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Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1934) 14 (3): 330–331.
Published: 01 August 1934
...Mart Wilhelmine Williams Cartas do Imperador D. Pedro II ao Barão de Cotegipe . Arranged and annotated by Pinho Wanderley . [ Bibliotheca Pedagogica Brasileira, Serie V, Brasiliana, vol. XII .] São Paulo : Companhia Editora Nacional , 1933 . Pp. 4 , 293 . Illus.) Copyright 1934...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1944) 24 (1): 128–130.
Published: 01 February 1944
...Alexander Marchant Copyright 1944 by Duke University Press 1944 Um diplomata na côrte de Inglaterra. O Barão do Penedo e sua época . By de Mendoça Renato . [ Biblioteca pedagógica brasileira, série 5 a , Brasiliana, Vol. 219 .] ( São Paulo : Companhia Editora Nacional , 1942...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1946) 26 (4): 505–506.
Published: 01 November 1946
... and entertaining. A few slips occur, such as the reference to William Pitt the Younger as Lord Pitt (p. 64) and the implication, though without a specific statement, that he was directing British policy somewhat after 1806, the year of his death. Charles E. Nowell. The University of Illinois. Rio-Branco (O Barao...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1945) 25 (2): 268–269.
Published: 01 May 1945
...Alexander Marchant Reminiscências do barão do Rio-Branco por seu filho o embaixador Raúl do Rio-Branco . [ Coleção documentos brasileiros, No. 32 .] ( Rio de Janeiro : Livraria José Olympio Editora , 1942 . Pp. 205 . Illus.) O visconde do Rio Branco . By da Silva Paranhos Jose...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2003) 83 (4): 735–739.
Published: 01 November 2003
..., officially launched the Projeto Resgate Barão do Rio Branco in 1990. Named after the premier figure of nineteenth-century Brazilian diplomacy, this “rescue project” was designed to organize, process, and microfilm historical documents related to the Brazilian colonial past held by the AHU. The project...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1958) 38 (4): 587–588.
Published: 01 November 1958
...Ronald Hilton Correspondência entre D. Pedro II e o Barão do Rio-Branco . Edited by do Rio-Branco Miguel . São Paulo , 1957 . Companhia Editôra Nacional . Biblioteca Pedagógica Brasileira, “Brasiliana,” Series 5, Vol. 294 . Illustrations. Appendices. Bibliography. Index . Pp. 147...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1960) 40 (4): 610–611.
Published: 01 November 1960
...Alan K. Manchester A vida do Barão do Rio Branco . By Filho Luiz Viana . Rio de Janeiro , 1959 . Livraria José Olympio Editôra . Coleção Documentos Brasileiros . Bibliography. Illustrations. Index . Pp. xiii , 458 . Paper. Copyright 1960 by Duke University Press 1960 ...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1956) 36 (2): 296.
Published: 01 May 1956
... O Barão Subner na corte de São Cristovão . By Gonçalves Roberto Mendes . Rio de Janeiro , 1955 . Ministerio da Educação e Cultura . Pp. 34 . Diplomacia do império no Bio da Prata (até 1865) . By Soares Teixeira . Rio de Janeiro , 1955 . Brand . Pp. 293...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2013) 93 (3): 499–500.
Published: 01 August 2013
... title refers to the Brazilian government’s effort to suspend the celebration of Rio de Janeiro’s Carnaval in 1912 from February until April to mourn the death of the nation’s premier diplomat, the Barão do Rio Branco (José Maria da Silva Paranhos Jr.), who died the Saturday before Ash Wednesday...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1946) 26 (4): 503–505.
Published: 01 November 1946
... death. Charles E. Nowell. The University of Illinois. Rio-Branco (O Barao do Rio-Branco), 1845-1912. By Alvaro Lins. IColegao documentos brasileiros, 50 and 50-A.] (Sao Paulo: Livraria .Jose Olympio Editora, 1945. 2 vols. Pp. xiv, 801. Illustrations. Paper.) Alvaro Lins, Brazilian critic, editor...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1940) 20 (3): 458.
Published: 01 August 1940
...R. d’Eça Efemérides Brasileiras . By Rio-Branco Barão do . Second edition, revised by de Magalhães Prof. Basilio . ( Rio de Janeiro : Imprensa Nacional , 1938 . Pp. 996 . 20$000 .) Copyright 1940 by Duke University Press 1940 ...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1950) 30 (3): 387–388.
Published: 01 August 1950
...Lawrence F. Hill O Visconde do Rio Branco . By Branco Barão do Rio . Introducão e notas de de Mendonça Renato . ( Rio de Janeiro : A Noite Editora , 1949 . Pp. 347 . Illustrations, appendices. Paper .) Copyright 1950 by Duke University Press 1950 ...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1948) 28 (4): 596–597.
Published: 01 November 1948
...Lawrence P. Hill Bio-Branco e as relacões entre o Brasil e os Estados Onidos . By Napoleáo Aluizio . [ Ministerio das Relacões Exteriores, Cornissãlo preparatório Centenário do Barão do Rio-Branco, II, Monografías .] ( Rio de Janeiro : Imprensa Nacional , 1947 . Pp. 215 . Paper...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2001) 81 (2): 259–308.
Published: 01 May 2001
... up 16 different times by 11 different ministers (see [Barão de Javarí], Organizações e programas ministeriais: Regime parlamentar no império , 3d ed. (Brasília: INL, 1979 [1889]), 45–52. On Evaristo’s central role in Feijó’s election as regent, see Silva, Historia do Brasil , 165–66; O. T. de Sousa...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (2012) 92 (2): 269–302.
Published: 01 May 2012
... Aug. 1870, BRG, L29, Copiador 128; JFVB to Barão da Graça, Pelotas, 13 May 1874, BRG, L30, Copiador 133; JFVB to Barão de Andaraí, Pelotas, 28 June 1874, BRG, L30, Copiador 133. 34 JFVB to Sousa, Irmão & Rocha, Pelotas, 30 May 1869, 5 July 1869, 30 July 1869, all in BRG, L29, Copiador 126...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1966) 46 (2): 123–137.
Published: 01 May 1966
... , 253-255; Cotegipe to Francisco Ignácio de Carvalho Moreira, Barão do Penedo, Petrópolis, Apr. 8, 1888. In Renato Mendonça, Um diplomata na côrte de Inglaterra; o Barão do Penedo e sua época , Brasiliana, 219 (São Paulo, 1942), 397. 16 Santos, Republicanos paulistas , 184. 15 Rebouças...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1946) 26 (4): 590.
Published: 01 November 1946
... the life of Turreyro, first as a local, then as a national figure. The documents relating to Brazilian incorporation (1821 and 1825) offer much of contemporary interest, but are intended by the author to defend Turreyro against the accusations that he collaborated with the Barao da Laguna and supported...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1963) 43 (2): 337–338.
Published: 01 May 1963
... barão de Studart: “junta a tudo isto dois índices, os mais simples e os mais faceis de fazer, ao mesmo tempo de conveniencia intuitiva: um índice onomástico, um índice geográfico.” ( Correspondência , I, 166). It is greatly to be regretted that the Sociedade Capistrano de Abreu has not worked...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1968) 48 (2): 338–340.
Published: 01 May 1968
... creating a middle class in Brazil, but he does not consider them crucial in this connection. The emperor, and by inference, the empire, welcomed these changes and understood them better than did the Republicans. (Admirers of the Barão de Mauá might not agree with the latter opinion.) In dealing...
Journal Article
Hispanic American Historical Review (1970) 50 (1): 202–203.
Published: 01 February 1970
...-minded, moderate Conservative statesmen who were a force in Imperial political life, at least until the slaveoerat Barão de Cotegipe assumed command of the Conservative party in 1877-1878. The key words here are “moderate conservative.” Torres sees the admirable conservatism of his favorite statesmen...