nancy appelbaum is assistant professor of Latin American history and Latin American studies at Binghamton University (SUNY) and has also taught Latin American history at Grinnell College. She completed her dissertation at the University of Wisconsin in 1997 and is presently completing a book manuscript on race and regionalism in western Colombia.
adrian j. pearce received his doctorate from the Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Liverpool, in July 1998 with a dissertation on Spanish rule in the viceroyalty of Peru during the early Bourbon period. He is currently a research fellow at the Institute, and has recently begun a three-year study of British trade with the Hispanic world between the end of the Seven Years War and the independence of Spanish America. This is his first publication.
juan carlos garavaglia es actualmente directeur d’études en la Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales de Paris y profesor en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. Ha publicado varios libros sobre la historia del Paraguay, México y el Río de la Plata. Sus últimos libros son Poder, conflicto y relaciones sociales: el Río de la Plata, XVIII-XIX (Rosarios, 1999); Pastores y labradores de Buenos Aires: una historia agraria de la campaña bonaerense, 1700-1830 (Buenos Aires, 1999) y en colaboración con Juan Carlos Grosso, La región de Puebla y la economía novohispana: las alcabalas de la Nueva España, 1776-1821 (México, D.E; Puebla, 1997).