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Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2003) 83 (2): 427–428.
Published: 01 May 2003
...Judith Ewell Negocios y política en tiempos de Guzmán Blanco . 2nd ed. By Deluca María Elena González . Colección Monografías . Caracas, Venezuela : Comisión de Estudios de Postgrado, Facultad de Humanidades y Educación, Universidad Central de Venezuela , 2001 . Maps. Tables...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1976) 56 (2): 335.
Published: 01 May 1976
...Joann A. Rayfield Las misiones diplomáticas de Guzmán Blanco . By Rojas Armando . Caracas, Venezuela , 1972 . Monte Avila Editores . Illustrations. Bibliography. Index . Pp. 219 . Paper . Copyright 1976 by Duke University Press 1976 In Las misiones diplomáticas de...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1978) 58 (2): 363–364.
Published: 01 May 1978
... of slavery in 1854 to 1900. A welcome enterprise is this, which might have done for the subject what books by Peter Klarén, Frederick Bowser, and Watt Stewart have done for other regions, periods, or ethnic groups in Peru. Copyright 1978 by Duke University Press 1978 Poder blanco y resistencia...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1977) 57 (1): 178.
Published: 01 February 1977
...Betty Jane Kissler Curaçao and Guzmán Blanco: A Case Study of Small Power Politics in the Caribbean . By Goslinga C. Ch. . ’S-Gravenhage , 1975 . Martinus Nijhoff . Verhandelingen 76 . Tables. Appendices. Notes. Bibliography. General Index . Pp. viii , 143 . Paper. 25 Guilders...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1963) 43 (3): 453.
Published: 01 August 1963
... 1963 by Duke University Press 1963 Ensayos de Norte a Sur: Ortega, Becker, Ayala, Azuela, Reyes, Ferrater Mora, Guanes, Korn, Blanco Amor, Roggiano . By Rodríguez-Alcalá Hugo . México , 1960 . Ediciones de Andrea . Colección Studium, núm. 27 . Pp. 214 . Paper. ...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1965) 45 (4): 527–543.
Published: 01 November 1965
...Julian Nava 66 Venezuela, Recopilación de leyes y decretos , X, 1882-1883, #2495, and #2496. See Opin. Nac ., July 1883 and scattered numbers to March 1889. The Bolsa de Caracas showed a constant rise in the market value of the university bonds. Since Guzmán Blanco had bought some...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1965) 45 (3): 509–510.
Published: 01 August 1965
...Ramón Ruiz From the account of María y Campos, Blanco emerges a hero and martyr, the victim of ambitious rivals. His tragic death—he was shot in the back while attempting to swim the Río Grande—the author blames on Obregón, who never forgave Blanco for his independence. Carranza, who exiled...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1943) 23 (3): 536.
Published: 01 August 1943
...Roscoe R. Hill Copyright 1943 by Duke University Press 1943 Continuación del Libro Blanco. Controversia entre Guatemala y La Gran Bretaña, relativa a la Convención de 1859, sobre asuntos territoriales. Cuestión de Belice . Segunda serie, III. Comentarios del Licenciado Toribio...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1935) 15 (2): 238–240.
Published: 01 May 1935
...Mary Watters El Arzobispo Guevara y Guzmán Blanco. Documentación relativa al Conflicto entre la Iglesia y el Estado en Venezuela bajo el Gobierno de estos dos Personajes, 1870-1876 . By Navarro Monseñor Nicolás E. . ( Caracas : Tipografía Americana , 1932 , pp. xxi , 491...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1939) 19 (3): 364.
Published: 01 August 1939
... Libro Blanco. Cuestión de Belice . ( Guatemala : Tipografía Nacional , 1938 . Pp. 491 . Maps.) Copyright 1939 by Duke University Press 1939 ...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1942) 22 (1): 177.
Published: 01 February 1942
...I. J. C. Copyright 1942 by Duke University Press 1942 Xaviera Carrera Patria, Azul, Blanco y Amarillo . By Zañartu Sady . ( Santiago de Chile : Editorial Ercilla , 1937 . Pp. 294 and index. $20.00 m/n.) ...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1989) 69 (4): 783–784.
Published: 01 November 1989
...María Elena González Deluca Guzmán Blanco. La dinámica de la política del septenio . By Floyd Mary B. . Caracas : Instituto Autónomo/Biblioteca Nacional , 1988 . Notes. Appendix. Index . Pp. 264 . Paper. Copyright 1989 by Duke University Press 1989 As the first major work...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1947) 27 (1): 129–131.
Published: 01 February 1947
...Charles C. Griffin Guzmán Blanco, “el autócrata civilizador.” Parábola de los partidos politicos tradicionales en la historia de Venezuela . By Rondón Márquez R. A. . ( Caracas : Tipografía Garrido , 1944 . 2 vols. Pp. xii , 451 ; 399 . Paper. Bolívares 20.00 .) Copyright...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1952) 32 (2): 274–276.
Published: 01 May 1952
...J. Fred Rippy Caudillo: A Portrait of Antonio Guzmán Blanco . By Wise George S. . ( New York : Columbia University Press , 1951 . Pp. xviii , 190 . $3.50 .) Copyright 1952 by Duke University Press 1952 ...
in Cuba Calls: African American Tourism, Race, and the Cuban Revolution, 1959–1961
> Hispanic American Historical Review
Published: 01 May 2013
Figure 3 Blanco, “Ex campeón en apuros.” El Mundo (Havana), 3 June 1960, p. A-4. Courtesy of the Cuban Heritage Collection, University of Miami Libraries, Coral Gables, Florida.
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1965) 45 (2): 348–349.
Published: 01 May 1965
... is, inevitably, the process of cultural and socioeconomic change among the Guajira Indians, notably as fostered by the nearby Venezuelan economy, the Roman Catholic Church, and the Colombian state. Copyright 1965 by Duke University Press 1965 Indios y blancos en la Guajira . By Guhl Ernesto...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1983) 63 (3): 619–620.
Published: 01 August 1983
...John V. Lombardi Ensayos históricos . By Fombona Rufino Blanco . Prolog by Hernández Jesús Sanoja . Caracas : Biblioteca Ayacucho , 1981 . Notes. Chronology. Bibliography . Pp. xlv , 542 . Paper . Copyright 1983 by Duke University Press 1983 Rufino Blanco Fombona...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1998) 78 (2): 351–353.
Published: 01 May 1998
...Allen Wells Revolución y contienda política en Guanajuato, 1908–1913 . By Blanco Mónica . Mexico City : El Colegio de México , 1995 . Maps. Figures. Tables. Appendixes. Bibliography. Index. 226 pp. Paper . Copyright 1998 by Duke University Press 1998 At a time when popular...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1997) 77 (2): 351–353.
Published: 01 May 1997
...) and the Blanco risings headed by his brother Aparicio against the Colorado government in Uruguay (1897 and 1903-4). Although sensitive to the changing economic conditions in which these conflicts took place, Chasteen challenges the economic-centered explanations of caudillismo. Instead, he argues...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1977) 57 (1): 136–137.
Published: 01 February 1977
..., this book is not a study of European gunboats in Venezuelan waters, nor even a detailed examination of the 1902-3 blockade. Rather, in this small but important volume, Dr. Miriam Hood, née Blanco Fombona and cultural attaché of the Venezuelan embassy in London, has given us a broad examination...