Books Received
The Aristocracy in Twelfth-Century León and Castile
. By Barton
. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought
, vol. 34
. Cambridge
: Cambridge University Press
, 1997
. Maps. Tables. Figures. Appendixes. Glossary. Bibliography
. Index, xv, 366
pp. Cloth, $69.95
.Arquitectura, urbanismo y sociedad: la vivienda colonial en Panamá, historia de un sueño
. By Calvo
Alfredo Castillero
. Panama City
: Biblioteca Cultural Shell
, 1994
. Plates. Tables. Figures. Appendixes. Notes. Bibliography
. 392
pp. Paper
.Blue Lakes & Silver Cities: The Colonial Arts and Architecture of West Mexico
. By Perry
Richard D.
. Santa Barbara, Calif
.: Espadaña Press
, 1997
. Illustrations. Maps. Glossary. Bibliography. Index
. 272
pp. Paper, $25.00
.Born Again in Brazil: The Pentecostal Boom and the Pathogens of Poverty
. By Chesnut
R. Andrew
. New Brunswick, N.J
.: Rutgers University Press
, 1997
. Photographs. Notes. Bibliography. Index
. x, 203
pp. Cloth, $50.00. Paper, $19.95
.Britain and the Spanish Civil War
. By Buchanan
. Cambridge
: Cambridge University Press
, 1997
. Photographs. Map. Notes. Bibliography
. Index, xii, 241
pp. Cloth, $64.95. aper, $24.95
.The Catholic Church and Democracy in Chile and Peru
. By Fleet
and Smith
. Notre Dame
: University of Notre Dame Press
, 1997
. Tables. Appendix. Notes. Bibliography. Index
. ix, 366
pp. Cloth, $45.00
.Chicanismo: The Forging of a Militant Ethos among Mexican Americans
. By García
. Tuscon
: University of Arizona Press
, 1997
. Notes. Index
. x, 175
pp. Cloth, $35.00. Paper, $17.95
.Chicano Poetics: Heterotexts and Hybridities
. By Arteaga
. Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture
. Cambridge
: Cambridge University Press
, 1997
. Notes. Index
. ix, 185
pp. Cloth, $49.95. Paper, $16.95
.Chiefdoms under Siege: Spain’s Rule and Native Adaptation in the Southern Colombian Andes, 1535-1700
. By Calero
Luis F.
. Albuquerque
: University of New Mexico Press
, 1997
. Maps. Tables. Figures. Appendixes. Notes. Glossary. Bibliography. Index
. xiv, 233
pp. Cloth, $50.00
.The Chile Chronicles: Tales of a New Mexico Harvest
. By Padilla
. Photographs by Parsons
. Foreword by Crawford
. Santa Fe
: Museum of New Mexico Press
, 1997
. Photographs. Map
. xii, 119
pp. Cloth, $45.00. Paper, $29.95
.Cinematograph of Words: Literature, Technique, and Modernization in Brazil
. By Süssekind
. Translated by Britto
Paulo Henriques
. Writing Science
. Stanford
: Stanford University Press
, 1997
. Photographs. Illustrations. Notes. Bibliography. Index
. xi, 129
pp. Cloth, $15.95
.Comparing Cowboys and Frontiers
. By Slatta
Richard W.
. Norman
: University of Oklahoma Press
, 1997
. Photographs. Illustrations. Maps. Notes. Glossary. Bibliography. Index
. xvi, 320
pp. Cloth, $24.95
.Complete Works & Other Stories
. By Monterroso
. Translated by Grossman
. Introduction by Corral
Will H.
. Austin
: University of Texas Press
, 1995
. xviii, 152
pp. Cloth, $27.50. Paper, $12.95
.Contradiction and Conflict: The Popular Church in Nicaragua
. By Sabia
. Tuscaloosa
: University of Alabama Press
, 1997
. Photographs. Bibliography. Index
. x, 239
pp. Cloth, $34.95
.Crónica de una seducción: el Museo Guggenheim Bilbao
. By Zulaika
. Madrid
, 1997
. Illustrations. Photographs. Notes
. 305
pp. Paper.Dance in the Cemetery: José Carlos Mariátegui and the Lima Scandal of 1917
. By Stein
William W.
. Foreword by Maish
Gonzalo Portocarrero
. Lanham, Md
.: University Press of America
, 1997
. Appendixes. Notes. Bibliography. Index
. xxv, 271
pp. Cloth, $42.50
.Dancing with the Devil: Society and Cultural Poetics in Mexican-American South Texas
. By LimóN
José E.
. Madison
: University of Wisconsin Press
, 1994
. Photographs. Maps. Notes. Glossary. Bibliography. Index
. xii, 240
pp. Cloth, $42.00. Paper, $15.95
.Dangerous Virtues
. By Moix
Ana María
. Translated and with an afterword by Jones
Margaret E. W.
. European Women Writers Series
. Lincoln
: University of Nebraska Press
, 1997
. Notes
. vii, 153
pp. Cloth, $30.00. Paper, $10.00
.Democracy without Equity: Failures of Reform in Brazil
. By Weyland
. Pitt Latin American Series
. Pittsburgh
: University of Pittsburgh Press
, 1996
. Tables. Appendix. Notes. Bibliography. Index
. xii, 293
pp. Cloth, $49.95. Paper, $22.95
.Emmanuel Appadocca, or, Blighted Life: A Tale of the Boucaneers
. By Philip
. Edited with an afterword by Cudjoe
Selwyn R.
. Introduction and annotations by Cain
William E.
. Amherst
: University of Massachusetts Press
, 1997
. lv, 275
pp. Cloth, $60.00. Paper, $17.95
.España y el Pacífico
. Edited by García-abásolo
. Córdoba
: Dirección General de Relaciones Culturales, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores; Asociación Española de Estudios del Pacífico
, 1997
. Photograph. Plates. Illustrations. Maps. Tables. Figures. Notes
. xii, 348
pp. Paper.An Expedition to the Ranquell Indians
. By Mancilla
Lucio V.
. Translated by Mccaffrey
. Texas Pan American Series
. Austin
: University of Texas Press
, 1997
. Map. Notes. Glossary. Bibliography. Index
. xiv, 418
pp. Cloth, $50.00. Paper, $19.95
.A Forced Agreement: Press Acquiescence to Censorship in Brazil
. By Smith
. Pitt Latin American Series
. Pittsburgh
: University of Pittsburgh Press
, 1997
. Figures. Notes. Bibliography. Index
. vii, 231
pp. Cloth, $45.00. Paper, $19.95
.From Pensacola to Belize: An American’s Odyssey through Mexico in 1903
. By Bingham
F. F.
. Edited with notes and an introduction by Rucker
Brian R.
. Illustrations by Hemmye
. Bagdad, Fla
.: Patagonia Press
, 1997
. Photographs. Illustrations. Maps. Notes. Bibliography. Index
. xiv, 93
pp. Paper, $8.95
.Havana USA: Cuban Exiles and Cuban Americans in South Florida
, 1959
. By García
María Cristina
. Berkeley
: University of California Press
, 1997
. Notes. Bibliography. Index
. xiii, 290
pp. Paper, $19.95
.The Hernando de Soto Expedition: History, Historiography, and “Discovery” in the Southeast
. Edited by Galloway
. Lincoln
: University of Nebraska Press
, 1997
. Illustrations. Maps. Tables. Notes. Index
. xvi, 457
pp. Cloth, $60.00
.A History of Latin America: Empires and Sequels, 1450-1950
. By Bakewell
. The Blackwell History of the World
. Malden, Mass
.: Blackwell
, 1997
. Photographs. Maps. Notes. Glossary. Bibliography. Index
. xxiii, 520
pp. Cloth, $69.95. Paper, $24.95
.The Human Tradition in Modern Latin America
. Edited by Beezley
William H.
and Ewell
. Wilmington, Del
.: Scholarly Resources
, 1997
. Notes. Index
. xxxii, 277
pp. Cloth, $50.00. Paper, $18.95
.I’m Going to Have a Little House: The Second Diary of Carolina Maria de Jesus
. By Maria De Jesus
. Translated by Arrington
Melvin S.
Jr. and Levine
Robert M.
. Engendering Latin America
, vol. 4
. Lincoln
: University of Nebraska Press
, 1997
. Photographs. Map. Notes
. xiv, 181
pp. Paper, $15.00
.Indian Women of Early Mexico
. Edited by Schroeder
, Wood
, and Haskett
. Norman
: University of Oklahoma Press
, 1997
. Photographs, Illustrations, Maps, Notes, Bibliography, Index
. x, 486
pp. Cloth, $29.95
.Intermediate Spanish Memory Book
. By Harrison
William F.
and Welker
Dorothy Winters
. Austin
: University of Texas Press
, 1997
. Glossary
. xii, 94
pp. Cloth, $19.95. Paper, $9.95
.The Journey of the Magi: Meanings in History of a Christian Story
. By Trexler
Richard C.
. Princeton
: Princeton University Press
, 1997
. Photographs. Illustrations. Notes. Bibliography. Index
. xii, 277
pp. Cloth, $35.00
.Latin Siege Warfare in the Twelfth Century
. By Rogers
. Oxford
: Oxford University Press
, 1997
. Illustrations. Maps. Appendixes. Bibliography. Index
. xii, 292
pp. Paper, $19.95
.LBJ & Mexican Americans: The Paradox of Power
. By Pycior
Julie Leininger
. Austin
: University of Texas Press
, 1997
. Photographs. Notes. Bibliography. Index
. xvi, 329
pp. Cloth, $45.00, Paper, $19.95
.Love in a Time of Hate: Liberation Psychology in Latin America
. By Hollander
Nancy Caro
. New Brunswick, N.J
.: Rutgers University Press
, 1997
. Notes. Index
. xi, 271
pp. Paper, $19.95
.The Maya World: Yucatec Culture and Society, 1550-1850
. By Restall
. Stanford
: Stanford University Press
, 1997
. Maps. Tables. Figures. Appendixes. Notes. Glossary. Bibliography. Index
. xiv, 441
pp. Cloth, $55.00
.El mesianismoy la rebelión indígena: “la rebelión de Oruro en 1781.”
By Robins
Nicholas A.
. Translated by Luz Mariela
Escobar R.
. La Paz, Bolivia
: Hisbol
, 1997
. Bibliography
. viii, 192
pp. Paper.Mines of Silver and Gold in the Americas
. Edited by Bakewell
. Aldershot, Great Britain
; Brookfield, Vt
.: Variorum
, 1997
. Photographs. Illustrations. Maps. Tables. Figures. Notes. Bibliographies. Index
. xxiv, 396
pp. Cloth, $124.95
.Nahuat Myth and Social Structure
. By Taggart
James M.
. The Texas Pan American Series
. Austin
: University of Texas Press
, 1997
[1983]. Tables. Figures. Appendixes. Bibliography. Index
. xii, 287
pp. Paper, $15.95
.A New Time for Mexico
. By Fuentes
. Berkeley
: University of California Press
, 1997
. Index
. xiv, 226
pp. Paper, $12.95
.Nueva España en el circuncaribe, 1779-1808: revolución, competencia imperial y vínculos intercoloniales. Nuestra América
, vol. 46
. By Von Grafenstein Gareis
. Mexico City
: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
, 1997
. Maps. Tables. Notes. Bibliography
. 378
pp. Paper.The Oxford Book of Latín American Essays
. Edited by Stavans
. Oxford
: Oxford University Press
, 1997
. Bibliography. Index
. xi, 544
pp. Cloth, $35.00
.El Paraguay bajo el Dr. Francia: ensayos sobre la sociedad patrimonial, 1814 — 1840. Colección Flistoria
, vol. 31
. Edited by Whigham
and Cooney
Jerry W.
. Asunción, Paraguay
: Editorial El Lector
, 1996
. Tables. Notes
. 179
pp. Paper.Peronism without Perón: Unions, Parties, and Democracy in Argentina
. By McGuire
James W.
. Stanford
: Stanford University Press
, 1997
. Table. Figures. Notes. Bibliography. Index
. xi, 388
. Cloth, $55.00
.Presidentialism and Democracy in Latin America
. Edited by Mainwaring
and Shugart
Matthew Soberg
. Cambridge
: Cambridge University Press
, 1997
. Tables. Figures. Notes. Bibliography. Index
. ix, 493
pp. Cloth, $64.95. Paper, $22.95
.The Presidio and Militia on the Northern Frontier of New Spain: A Documentary History. Volume 2, 2 parts. Part 1: The Californias and Sinaloa-Sonora, 7700-7765. Edited by Charles W. Polzer and Thomas E. Sheridan. Part 2: The Central Corridor and the Texas Corridor, 1700-1765
. Edited by Hadley
, Naylor
, and Schuetz-Miller
Mardith K.
. Tuscon
: University of Arizona Press
, 1997
. Part 1: Illustrations. Maps. Notes. Glossary. Bibliography. Index. X, 513 pp. Cloth, $65.00. Part 2: Illustrations. Maps. Notes. Glossary. Bibliography. Index
. viii, 554
pp. Cloth, $65.00
.Las rasgaduras de la descolonización: españoles y mexicanos a mediados del siglo XIX
. By Falcón
. Mexico City
: Centro de Estudios Históricos, El Colegio de México
, 1996
. Plates. Notes. Bibliography. Index
. 368
pp. Paper.El regreso de las epidemias: salud y sociedad en el Perú del siglo XX
. By Cueto
. Lima
: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos
, 1997
. Photographs. Illustrations. Map. Tables. Figure. Notes. Bibliography
. 256
pp. Paper.Reinventing Revolution: The Renovation of Left Discourse in Cuba and Mexico
. By McCaughan
Edward J.
. Boulder
: Westview Press
, 1997
. Notes. Index
. xiii, 207
pp. Cloth, $59.00
.The Spirit of Ancient Peru: Treasures from the Museo Arqueológico Rafael Larco Herrera
. Edited by Berrín
. New York
: Thames & Hudson
, 1997
. Photographs. Illustrations. Notes. Bibliography. Index
. 216
pp. Cloth, $45.00
.The Struggle for Human Rights in Latin America
. By Cleary
Edward L.
. Westport, Conn
.: Praeger Publishers
, 1997
. Tables. Notes. Index
. xii, 181
pp. Cloth, $57.95. Paper, $18.95
.Struggles for Freedom: Essays on Slavery, Colonialism, and Culture in the Caribbean and Central America
. By Bolland
O. Nigel
. Belize City
: Angelus Press
, 1997
. Tables. Notes. Bibliography
. 334
pp. Paper.Traces behind the Esmeraldas Shore: Prehistory of the Santiago-Cayapas Region, Ecuador
. By Deboer
Warren R.
. Tuscaloosa
: University of Alabama Press
, 1996
. Maps. Figures. Tables. Illustrations. Appendixes. Bibliography. Index
. xvii, 234
pp. Paper, $24.95
.Tropics of History: Cuba Imagined
. By West
. Westport, Conn
.: Bergin & Garvey
, 1997
. Appendix. Notes. Bibliography. Index
. xi, 214
pp. Cloth, $55.00
.A Visit to the Ranquel Indians: (una excursión a los indios ranqueles)
. By Mansilla
Lucio V.
. Translated by Gillies
. Lincoln
: University of Nebraska Press
, 1997
. Photographs. Illustrations. Notes. Index
. xl, 453
pp. Cloth, $50.00, Paper $24.50
.William Robertson and the Expansion of Empire
. Edited by Brown
Stewart J.
. Ideas in Context
, vol. 45
. Cambridge
: Cambridge University Press
, 1997
. Notes. Index
. xi, 276
pp. Cloth, $59.95
.Zona rebelde: la diplomacia española ante la revolución cubana (1957-1960)
. By De Paz-Sánchez
. Prologue by Fontana
Taller de Historia
. Tenerife
: Centro de la Cultura Popular Canaria
, 1997
. Appendixes. Notes. Bibliography. Index
. 401
pp. Paper.Copyright 1998 by Duke University Press