nineteenth-century Brazil are not very numerous, and Amaro Quintas has made an important contribution. In analyzing the writings of Fonseca and Figueiredo and tracing their roots, the author sees both as having been enormously influenced by French socialist writers and by the French...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1973) 53 (3): 528–529.
Published: 01 August 1973
... of the book is meant to convey precisely this theme. The logical consequences of “implanting a premature system” was the breeding of a series of crises beginning with Deodoro da Fonseca and continuing throughout the next forty-one years. To support this hypothesis, the author infers that each presidency...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2000) 80 (4): 881–912.
Published: 01 November 2000
... a nativist press criticized the Portuguese-born, while street demonstrators whipped up Lusophobia. Some, like Antônio Borges da Fonseca, took advantage of access to the military barracks to agitate there. Borges da Fonseca, editor of the radical liberal newspaper O Repúblico in the Court, and the most...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2013) 93 (4): 741–742.
Published: 01 November 2013
..., Safavid, and Ottoman power collapsed. Nonetheless, Lane’s intent is to follow the global trajectories of these Colombian stones. And so he introduces seventeenth-century Cartagena exporters such as the Portuguese Jew Manuel de Fonseca Enríquez, who likely shipped emeralds to Lisbon and Amsterdam. From...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1984) 64 (3): 503–534.
Published: 01 August 1984
..., Jan. 27, 1937. 34 Ibid. 35 João Severiano da Fonseca Hermes held the post of “minister plenipotentiary” in Itamarati and was a personal friend of Cantalupo. 36 AMAE, Busta 16, unnumbered document, Nov. 27, 1936. 37 AMAE, Francesco Lequio, Italian ambassador in Paris...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1966) 46 (1): 1–27.
Published: 01 February 1966
..., when he visited the Bay of Fonseca in the course of his duties as United States chargé d’affaires in Central America. At that time he noticed that the Goascorán River, which rises in the mountains near Comayagua, interrupts the long, continental mountain chain on its way to the Bay of Fonseca...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1975) 55 (1): 44–65.
Published: 01 February 1975
... Deodoro da Fonseca granted a 50 percent increase in base pay. 35 During the 64 years surveyed here, military pay had suffered relative to the climbing cost of living, despite occasional advances. Price inflation had been constant during the Second Empire, and it worsened during the Paraguayan War...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1972) 52 (4): 621–641.
Published: 01 November 1972
... reported on his mission to Fonseca and rendered account to him. He must also have told his brothers, his neighbors and friends about the new continent and the pearls. Two or three weeks later, Columbus arrived with the other three caravels. He had been successful in his search for land, having found...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2011) 91 (3): 391–408.
Published: 01 August 2011
... to the Brazilian edition of Beginnings , Vinicius da Fonseca, the president of Fiocruz at the time and an economist with experience in the federal Secretariat of Planning, made use of Stepan’s thesis to support his own administration, which he saw as intended to promote the “scientific rehabilitation...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1982) 62 (4): 629–673.
Published: 01 November 1982
... logistical problems, and President Prudente de Morais was forced to appeal to state authorities for aid. 10 Capabilities improved little over the next decade. On agreeing to serve as minister of war in Pena’s administration, General Hermes da Fonseca candidly admonished him in 1906 that conditions...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1942) 22 (3): 548–549.
Published: 01 August 1942
...Anyda Marchant Santos Dumont . By da Fonseca Gondin . ( Rio de Janeiro : Casa Editora Vecchi , 1940 . Pp. 325 . 18$000 , paper; 24$000 bound.) Copyright 1942 by Duke University Press 1942 ...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1943) 23 (4): 767–768.
Published: 01 November 1943
...Lawrence F. Hill La diplomacia de la patria vieja (1811-1820) . By Pivel Devoto Juan E. and Muñoz Rodolfo Fonseca , eds. [ Archivo Histórico Diplomático del Uruguay, Tomo III.] (Montevideo: Imprenta “El Siglo Ilustrado” Y í, 1943 . Pp. xvi , 407 .) Copyright 1943 by Duke...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1989) 69 (3): 531–538.
Published: 01 August 1989
... these documents: printed versions can be seen in the Historia general de real hacienda , compiled in 1791 by Fabián de Fonseca and Carlos de Urrutia, and in Humboldt’s own Geographical and Political Tables . Manuscript specimens can be found in the Archivo General de Indias and no doubt also exist...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1942) 22 (3): 572–573.
Published: 01 August 1942
...Alexander Marchant Copyright 1942 by Duke University Press 1942 Limites do Brasil. Descrição geográfica da linha divisória. Memória apresentada ao IX Congresso Brasileiro de Geografia, reunida na cidade de Florianópolis, em Setembro de 1940 . By da Fonseca Hermes J. S. and de...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1971) 51 (2): 295–312.
Published: 01 May 1971
... galleons. Figure 2 Figure 2. The port of Realejo first attracted attention in connection with Pedro de Alvarado’s plan to invade Peru. 18 In 1533 Alvarado was in the process of assembling a small fleet in the Gulf of Fonseca for an exploratory expedition to Peru. He heard that three ships...