Guidelines for the Transfer of the Editorial Office of the HAHR

The editorial office of the HAHR moved from the University of Pittsburgh to Duke University in July 2012 and will move to another institution in July 2017. The new editors will assume responsibility for the February 2018 issue. Bids for the five-year term beginning in July 2017 will be received during 2016 and made available to the Board of Editors, which will choose the new editorial team at its annual meeting in January 2017. A subcommittee, consisting of board members whose terms overlap the transfer, will review the applications and make recommendations to the board prior to the January 2017 meeting.

Proposal Requirements

Formal bids and supporting data should be submitted to the current editors in an electronic copy. The editors will make all applications available to the board members. The deadline for receipt of bids will be November 1, 2016. The current editors will be happy to provide a basic information packet with copies of previous proposals.

Bids should include the names and vitae of the proposed senior editor(s), associate editor(s), and book review editor(s).

The extent of university support (for example, release time, managing editor's salary, clerical support, office space, graduate assistantships, telephone, postage, photocopying, computer support, and supplies) should be indicated, together with a statement of commitment from appropriate university administrators.

A cover letter from the proposed editor(s) to the board should provide any additional information deemed appropriate.