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Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2018) 98 (2): 365–367.
Published: 01 May 2018
..., and economic change is both useful and provocative. Future volumes in this series will continue to add to this interesting interpretation and documentation of Chile's fascinating history. Historia de Chile, 1960–2010 . Vol. 1. Democracia, esperanzas y frustraciones: Chile a mediados del siglo XX...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1928) 8 (3): 409–412.
Published: 01 August 1928
...Isaac Joslin Cox Copyright 1928 by Duke University Press 1928 The Diplomatic and Commercial Relations of the United States and Chile, 1820-1914 . By Sherman William Roderick . ( Boston : The Gorham Press , 1926 . Pp. 224 .) Chile and its Relations with the United States...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1972) 52 (3): 525–526.
Published: 01 August 1972
...David M. Vigness Araucanía y sus habitantes. Recuerdos de un viaje hecho en las provincias meridionales de Chile en los meses da enero y febrero de 1843 . By Domeyko Ignacio . 2d ed. Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile , 1971 (1845) . Editorial Francisco de Aguirre . Araucanía, 1...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2005) 85 (3): 502–503.
Published: 01 August 2005
...John Rector Journal of a Residence in Chile During the Year 1822, and a Voyage from Chile to Brazil in 1823 . By Graham Maria . Edited by Hayward Jennifer . Charlottesville, VA : University of Virginia Press , 2003 . Illustrations. Notes. Bibliography. Index. xxiii, 336 pp...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1971) 51 (3): 560.
Published: 01 August 1971
...C. C. G. Amanda Laborea H.: Educator to the Women of Chile. The Work and Writings of Amanda Labarca H. in the Field of Education in Chile . By Paul Catharine Manny . Cuernavaca, Mexico , 1968 . Centro Intercultural de Documentacion . Cuaderno 1 . Bibliography . Pp. 195 . Paper...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1935) 15 (1): 70–74.
Published: 01 February 1935
...I. J. Cox La Fronda aristocrática en Chile . By Edwards Alberto . ( Santiago de Chile : Imprenta Nacional , 1928 . Pp. 308 . Indice.) Chile y los Chilenos . By Cabero Alberto . ( Santiago de Chile : Edi­torial Nascimento , 1926 . Pp. 440 . Indice.) La eterna...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1960) 40 (2): 293–294.
Published: 01 May 1960
...Robert Stevenson Copyright 1960 by Duke University Press 1960 Los orígenes del arte musical en Chile. Historia de la música en Chile (1850-1900) . By Salas Eugenio Pereira . Santiago, 1941 , 1957 . Imprenta Universitaria, Editorial del Pacífico . Illustrations. Musical...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1973) 53 (3): 571.
Published: 01 August 1973
...R. M. Fidel in Chile: A Symbolic meeting Between Two Historical Processes. Selected Speeches of Major Fidel Castro During His Visit to Chile, November 1971 . By Castro Fidel . New York , 1972 . International Publishers . Pp. 234 . Cloth. $7.50 ; Paper. $2.65 . Copyright 1973...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1970) 50 (2): 424–425.
Published: 01 May 1970
...D. M. P. A Journey in Brazil . By Louis and Agassiz Elizabeth . Introduction by Wilgus A. Curtis . New York , 1969 . Frederick A. Praeger . Notes. Illustrations. Appendices . Pp. x , xix , 540 . $22.50 . Journal of a Residence in Chile, during the Year 1822...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1970) 50 (4): 773–774.
Published: 01 November 1970
...Archibald P. Davies The editors who prepared these two volumes have succeeded in their purpose of revealing the essential literary qualities of the complete works, but samplings of this kind are of little use to the historian. Fortunately, Góngora’s Historia de Chile was published in complete...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1957) 37 (1): 125.
Published: 01 February 1957
...Tom B. Jones Noticias de Chile . (1831-1832). Por un oficial de marina de los EE. UU. de América . By Ruschenberger William S. W. . Translation by Haviland Eduardo Hillman . Santiago, Chile , 1956 . Editorial del Pacífico . Index. Pp. 120 . Paper. Viajeros en Chile...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2022) 102 (4): 771–772.
Published: 01 November 2022
... present events in Chile to the history recounted in the book by contending that the embrace of individualism contributed to neoliberalism and an era of consumerism that is now being rejected. This is a cultural history of middle-class identity in Santiago de Chile, particularly in the suburb of Ñuñoa...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2023) 103 (1): 200–202.
Published: 01 February 2023
...Claudia Stern The Religion of Life: Eugenics, Race, and Catholicism in Chile . By Sarah Walsh . Pitt Latin American Series . Pittsburgh, PA : University of Pittsburgh Press , 2021 . Photographs. Figures. Notes. Bibliography. Index. x, 223 pp. Cloth, $50.00 . Copyright © 2023...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2023) 103 (3): 582–583.
Published: 01 August 2023
...Raymond Craib Ránquil was not an exceptional case of rural violence. Neither the uprising nor the repression was unprecedented, and Klubock's work joins others that expose the myth of Chilean exceptionalism—that Chile's history is characterized by political stability and social peace interrupted...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1958) 38 (4): 590–591.
Published: 01 November 1958
...Homero Castillo Misión en Chile 1939-1953 . By Bowers Claude G. . Translation by Blanco Guillermo . Santiago, Chile , 1957 . Editorial del Pacifico . Colección Rostro de Chile. Memorias, Crónicas y Documentos . Pp. 389 . Paper . Copyright 1958 by Duke University Press...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1957) 37 (3): 415.
Published: 01 August 1957
...J. R. Spell Páginas olvidadas de Zorrilla de San Martín. Insertas en “La Estrella de Chile.” (Santiago, 1874-1877.) Edited by Escudero Alfonso M. Montevideo , 1956 . Impresora Uruguaya . Serie III. Compilaciones y ediciones críticas . Appendix . Pp. 137 . Paper . Copyright...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1957) 37 (3): 357–358.
Published: 01 August 1957
...Eugene H. Korth, S.J. Colección de documentos inéditos para la historia de Chile . Second Series, Vol. I. (1558-1572) . By Medina José Toribio . Santiago, Chile , 1956 . Fondo Histórico y Bibliográfico J.T. Medina . Frontispiece. Indexes . Pp. xxviii , 502 . Paper...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1957) 37 (3): 401–402.
Published: 01 August 1957
...William K. Tunnell Diario de mi residencia en Chile en 1822 . By Graham María . Translation and prologue of José Valenzuela D. Santiago, Chile , 1956 . Editorial del Pacífico . Illustrations . Pp. ix , 250 . Paper . Copyright 1957 by Duke University Press 1957 ...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1954) 34 (4): 587.
Published: 01 November 1954
... Historia del Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición en Chile . By Medina José Toribio . Preface by Almeyda Aniceto . Santiago , 1952 . Fondo Histórico y Bibliográfico José Toribio Medina . Pp. 675 . Copyright 1954 by Duke University Press 1954 ...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1955) 35 (4): 558.
Published: 01 November 1955
... Relaciones diplomáticas de Bolívar con Chile y Buenos Aires . 2 Vols . Edited by Lecuna Vicente and Barret De Nazaris Esther . Caracas , 1955 . Imprenta Nacional . Sociedad Bolivariana de Venezuela . Illustrations. Indexes . Copyright 1955 by Duke University Press 1955 ...