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Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1987) 67 (4): 575–610.
Published: 01 November 1987
... subjects feared.” The paramount lord of Túcume, 2 a curaca who himself was identified as a chieftain “in the ancient mold (de los viejos antiguos) ,” declared that don Juan was worthy of the respect of his Indian subjects, like those chieftains of times past and very unlike those who were being...
Published: 01 February 2010
Figure 5 “Señoras, curaca varmi maiva, que son muger de la uaranga y pisca pachaca / prensesas y señoras del rreyno de las Yndias . . .” From Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala, Nueva corónica i buen gobierno (Mexico City: Siglo Veintiuno Editores, 1992), 708. More
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1993) 73 (4): 698–699.
Published: 01 November 1993
... University Press 1993 Curacas: reciprocidad y riqueza . By Pease Franklin . Lima : Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú , 1992 . Table. Appendix. Notes. Bibliography . 208 pp. Paper . ...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1982) 62 (2): 282–283.
Published: 01 May 1982
...Brooke Larson Curacas y encomenderos: Acomodamiento nativo en Huaraz, siglos xvi y xvii . By Gabai Rafael Varón . Prolog by Millones Luis . Lima : P. L. Villanueva , 1980 . Figures. Bibliography . Pp. 103 . Paper. Copyright 1982 by Duke University Press 1982...
Published: 01 November 1987
FIGURE 2: Theoretical Bases of a Curaca’s Power and Reputation. Pre-Conquest More
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1988) 68 (4): 737–770.
Published: 01 November 1988
...,” ADC, Corrg., Prov., leg. 62, 1706-18. This type of action was complicated by the fact that the corregidor, who was the immediate legal representative of the state, often had developed a working relationship with the curaca. 33 “Escritura de arrendamiento de la estancia de Pullapulla, propia del...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1975) 55 (2): 347–348.
Published: 01 May 1975
...Robert G. Keith As interpreted by Sánchez Albornoz, this document tends to confirm the view that the seventeenth century saw a progressive decline of the indigenous Andean communities under the combined demands of the mita, the Spanish treasury, the local Spanish officials, and the curacas...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2008) 88 (1): 5–40.
Published: 01 February 2008
... with regard to Inca law was ambiguous. Both Aymara litigants and Spanish judges, however, assumed that Inca law continued to apply to those Inca institutions that survived, such as the tambos. Around 1560 the eastern curacas obtained a judgment requiring their opponents to send laborers to the eastern...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2008) 88 (1): 41–70.
Published: 01 February 2008
.... 89 See Scarlett O’Phelan Godoy, Curacas sin sucesiones: Del cacique al alcalde de indios (Perú y Bolivia 1750 – 1835) (Cuzco: Centro de Estudios Regionales Andinos “Bartolomé de Las Casas,” 1997), 13 – 15; Spalding, Huarochirí , 216 – 22; and Sinclair Thomson, We Alone Will Rule: Native Andean...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2011) 91 (4): 665–689.
Published: 01 November 2011
... and Gary Urton (Austin: Univ. of Texas Press, 2002), 119 – 50. 78 See Thomas A. Abercrombie, Pathways of Memory and Power: Ethnography and History among an Andean People (Madison: Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1998), especially 213 – 314. 73 Though Toledo wanted to keep curacas out...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2021) 101 (2): 199–230.
Published: 01 May 2021
... of curacas, see O'Phelan Godoy, Kurakas sin sucesiones ; Serulnikov, Subverting Colonial Authority ; Garrett, Shadows of Empire . 34. Maqque, “‘En mi voz.’” They rejected the election of foreigners (usually mestizos or Spaniards) as tax collectors in their towns. Remarkably, these new leaders...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1993) 73 (4): 676.
Published: 01 November 1993
... Gisbert and Luis Millones explore the mestizaje theme in other ways. Millones examines the life of Santa Rosa of Lima by reconstructing her perception of indigenous society. In contrast, Gisbert discusses the role of the curacas of the Collao region in the configuration of a mestizo culture. Gisbert...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2000) 80 (1): 77–112.
Published: 01 February 2000
...Ward Stavig 2000 by Duke University Press 2000 Over time complex irrigation agreements were worked out to assure that needs were met. In June 1754, the head curaca of Oropesa complained that haciendas had not only taken community lands, but had restricted their water supply. By agreement...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2022) 102 (3): 536–538.
Published: 01 August 2022
... examines the attempt by Peru's curacas to create an Indigenous aristocracy by ending the encomienda system and preventing Indigenous lands from being given to Spaniards. In what she terms “a bidding war,” the curacas and their advocates, Las Casas and Domingo de Santo Tomás, offered over 2,000,000 ducats...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2008) 88 (3): 509–510.
Published: 01 August 2008
... of their altepetl (ethnic state), they sought to preserve its memory and status. Susan E. Ramírez adds to her important works on the curacas (Andean ethnic lords) in the early colonial period. She shows that whereas curacas had traditionally had filled both material and spiritual roles, the demographic collapse...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2009) 89 (1): 161–162.
Published: 01 February 2009
... identification, in characteristic Spanish American fashion. So it was that in 1683 there appears on one estancia a mulato curaca (“curaca” meaning here not a village leader but the supervisor of the landholding) (p. 173). Brockington devotes many pages to analyzing the complexities of ethno-occupational...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2016) 96 (2): 361–362.
Published: 01 May 2016
... before Spanish contact when he writes that the invaders equated land with property, that curacas' rights were a function of labor, and that curacas were influenced early in colonial times by European ideas of value (p. 193). Such realizations alert users to the dangers of overlooking Spanish...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2023) 103 (1): 1–30.
Published: 01 February 2023
... customs during the preceding era of Inca rule and, among other things, the age at which Andeans were required to pay tribute assessments ( tasas ). 1 A curaca (local Andean authority) named Cristóbal Xulca answered that “they did not have a [precise] order but everybody worked as they could...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1994) 74 (3): 563–585.
Published: 01 August 1994
... specifically, he posited a correlation between a group’s potential for rebellion and the form of its protest, on the one hand, and its relationship to its curaca and its cultural views of community and crime, on the other. In the region under investigation, Stavig asserted that the relationship between...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2000) 80 (2): 333–338.
Published: 01 May 2000
... Tawantinsuyu a la historia del Perú . Lima : Instituto de Estudios Peruanos , 1978 . Los incas: una introducción . Lima : Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Fondo Editorial , 1991 . Curacas, reciprocidad y riqueza . Lima : Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Fondo Editorial , 1992...