The editing and publication of the Hispanic American Historical Review constitute a cooperative enterprise between Duke University Press and historians concerned with Hispanic America. Duke University Press owns and publishes the Review, while the historians are responsible for maintaining its scholarly standards. No change affecting the relationship of Duke University Press to the Review can be made without the consent of the Press.

Article I. Name

The name of this publication shall be the Hispanic American Historical Review.

Article II. Purpose

The purpose of this Review is to provide an organ for the publication of historical materials relating to Hispanic America, which is taken to mean those Western Hemisphere countries formerly colonized by Spain, Portugal, and France, as well as the Philippines.

Article III. Board of Editors

The Board of Editors shall consist of twelve members, elected for a term of six years by the Board from names submitted by the Editors and Advisory Editors, and one member named by the Conference on Latin American History of the American Historical Association, and one member selected by Duke University Press. Members of the Board are expected to assist the Managing Editor in the selection of materials to be published in the Review and on policy matters. They are not immediately eligible for reelection.

Article IV. Advisory Editors

The Advisory Editors are distinguished scholars in the field of Hispanic American history whose experience and judgment qualify them for their important function, which is to present nominations for the Board of Editors, and, along with the clah Council, for the post of Managing Editor.

The Advisory Editors are elected by the Board of Editors, at such time as the Board may deem convenient, for a term of six years. They are eligible to attend meetings of the Board of Editors and to a voice in all matters that may arise, but they have no vote.

Article V. The Managing Editor

The principal responsibility of the Managing Editor is to seek out manuscript materials of the highest possible quality for publication in the Review. In conformity with the genera] regulations of Duke University Press, the Managing Editor conducts correspondence, oversees the process of selecting material for publication, and, after securing advice from the Board, members of the Board, or other outside referees, makes decisions on the publication of material submitted. The Managing Editor will edit copy, proof, and communicate with Duke University Press, the Advisory Editors, and the Board of Editors about matters that may arise relating to the management of the Review. The Managing Editor obtains books for review and is responsible for all book review policy; presides at meetings of the Board; and conducts the correspondence necessary for holding elections as explained below in Article VII.

The Managing Editor may propose to the Board the appointment of persons to assist in these duties, such as an Associate Managing Editor, Book Review Editor, Copy Editor, or any other post as the Board may approve. The duties of such assistants are determined by mutual agreement between the Managing Editor and the persons concerned. In case of disagreement, the Managing Editor’s decision controls. Such persons’ tenures shall not extend beyond the term of office of the Managing Editor whom they were selected to assist.

The Managing Editor is provided with an expense fund by Duke University Press, to be used for such purposes as may seem reasonable, for the improvement of the Review.

The selection of the sponsoring institution and Managing Editor for each five-year term of editorial responsiblity will occur as follows:

Bids will be received during the penultimate year of the incumbent’s tenure and the Board of Editors will make its determination at the annual meeting in December of that year. A subcommittee, consisting of board members whose terms overlap the transfer, will review the applications and make recommendations to the Board at the annual December meeting.

Procedures to be Employed in Selecting the Sponsoring Institution and Managing Editor

  1. Formal bids and supporting data should be submitted to the Managing Editor in three copies. The Managing Editor will forward all necessary documentation to the subcommittee.

  2. Bids should include the names and vitae of the proposed Managing Editor, Associate Editor, and Book Review Editor(s).

  3. The extent of university support (for example, office space, salaries and released time, clerical support, graduate assistantships, telephone, postage, photocopying, computer time, and supplies) should be included, together with a statement of commitment from appropriate university administrators.

  4. A covering letter from the proposed Managing Editor to the Board should provide any additional information deemed appropriate.

  5. The deadline for the receipt of bids will be November 15 of the year of decision.

The incumbent Managing Editor will be available to respond to any questions raised by those considering making a formal bid.

The guidelines for transfer shall be printed in the November issue during the third year of the incumbent’s tenure.

The editorial offices of the Review will be moved on July 1 of the fifth year, and the new editorial staff will assume responsibility from the following February’s issue for a term of 5 years. All property of HAHR shall be transferred to the new editorial office, particularly the editorial library.

When a new sponsoring institution and Managing Editor shall have been chosen and indicated willingness to serve, the names shall be submitted by the outgoing Managing Editor to the Director of Duke University Press for appointment. Formal appointment of the Managing Editor shall be made by the President of Duke University with the advice and consent of the Director of the Duke University Press.

Article VI. Meetings of the Board of Editors

There shall be an annual meeting of members of the Board of Editors and Advisory Editors to coincide with the annual meeting of the American Historical Association. The Managing Editor shall inform members of the exact time and place of the meeting and circulate an agenda in advance, but no action of the Board shall be taken without a quorum, which shall be a majority of the members. If no quorum is present, a mail vote shall be taken. Absent members of the Board may submit statements of opinion, but may not vote by proxy.

At each annual meeting the Managing Editor shall report on the conduct of the Review during the preceding year; this shall be done either orally or in writing. Minutes of the proceedings shall be taken and sent to all members of the Board, so that they may be informed of what took place at meetings they have not been able to attend. Meetings of the Board shall be conducted informally. In case of dispute over procedure, the Managing Editor shall rule, and if a member shall question the ruling, the matter shall be decided by a majority vote of those present. Discussion may be informal, but any resolution made shall be adopted according to Robert’s Rules of Order.

Article VII. Conduct of Elections

Elections of Members of the Board: The Managing Editor shall request each Advisory Editor to submit two names for every vacancy that shall occur in the Board owing to the expiration of the term, or the resignation, of a member. The Managing Editor shall then circulate to the entire Board a ballot of the candidates who shall have received the greatest number of nominations (in number equal to two times the number of persons to be elected) and shall record the votes and inform the Board of its decision. (In case of ties, the decision will be made by chance.)

In the event of a resignation or other vacancy, the Board may elect a member to fill the unexpired term.

Article VIII. Relationship with the Conference on Latin American History of the American Historical Association

The Review shall be published in cooperation with the Conference and this relationship shall be so stated in each issue of the Review. The Review will publish regular notices on the activities of the Conference and its members and the Conference shall assist the Review in every way possible.

The President of the Conference will be welcome to attend Board meetings and to have a voice, but no vote, on matters concerned with the relationship of the Conference and the Review. Otherwise the participation of the clah in the conduct of the Review is limited to its appointment of one member to the Board of Editors.

Article IX. Complimentary Copies

Former Managing Editors shall receive complimentary subscriptions to the Review for as long as they desire.

Article X. Amendments to the Bylaws

At any meeting of the Board, amendments may he proposed and adopted by a majority vote of those present. These shall be communicated to members who were not present, and if any of these shall object, the amendment shall have no effect until adopted a second time at a subsequent meeting.