Other Books Received
Admirals and Empire: The United States Navy and the Caribbean, 1898-1945
. By Yerxa
Donald A.
. Columbia
: University of South Carolina Press
, 1991
.Agrarian Capitalism and the World Market: Buenos Aires in the Pastoral Age, 1840-1890
. By Sábato
. Albuquerque
: University of New Mexico Press
, 1990
.Los albores de un nuevo mundo: siglos XVI y XVII. Colección de documentos para la historia de Nayarit
, vol. 1
. By Calvo
. Guadalajara
: Universidad de Guadalajara
, 1990
.Anenecuilco: memoria y vida de un pueblo
. By Chávez
Alicia Hernández
. Pedregal de Santa Teresa, Mexico
: El Colegio de México
, 1991
.Antropología del tango: los protagonistas
. By Azzi
María Susana
. Buenos Aires
: Ediciones de Olavarría
, 1991
.Argentina’s “Dirty War”: An Intellectual Biography
. By Hodges
Donald C.
. Austin
: University of Texas Press
, 1991
.The Art of Private Devotion: Retablo Painting of Mexico
. Principal essay and catalogue by Giffords
Gloria Fraser
. Austin
: University of Texas Press
, 1991
.Auge y caída de Rómulo Gallegos
. By Consalvi
Simón Alberto
. Caracas
: Monte Avila Latinoamericana
, 1990
.Los ausentes: el proceso social de la migración internacional en el occidente de México
. By Massey
Douglas S.
, Alarcón
, Durand
, and González
. Mexico City
: Alianza Editorial
, 1991
.El ballet en México en el siglo XIX: de la independencia al segundo imperio (1825-1867)
. By Smith
Maya Ramos
. Mexico City
: Alianza Editorial
, 1991
.Base Christian Communities and Social Change in Brazil
. By Hewitt
W. E.
. Lincoln
: University of Nebraska Press
, 1991
.Between Development and Underdevelopment: The Precocious Attempts at Industrialization of the Periphery 1800-1870
. Edited by Batou
. Geneva
: Librairie Droz
, 1991
.Die Beziehungen Deutschlands zu Venezuela 1933 bis 1958
. By Floto
Jobst H.
. Frankfurt am Main and New York
: Peter Lang
, 1991
.Blacks in Colonial Veracruz: Race, Ethnicity, and Regional Development
. By Carroll
Patrick J.
. Austin
: University of Texas Press
, 1991
.Brazil and the Soviet Challenge, 1917-1947
. By Hilton
Stanley E.
. Austin
: University of Texas Press
, 1991
.Los cacicazgos de Nicaragua antigua. Cuadernos de Estudio 10
. By Moscoso
. San Juan
: Instituto de Estudios del Caribe
, 1991
.Canada and the Crisis in Central America
. By Lemco
. New York
: Praeger Publishers
, 1991
.Central America and the United States: The Search for Stability
. By Leonard
Thomas M.
. Athens
: University of Georgia Press
, 1991
.The Charismatic Bond: Political Behavior in Time of Crisis
. By Madsen
and Snow
Peter G.
. Cambridge
: Harvard University Press
, 1991
.Chile and the United States: Empires in Conflict
. By Sater
William F.
. Athens
: University of Georgia Press
, 1991
.Classic Maya Political History: Hieroglyphic and Archaeological Evidence
. Edited by Culbert
T. Patrick
. Cambridge
: Cambridge University Press
, 1991
.El Colegio de México: años de expansión e institucionalización 1961-1990
. By Vazquez
Josefina Zoraida
. Mexico City
: El Colegio de México
, 1990
.El Colegio de México: una hazaña cultural 1940-1962
. By Lida
Clara E.
and Matesanz
José A.
. Mexico City
: El Colegio de México
, 1990
.Columbian Consequences, vol. 3: The Spanish Borderlands in Pan-American Perspective
. Edited by Thomas
David Hurst
. Washington
: Smithsonian Institution Press
, 1991
.The Comandante Speaks: Memoirs of an El Salvadoran Guerrilla Leader
. Edited by Prisk
Courtney E.
. Boulder
: Westview Press
, 1991
.Contribución al estudio de la “aristocracia territorial” en Venezuela colonial la familia Xerez de Aristequieta, sigh XVIII
. By De Diez
Elizabeth Ladera
. Caracas
: Academia Nacional de la Historia
, 1990
.Corruption and Politics in Contemporary Mexico
. By Morris
Stephen D.
. Tuscaloosa
: University of Alabama Press
, 1991
.Costa Rica (1800-1850), el legado colonial y la génesis del capitalismo
. By Jiménez
Iván Molina
. San José
: Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica
, 1991
.Cuban Foreign Policy Confronts a New International Order
. Edited by Erisman
H. Michael
and Kirk
John M.
. Boulder
: Lynne Rienner Publishers
, 1991
.De canton de Tepic a estado de Nayarit, 1810-1940. Colección de documentos para la historia de Nayarit
, vol. 5
. By Meyer
. Guadalajara
: Universidad de Guadalajara
, 1990
.Democracy and the Market: Political and Economie Reforms in Eastern Europe and Latin America
. By Przeworski
. Cambridge
: Cambridge University Press
, 1991
.Democratic Organization for Social Change: Latin American Christian Base Communities and Literacy Campaigns
. By Van Vugt
Johannes P.
. New York
: Bergin & Garvey
, 1991
.O diabo e a terra de Santa Cruz
. By De Mello E Souza
. São Paulo
: Companhia das Letras
, 1989
.The Diario of Christopher Columbus’s First Voyage to America 1492-1493. Abstracted by Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas
. Transcribed and translated into English with notes and a concordance of the Spanish by Dunn
and Kelley
James E.
Jr.. Norman
: University of Oklahoma Press
, 1991
.Los diputados americanos en las cortes de Cádiz: igualdad o independencia
. By Rieu-Millan
Marie Laure
. Madrid
: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
, 1990
.El discurso de la fidelidad: construcción social del espacio como símbolo del poder regio Venezuela, siglo XVIII
. By Curiel
Carole Leal
. Caracas
: Academia Nacional de la Historia
, 1990
.Do the Americas Have a Common Literature?
. Edited by Firmat
Gustavo Pérez
. Durham
: Duke University Press
, 1990
.Don Segundo Sombra: Ricardo Güiraldes
. Edited by Delleplane
Angela B.
. Madrid
: Editorial Castalia
, 1990
.E o verbo se faz imagem: igreja católica e os meios de comunicação no Brasil, 1962-1989
. By Cava
Ralph Della
. Rio de Janeiro
: Editora Vozes
, 1991
.The Economics of Cuban Sugar
. By Pérez-López
Jorge F.
. Pittsburgh
: University of Pittsburgh Press
, 1991
.Eighteenth-Century Ecuador: The Royal Treasuries of the Spanish Empire in America
, vol. 4
. By Jara
and Tepaske
John Jay
. Durham
: Duke University Press
, 1991
.Eisenhower y Trujillo
. By Vega
. Santo Domingo
: Fundación Cultural Dominicana
, 1991
.Elections in Chile: The Road Toward Redemocratization
. By Caviedes
César N.
. Boulder
: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc.
, 1991
.Emancipating the Female Sex: The Struggle for Women s Rights in Brazil, 1850-1940
. By Hahner
June E.
. Durham
: Duke University Press
, 1990
.Las encomiendas de Nueva Andalucía en el siglo XVII. Visita hecha por Don Fernando de la Riva Agüero, oidor de la audiencia de Santo Domingo, 1688 (traslado y estudio preliminar)
. Tomo 1. By Da Prato-Perelli
. Caracas
: Academia Nacional de la Historia
, 1990
.La escritura en el México antiguo
, vol. 1
. By Betancourt
Luz María Mohar
. Mexico City
: Editorial Plaza y Valdés
, 1990
.La escritura en el México antiguo: catálogo gráfico
, vol. 2
. By Betancourt
Luz María Mohar
. Mexico City
: Editorial Plaza y Valdés
, 1990
.Estratégias da ilusão: a revolução mundial e o Brasil, 1922-1935
. By Pinheiro
Paulo Sérgio
. São Paulo
: Companhia Das Letras
, 1991
.Familias novohispanas, siglos XVI al XIX
Seminario de Historia de la Familia Centro de Estudios Históricos
. Coordinated by Aizpuru
Pilar Gonzalbo
. Mexico City
: El Colegio de México
, 1991
.A formação das almas: o imaginário da república no Brasil
. By Carvalho
José Murilo De
. São Paulo
: Companhia das Letras
, 1990
.Foundational Fictions: The National Romances of Latin America. Latin American Literature and Culture
, vol. 8
. By Sommer
. Berkeley
: University of California Press
, 1991
.Foundations of Crusader Valencia: Revolt and Recovery, 1257-1263
. By Burns
Robert I.
. Princeton
: Princeton University Press
, 1991
.German-Speaking Entrepreneurs: Builders of Business in Brazil
. By Pinsdorf
Marion K.
. Frankfurt am Main and New York
: Peter Lang
, 1990
.A Guide to Cuban Collections in the United States
. By Pérez
Louis A.
Jr. Westport
: Greenwood Press
, 1991
.Health Care Patterns and Planning in Developing Countries
. Edited by Akhtar
. Westport
: Greenwood Press
, 1991
.A Hemisphere Apart: The Foundations of United States Policy Toward Latin America
. By Johnson
John J.
. Baltimore and London
: The Johns Hopkins University Press
, 1990
.Historia económica y social de Costa Rica: de la colonia a la guerra civil de 1948
. By Acuña
Victor Hugo
and Jiménez
Iván Molina
. San José
: Editorial Porvenir
, 1991
.A History of Barbados: From Amerindian Settlement to Nation-State
. By Beckles
. Cambridge
: Cambridge University Press
, 1990
.Ideas and Institutions: Developmentalism in Brazil and Argentina
. By Sikkink
. Ithaca
: Cornell University Press
, 1991
.The Identity of Hispanoamérica: An Interpretation of Colonial Literature
. By Promis
. Translated by Kelley
and Kelley
Alec E.
. Tucson
: University of Arizona Press
, 1991
.In Search of Columbus: The Sources for the First Voyage
. By Henige
. Tucson
: University of Arizona Press
, 1991
.The Indians of Central and South America: An Ethnohistorical Dictionary
. By Olson
James S.
. Westport
: Greenwood Press
, 1991
.The Invention of Argentina
. By Shumway
. Berkeley
: University of California Press
, 1991
.Land and Politics in the Valley of Mexico: A Two Thousand Year Perspective
. Edited by Harvey
R. H.
. Albuquerque
: University of New Mexico Press
, 1991
.Land, Labor, and Capital in Modern Yucatán: Essays in Regional History and Political Economy
. Edited by Brannon
Jeffery T.
and Joseph
Gilbert M.
. Tuscaloosa
: University of Alabama Press
, 1991
.The Last Conquistador: Juan de Oñate and Settling of the Far Southwest
. By Simmons
. Norman
: University of Oklahoma Press
, 1991
.Liberators and Patriots of Latin America: Biographies of 23 Leaders
. By Adams
Jerome R.
. Jefferson, NC
: McFarland & Company
, 1991
.The Libro de las profecías of Christopher Columbus: an en face edition
. Translation and commentary by West
Delno C.
and Kling
. Gainesville
: University of Florida Press
, 1991
.Love Customs in Eighteenth-Century Spain
. By Gaite
Carmen Martín
. Translated by Tomisich
María G.
. Berkeley
: University of California Press
, 1991
.Mates & Muchachos: Unit Cohesion in the Falklands/Malvinas War
. By Stewart
Nora Kinzer
. McLean, VA
: Brassey’s (US), Inc.
, 1991
.Métamorphose de la représentation politique au Brésil et en Europe
. Edited by Pécaut
and Sorj
. Paris
: Centre Nacional de la Recherche Scientifique
, 1991
.Mexican Americans: Leadership, Ideology, and Identity, 1930-1960
. By García
Mario T.
. New Haven
: Yale University Press
, 1991
.Mexican Political Biographies, 1884-1935
. By Camp
Roderic A.
. Austin
: University of Texas Press
, 1991
.México prehispánico: ensayos sobre evolución ecológica
. By Palerm
. Mexico City
: Consejo Nacional Para la Cultura y Las Artes
, 1990
.La mitad del mundo: cuerpo y cosmos en los rituales otomies
. By Galiner
. Mexico City
: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
, 1990
.Movimiento obrero y lucha socialista en la República Dominicana: desde los orígenes hasta 1960
. By Cassá
. Santo Domingo
: Fundación Cultural Dominicana
, 1990
.Mullet on the Beach: The Minorcans of Florida, 1768-1788
. By Criffin
Patricia C.
. Jacksonville
: University of North Florida Press
, 1991
.Nation-States and Indians in Latin America
. Edited by Urban
and Sherzer
. Austin
: University of Texas Press
, 1991
.A New Andalucía and a Way to the Orient: The American Southeast During the Sixteenth Century
. By Hoffman
Paul E.
. Baton Rouge
: Louisiana State University Press
, 1990
.The Noriega Years: U.S.-Panamanian Relations 1981-1990
. By Scranton
Margaret E.
. Boulder
: Lynne Rienner Publishers
, 1991
.Nuevas mutaciones: el siglo XVIII. Colección de documentos para la historia de Nayarit
, vol. 2
. By Meyer
. Guadalajara
: Universidad de Guadalajara
, 1990
.Los obrajes en la Nueva España: 1530-1630
. By Viqueira
and Urquiola
José I.
. Mexico City
: Consejo Nacional Para la Cultura y Las Artes
, 1990
.Obras: Luis Carrillo y Sotomayor
. Edited by Durán
Rosa Navarro
. Madrid
: Editorial Castalia
, 1990
.“Order and Progress”: A Political History of Brazil
. By Schneider
Ronald M.
. Boulder
: Westview Press
, 1991
.Patriarch and Folk: The Emergence of Nicaragua 1708-1858
. By Burns
E. Bradford
. Cambridge
: Harvard University Press
, 1991
.Peasants on the Edge: Crop, Cult, and Crisis in the Andes
. By Mitchell
William P.
. Austin
: University of Texas Press
, 1991
.Pilgrimage in Latin America
. Edited by Crumrine
N. Ross
and Morinis
. Westport
: Greenwood Press
, 1991
.The Politics of Military Rule in Brazil
. By Skidmore
Thomas E.
. New York
: Oxford University Press
, 1988
.The Politics of the Caribbean Basin Sugar Trade
. Edited by Macdonald
Scott B.
and Fauriol
Georges A.
. New York
: Praeger Publishers
, 1991
.The Pueblo Indian Revolt of 1696 and the Franciscan Missions in New Mexico: Letters of the Missionaries and Related Documents
. Edited and translated by Espinosa
J. Manuel
. Norman
: University of Oklahoma Press
, 1991
.Un pueblo japonés en la Bolivia tropical: Colonia San Juan de Yapacaní en el Departamento de Santa Cruz
. By Kunimoto
. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
: Fundación Japón/Editorial Casa de la Cultura “Raúl Otero Reiche”
, 1990
.Regional Human Rights: A Comparative Study of the West European and Inter-American Systems
. By Mower
A. Glenn
Jr. Westport
: Greenwood Press
, 1991
.Religion and Politics in Latin America: Liberation Theology and Christian Democracy
. By Lynch
Edward A.
. New York
: Praeger Publishers
, 1991
.Seeds of Change: A Quincentennial Commemoration
. Edited by Viola
Herman J.
and Margolis
. Washington
: Smithsonian Institution Press
, 1991
.Shaping the Political Arena: Critical Junctures, the Labor Movement, and Regime Dynamics in Latin America
. By Collier
and Collier
Ruth Berins
. Princeton
: Princeton University Press
, 1991
.Soberanía e Insurrección en Manabí
. By De Anhalzer
Cármen Dueñas
. Quito
: Colección Tesis Historia
, 1991
.Socialist Cuba: Past Interpretations and Future Challenges
. Edited by Roca
Sergio G.
. Boulder
: Westview Press
, 1988
.Su majestad británica contra la revolución mexicana, 1900-1950; el fin de un imperio informal
. By Meyer
. Mexico City
: El Colegio de México
, 1991
.Tejano Origins in Eighteenth-Century San Antonio
. Edited by Poyo
Gerald E.
and Hinojosa
Gilberto M.
. Austin
: University of Texas Press
, 1991
.La trama celeste: Adolfo Bioy Casares
. Edited by Barcia
Pedro Luis
. Madrid
: Editorial Castalia
, 1990
.Understanding the Central American Crisis: Sources of Conflict, U.S. Policy, and Options for Peace
. Edited by Coleman
Kenneth M.
and Herring
George C.
. Wilmington
: SR Books
, 1991
.United States Perceptions of Latin America 1850-1930: A “New West” South of Capricorn?
. By Fifer
J. Valerie
. Manchester
: Manchester University Press
, 1991
.Visões cia liberdade: uma história das últimas décadas da escravidão na corte
. By Chalhoub
. São Paulo
: Companhia das Letras
, 1990
.Vision and Revision in Maya Studies
. Edited by Clancy
Flora S.
and Harrison
Peter D.
. Albuquerque
: University of New Mexico Press
, 1991
.When Jesus Came, the Corn Mothers Went Away: Marriage, Sexuality, and Power in New Mexico 1500-1846
. By Gutiérrez
Ramón A.
. Stanford
: Stanford University Press
, 1991
.The Women and International Development Annual
, vol. 2
. By Gallin
Rita S.
and Ferguson
. Boulder
: Westview Press
, 1991
.Women, Culture, and Politics in Latin America
. Seminar on Feminism and Culture in Latin America
. Berkeley
: University of California Press
, 1990
.Copyright 1992 by Duke University Press