josé deustua is a Peruvian-born sociologist and historian who earned his doctorate at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris. Currently he is assistant professor of Latin American history at the University of Illinois, Chicago. He is the author of La minería peruana y la iniciación de la República (1986) and, with José Luis Rénique, of Intelectuales, indigenismo, y decentralismo en el Perú, 1897-1931 (1984); and editor, with Rénique and José Matos Mar, of Luis E. Valcárcel, Memorias (1981). Currently he is completing a book on the mining export system and the domestic market in nineteenth-century Peru.

raúl garcía heras is assistant professor of economic history at the University of Buenos Aires and research fellow of Argentina’s National Scientific Research Council (CONICET). He earned the Ph.D. from the University of La Plata. He recently completed a history of the Anglo Argentine Tramways Company, 1876-1981, and is currently investigating the links between foreign investments, international financial relations, and economic policymaking in Argentina between 1955 and 1966.

pamela murray is assistant professor of history at the University of Alabama, Birmingham. She is currently completing a book, Dreams of Development: Colombia’s National School of Mines and Its Engineers, 1887-1970. Her previous articles on the subject include “Feminizing the Fraternity: Colombia’s First Women Engineers, 1941-1970s,” published in SECOLAS: Annals (March 1993).

doug yarrington is a lecturer in history at the University of Portsmouth, England. He received the Ph.D. from the University of Texas, Austin, in 1992. Currently he is revising his dissertation for publication; it is titled Duaca in the Age of Coffee: Land, Society, and Politics in a Venezuelan District, 1830-1936.”