La administración de temporalidades y haciendas en Chihuahua colonial, 1767-1820
. By Benedict B
H. Bradley
. Mexico City
: Casa Londres
, 1998
. Maps. Tables. Figures. Notes. Bibliography. Index. xiv, 212 pp. Paper
.An American Family in the Mexican Revolution
. By Herr
Robert Woodmansee
. In collaboration with Herr
. Introduction by French
William E.
. Latin American Silhouettes: Studies in History and Culture
. Wilmington, Del.
: Scholarly Resources
, 1999
. Photographs. Maps. Notes. Index. xlvi, 263 pp. Cloth, $55.00
.The Atlantic Slave Trade
. By Klein
Herbert S.
. New Approaches to the Americas
. New York
: Cambridge University Press
, 1999
. Maps. Tables. Figures. Appendix. Bibliography. Index. xxi, 234 pp. Cloth, $49.95. Paper, $15.95
.Centering Woman: Gender Discourses in Caribbean Slave Society
. By McD Beckles
. Kingston, Jamaica
: Ian Randle Publishers
; Princeton
: Markus Wiener Publishers
; Oxford
: James Currey Publishers
, 1999
. Tables. Figure. Notes. Bibliography. Index. xxv, 211 pp. Cloth, $39.95. Paper, $16.95
.Colonial Habits: Convents and the Spiritual Economy of Cuzco, Peru
. By Burns
. Durham
: Duke University Press
, 1999
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.Colonial Legacies: The Problem of Persistence in Latin American History
. Edited by Adelman
. New York
: Routledge
, 1999
. Notes. Index. xii, 318 pp. Cloth, $75.00. Paper, $22.99
.Crime and Punishment in Late Colonial Mexico City, 1692-1810
. By Haslip-viera
. Albuquerque
: University of New Mexico Press
, 1999
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.Cultivadores libres, Estado y crisis de la esclavitud en Brasil en la época de la Revolución industrial
. By Palacios
. Fideicomiso Historia de las Américas: Serie Ensayos
. Mexico City
: Fondo de Cultura Económica
, 1998
. Maps. Tables. Figure. Notes. Bibliography. 355 pp. Paper
.The Discovery and Conquest of Peru
. By De Cieza De León
. Edited and Translated by Cook
Alexandra Parma
and Cook
Noble David
. Chronicles of the New World Encounter
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: Duke University Press
, 1999
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.Eminent Maricones: Arenas, Lorca, Puig, and Me
. By Manrique
. Madison
: University of Wisconsin Press
, 1999
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.A Finger in the Wound: Body Politics in Quincentennial Guatemala
. By Nelson
Diane M.
. Berkeley
: University of California Press
, 1999
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.The Green Republic: A Conservation History of Costa Rica
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. Austin
: University of Texas Press
, 1999
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.The Grimace of Macho Ratón: Artisans, Identity, and Nation in Late-Twentieth-Century Western Nicaragua
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Les W.
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, 1999
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.Karl Christian Friedrich Krause and His Influence in the Hispanic World
. By Stoetzer
O. Carlos
. Lateinamerikanishe Forschungen, 25
. Köln
: BöhlauVerlag
, 1998
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.Latin American Shipping in the Age of Global Competition
. By De La Pedraja
. Contributions in Economics and Economic History, no. 209
. Westport, Conn.
: Greenwood Press
, 1999
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.The Making of a Chicano Militant: Lessons from Cristal
. By Gutiérrez
José Angel
. Wisconsin Studies in Autobiography
. Madison
: University of Wisconsin Press
, 1999
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.Mammon and Manon in Early New Orleans: The First Slave Society in the Deep South, 1718–1819
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Thomas N.
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: University of Tennessee Press
, 1999
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.Patriotism, Politics, and Popular Liberalism in Nineteenth-Century Mexico: Juan Francisco Lucas and the Puebla Sierra
. By Thomson
Guy P.C.
. With Lafrance
David C.
. Wilmington, Del.
: Scholarly Resources
, 1999
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.La pérdida de la Habana y las reformas borbónicas en Cuba, 1760-1763
. By Torre
Celia María Parcero
. Estudios de Historia
. Valladolid
: Junta de Castilla y León, Consejería de Educación y Cultura
, 1998
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.Public Lives, Private Secrets: Gender, Honor, Sexuality, and Illegitimacy in Colonial Spanish America
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. Stanford
: Stanford University Press
, 1999
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.Race, Caste, and Status: Indians in Colonial Spanish America
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Robert H.
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: University of New Mexico Press
, 1999
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.A Rebel in Cuba: An American’s Memoir
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. Micanopy, Fla.
: Wacahoota Press
, 1999
(1970). Photographs. Map. Notes. Bibliography. Index. 212 pp. Paper, $17.95
.Refried Elvis: The Rise of the Mexican Counterculture
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: University of California Press
, 1999
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.Secret History: The CIA’s Classified Account of its Operations in Guatemala, 1952-1954
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Afterword by Gleijeses
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: Stanford University Press
, 1999
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.Shaping the Discourse on Space: Charity and Its Wards in 19th Century San Juan, Puerto Rico
. By Martínez-Vergne
. Austin
: University of Texas Press
, 1999
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.Trabajos y rebeldías en la pampa salitrera: el ciclo del salitre y la reconfiguración de las identidades populares (1850-1900)
. By Vallejos
Julio Pinto
. Colección Ciencias Sociales: Historia
. Santiago
: Universidad de Santiago
, 1998
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.Viejos y nuevos imperios: España y Gran Bretaña, siglo XVII-XX
. Edited by Burdiel
and Church
. Colección Humanitas. Ediciones Episteme
, 1998
. Figure. Appendix. Notes. Bibliographies. 229 pp. Paper
.A Voyage to California, the Sandwich Islands, and Around the World in the Years 1826-1829
. By Duhaut-Cilly
. Translated by Frugé
and Harlow
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: University of California Press
, 1999
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.Women and Urban Change in San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1820-1868
. By Rodríguez
Félix V. Matos
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: University of Florida Press
, 1999
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.The World of Túpac Amaru: Conflict, Community, and Identity in Colonial Peru
. By Stavig
. Lincoln
: University of Nebraska Press
, 1999
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