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Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1969) 49 (3): 610.
Published: 01 August 1969
... and ornamentation. As he does not admit, his dates and data will require further research by a genuine historian, since he gives no documentation. One may well wonder for what sort of readers this chronology was put together. Tired businessmen? Undergraduates preparing term papers? Professors writing lecture...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1977) 57 (2): 381.
Published: 01 May 1977
...Susan Deeds The Portuguese in America 590 B.C.-1974: A Chronology & Fact Book . Comp. and ed. by da Silveira Cardozo Manoel . Dobbs Ferry , 1976 . Oceana Publications . Appendices. Bibliography. Index . Pp. vi , 154 . Cloth. Copyright 1977 by Duke University Press 1977...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1960) 40 (4): 621.
Published: 01 November 1960
...Betty J. Meggers An Archeological Chronology of Venezuela . Vols. I and II . By Cruxent J. M. and Rouse Irving . Washington, D. C. , 1958 . Pan American Union . Social Science Monograph, VI . Vol. I: Tables. Bibliography . Pp. xiv , 277 . Paper. $1.00 . Vol. II: 201 figs...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1956) 36 (4): 558.
Published: 01 November 1956
...John Howland Rowe Copyright 1956 by Duke University Press 1956 Cultural Chronology and Change as Reflected in the Ceramics of the Virú Valley, Peru . By Collier Donald . Chicago , 1955 . Chicago Natural History Museum . Fieldiana: Anthropology, Vol. 43 . Illustrations...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1976) 56 (4): 684–686.
Published: 01 November 1976
...Joseph Sánchez The Spanish in America, 1513-1974: A Chronology and Fact Book . Compiled and edited by Natella Arthur A. Jr. Dobbs Ferry, New York , 1975 . Oceana Publications . Index. Bibliography . Pp. vii , 139 . Cloth. $6.00 . Somos Chicanos: Strangers in our Own Land...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1974) 54 (3): 554–555.
Published: 01 August 1974
...D.S.D. The Prehistory of the Tehuacán Valley . Vol. IV: Chronology and Irrigation . Edited by Johnson Frederick . Austin , 1972 . Published for the Robert S. Peabody Foundation by the University of Texas Press . Maps. Tables. Illustrations. Figures. Appendices. Bibliography. Index...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1974) 54 (4): 744.
Published: 01 November 1974
...W.S.C. Brazil: A Chronology and Fact Book, 1488-1973 . Edited by Fitzgibbon Russell H. . Dobbs Ferry, New York , 1974 . Oceana Publications . Appendices. Bibliography . Pp. vi , 150 . Cloth. $7.50 . Copyright 1974 by Duke University Press 1974 Editor Fitzgibbon’s little...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1974) 54 (4): 744–745.
Published: 01 November 1974
...M.S. Argentina: A Chronology and Fact Book, 1516-1973 . Edited by Fitzgibbon Russell H. . Dobbs Ferry, New York , 1974 . Oceana Publications . Appendices. Bibliography. Index . Pp. v , 148 . Cloth. $7.50 . Copyright 1974 by Duke University Press 1974 The work is one...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1952) 32 (3): 407–408.
Published: 01 August 1952
...Martin J. Lowery Copyright 1952 by Duke University Press 1952 Barcia’s Chronological History of the Continent of Florida . Translated, with an introduction, by Kerrigan Anthony , with a preface by Bolton Herbert E. . ( Gainesville : University of Florida Press , 1951...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1955) 35 (4): 566.
Published: 01 November 1955
...Richard M. Morse Franciscan Missions of Upper California as Seen by Foreign Visitors and Residents. A Chronological List of Printed Accounts, 1786-1848 . By Waters Willard Otis . Los Angeles , 1954 . Glen Dawson . Early California Travels Series, XXIV . Illustrations . Pp. 56...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2023) 103 (1): 1–30.
Published: 01 February 2023
...Alfredo Luis Escudero Abstract In the Andes from the beginning of the Spanish conquest, colonial administrators sought to develop efficient methods of labor extraction. The study of chronological age, Indigenous tribute, and censuses reveals an uncharted chapter of this process. This article...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1969) 49 (4): 737–739.
Published: 01 November 1969
... in their chronology with such precision that it would not be repeated for 374,440 years. León-Portilla also supports J. Eric S. Thompson’s position that “no other people in history has taken such an absorbing interest in time” and that “no other culture has ever developed a philosophy embracing such an unusual...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1979) 59 (1): 171–172.
Published: 01 February 1979
...Federico Gil The book falls short of its ambitious intent, but the editors’ selection of articles does identify the most significant issues in Chilean history, and the book’s chronological spread should make it attractive and useful to a very broad clientele. The book has the rather high...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1965) 45 (4): 620–622.
Published: 01 November 1965
... environments, problems of chronology, history of archaeological work, and present survivals. The photographs, especially those in color, are of striking quality. Each is accompanied by a description and statement of provenience, size, approximate date, and present location. The range is from fairly familiar...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2019) 99 (3): 541–542.
Published: 01 August 2019
...), a chronology, a narrative historical survey written as an introduction, the dictionary, and a chronological and topical bibliography. Anyone who studies twentieth-century Latin America, with its proliferation of political, business, labor, and social activist organizations, will appreciate the acronyms...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2007) 87 (2): 363–369.
Published: 01 May 2007
..., and theme. Most course syllabi privilege one of these principles over the others, and at best, instructors manage to incorporate two of them. In courses focused on chronology, students get a good grasp of the broad sweep of Latin American history over time and some salient moments in that history...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1993) 73 (2): 309–311.
Published: 01 May 1993
... of Americanists, held in Amsterdam in July 1988. Five of the monographs included here construct a chronology of pandemics and epidemics in particular areas and discuss the probable identification of these diseases from contemporary descriptions and current medical opinion. Hanns J. Prem (central Mexico), W...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1977) 57 (4): 797–798.
Published: 01 November 1977
...Robert H. Claxton El pensamiento vivo de Sandino . Selection and notes by Ramírez Sergio . 2d ed. San José, Costa Rica , 1976 . Editorial Universitaria Centroamericana . Chronology. Bibliography . Pp. 342 . Paper. Copyright 1977 by Duke University Press 1977 Incipient...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1977) 57 (4): 788.
Published: 01 November 1977
... Salvador is archaeologically almost unknown, and the preliminary chronology established for that area by this monograph is its central contribution. Most of the discussion focuses on architecture, ceramic typology, and artifact descriptions for the site of Quelepa, but the author offers a tentative...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1979) 59 (1): 189.
Published: 01 February 1979
... the author attempted, but rather that he was not tempted to do a more ambitious project. El derrumbe de la Confederación, 1855-1862 . By de la Torre Carlos Páez . Buenos Aires , 1977 . Ediciones La Bastilla . Chronology. Notes. Bibliography . Pp. 312 . Paper . Copyright 1979 by Duke...