Other Books Received
Africans and Native Americans: The Language of Race and the Evolution of Red-Black Peoples
. By Forbes
Jack D.
. Champaign
: University of Illinois Press
, 1993
. Tables. Notes. Bibliography. Index, vi
, 344
pp. Paper. $14.95
.Chile Since Independence
. Edited by Bethell
. New York
: Cambridge University Press
, 1993
. Maps. Tables. Bibliographical essays. Index, ix
, 240
pp. Cloth, $54.95. Paper, $19.95
.Coca and Cocaine: An Andean Perspective
. By Macgregor
Felipe E.
. Translated by Cavanagh
and Underhay
. Westport
: Greenwood Press
, 1993
. Tables. Notes. Index, x
, 155
pp. Cloth. $49.95
.Colonial Dilemma: Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Puerto Rico
. Edited by Meléndez
and Meléndez
. Boston
: South End Press
, 1993
. Tables. Notes. Index
. 255
pp. Paper. $16.00
.Discovering Columbus
. By Chapman
Paul H.
. Columbus, Ga.
: Institute for the Study of American Cultures (ISAC) Press
, 1993
. Illustrations. Maps. Appendixes. Notes. Index, xvii
, 265
pp. Cloth. $19.95
.Documentos sobre las rebeliones indias de Tehuantepec y Nexapa (1660-1661)
. By Díaz-Polanco
. Compiled by Manzo
. Mexico City: CIESAS, 1993.
Maps. Notes
. 221
pp. Paper. $13.15
.Elfuego de la inobediencia: autonomía y rebelión india en el obispado de Oaxaca
. Coordinated by Díaz-Polanco
. Mexico City
, 1993
. Maps. Appendixes. Notes. Bibliography
. 214
pp. Paper. $12.20
.La historia de los obreros de la construcción
. By Flores
Jorge Rojas
, Olguin
, and Flores
Gonzalo Rojas
. Santiago, Chile
: Programa de Economía del Trabajo
, 1993
. Graphs. Tables. Notes. Bibliography
. 224
pp. Paper.Latin American Art of the Twentieth Century
. By Lucie-Smith
. London
: Thames and Hudson
, 1993
. Plates. Illustrations. Bibliography
. 216
pp. Paper. $12.95
.Latin American Popular Theatre
. By Weiss
Judith A.
et al. Albuquerque
: University of New Mexico Press
, 1993
. Photographs. Notes. Bibliography. Index. ix
, 269
pp. Cloth, $37.50. Paper, $19.95
.Latinos in a Changing U.S. Economy
. Edited by Morales
and Bonilla
. Vol. 7
. Newbury Park
: Sage
, 1993
. Tables. Figures. Appendixes. Notes. Bibliography. Indexes, vii
, 272
pp. Cloth, $44.00. Paper, $21.95
.Lowland Maya Civilization in the Eighth Century a.d
. By Sabloff
Jeremy A.
. Edited by Henderson
John S.
. Washington, D.C.
: Dumbarton Oaks Publishing
, 1993
. Figures. Notes. Bibliographies. Index, xii
, 482
pp. Cloth. $35.00
.Malinche, Slave Princess of Cortez
. By Durán
. Haniden
: Linnet Books
, 1993
. Maps. Glossary, x
, 221
pp. Cloth. $17.50
.The Military and Society in Haiti
. By Laguerre
Michel S.
. Knoxville
: University of Tennessee Press
, 1993
. Maps. Tables. Notes. Glossary. Bibliography. Index. ix
, 223
pp. Cloth. $29.95
.The Missions of Northern Sonora: A 1935 Field Documentation
. Edited by Pickens
. Tucson
: University of Arizona Press
, 1993
. Photographs. Illustrations. Figures. Notes. Bibliography. Index, xxxii
, 198
pp. Cloth, $26.95. Paper, $12.95
.Mundialización de la ciencia y cultura nacional
. By Lafuente
and Elena
. Edited by Ortega
M. L.
. Madrid
: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
, 1993
. Photographs. Illustrations. Maps. Tables. Notes. Bibliographies
. 749
pp. Paper.Northward Bound: The Mexican Immigrant Experience in Ballad and Song
. By Herrera-Sobek
. Bloomington
: Indiana University Press
, 1993
. Photographs. Illustrations. Tables. Notes. Bibliography. Index, xxv
, 340
pp. Cloth. $35.00
.Petty Felony, Slave Defiance, and Frontier Villainy: Crime and Criminal Justice in Spanish Louisiana, 1770–1803
. By Kerr
Derek Noel
. New York
: Garland
, 1993
. Maps. Tables. Figures. Appendixes. Notes. Bibliography. Index, xx
, 365
pp. Cloth. $81.00
.Political Constraints on Brazil’s Economic Development
. Edited by Marks
. New Brunswick
: Transaction
, 1993
. Tables. Figures. Notes. Bibliographies. xiii
, 177
pp. Paper. $18.95
.Politics in Mexico
. By Camp
Roderic Ai
. New York
: Oxford University Press
. New York
, 1993
. Tables. Figures. Notes. Bibliographical essay, viii
, 200
pp. Cloth, $39.95. Paper, $14.95
.Popular Mobilization in Mexico: The Teachers’ Movement, 1977-87
. By Foweraker
. New York
: Cambridge University Press
, 1993
. Notes. Bibliography. Index, xiii
, 204
pp. Cloth. $59.95
.Prehispanic Chiefdoms in the Valle de la Plata: Ceramics-Chronology and Craft Production
. Vol. 2
. By Drennan
Robert D.
and Taft
Mary M.
. Edited by Uribe
Carlos A.
. Tables. Figures. Appendixes. Bibliography, xxvi
, 190
pp. Paper. $19.00
.La presencia del indígena en la prensa capitalina del sigh XIX: catálogo de noticias I
. Coordinated by Ohmstede
Antonio Escobar
and Rabiela
Teresa Rojas
. Mexico City: INI-CIESAS, 1993.
. 566
pp. Paper. $29.00
.Reading Columbus
. By Zamora
. Berkeley
: University of California Press
, 1993
. Illustrations. Figures. Appendix. Notes. Bibliography. Index, xvi
, 247
pp. Cloth, $42.00. Paper, $18.00
.Respuesta campesina a la revolutión en el bajío
. By Martínez
Laura González
. Mexico City: Universidad Iberoamericana, 1992.
Maps. Graphs. Tables. Bibliography
. 319
pp. Paper.The Return of Civil Society: The Emergence of Democratic Spain
. By Pérez-Díaz
Victor M.
. Cambridge
: Harvard University Press
, 1993
. Notes. Bibliography. Index, viii
, 357
pp. Cloth. $35.00
.San Miguel Tlaixpan: cultivo traditional de la flor
. By Sahagún
Lucila Gómez
. Mexico City
: Universidad Iberoamericana
, 1993
. Tables. Figures. Notes. Bibliography
. 124
pp. Paper.Santa María Tecuanulco: floricultores y músicos
. By Viqueira
J. Palerm
. Mexico City
: Universidad Iberoamericana
, 1993
. Tables. Appendixes. Notes. Bibliography
. 180
pp. Paper.The Seminoles of Florida
. By Covington
James W.
. Gainesville
: University Press of Florida
, 1993
. Photographs. Illustrations. Maps. Appendixes. Notes. Bibliography. Index, x
, 379
pp. Cloth, $49.95. Paper, $18.95
.Soap Operas for Social Change: Toward a Methodology for Entertainment-Education Television
. By Nariman
Heidi Noel
. Westport
: Praeger
, 1993
. Photographs. Tables. Figures. Notes. Bibliography. Index, xxii
, 143
pp. Cloth. $47.95
.Stopping the Killing: How Civil Wars End
. Edited by Licklider
. New York
: New York University Press
, 1993
. Maps. Tables. Figures. Notes. Bibliography. Index, ix
, 354
pp. Cloth. $50.00
.Two Hearts, One Soul: The Correspondence of the Condesa de Galve, 1688-96
. Edited, annotated, and translated by Dodge
Meredith D.
and Hendricks
. Albuquerque
: University of New Mexico Press
, 1993
. Appendixes. Bibliography. Index, xv
, 272
pp. Cloth. $27.50
.The Vision of Columbus: A Poem in Nine Books
. By Barlow
. Mexico City
: Frente de Afirmación Hispanista, A.C.
, 1992
. xiv
, 332
pp. Paper.Copyright 1994 by Duke University Press