América Latina: Introducción al extremo occidente
. By Rouquié
. Mexico City
: Siglo Veintiuno Editores
, 1989
.América Latina: Izquierda y crisis actual
. By Harnecker
. Mexico City
: Siglo Veintiuno Editores
, 1989
.Andanzas de Cieza por tierras americanas
. By Ycaza
Julio Estrada
. Guayaquil
: Banco Central del Ecuador
, 1987
.The Archaeology of Spanish Colonialism in the Southeastern United States and the Caribbean
. By Ewin
Charles R.
. Tucson
: The Society for Historical Archaeology
, 1990
.Between Borders: Essays on Mexican/Chicana History
. Edited by Del Castillo
Adelaida R.
. Encino
: Floricanto Press
, 1990
.O Brasil não é longe daqui: O narrador, a via gern
. By Süssekind
. São Paulo
: Companhia das Letras
, 1990
.Brazilian Literature: A Research Bibliography
. By Foster
David William
and Rela
. New York
: Garland Publishing
, 1990
.C. de Molina, C. de Albornoz. Fábulas y mitos de los Incas
. By Urbano
and Duviols
. Madrid
: Historia 16
, 1989
.Cambridge Biographical Dictionary
. New ed. New York
: Cambridge University Press
, 1990
.The Carnival of Images: Brazilian Television Fiction
. By Mattelart
and Mattelart
. Westport
: Bergin and Garvey
, 1990
.Cotidiano de trabalhadores na república, São Paulo—1889/1940
. By Guzzo De Decca
Maria Auxiliadora
. São Paulo
: Editora Brasiliense
, 1989
.La crisis en América Latina. Un desafío continental
. By Bravo
Pedro Vusković
. Mexico City
: Siglo Veintiuno Editores/Editorial de la Universidad de las Naciones Unidas
, 1990
.De la historia a la política. La experiencia de América Latina
. By Zemelman
. Mexico City
: Siglo Veintiuno Editores/Universidad de las Naciones Unidas
, 1989
.Democracy and Development in Latin America. Economics, Politics and Religion in the Postwar Period
. By Leumann
. Philadelphia
: Temple University Press
, 1990
.Diccionario de universitarios en la administración americana: Arzobispos y obispos de Nueva España, 1517-1700. La presencia de los centros de enseñanza superior del Valle de Henares, Sigüenza y Alcalá
. By Arboniés
Francisco Javier Casado
, Arboniés
Manuel Casado
, and Blanco
Emiliano Gil
. Guadalajara, Spain
: Exorna. Diputación Provincial
, 1989
.Los dominicanos en Puerto Rico: Migración en la semi-periferia
. Edited by Duany
. Río Piedras
: Ediciones Huracán
, 1990
.Drugs in Hispanic Communities
. Edited by Glick
and Moore
. New Brunswick
: Rutgers University Press
, 1990
.Employer Hiring Practices: Differential Treatment of Hispanic and Anglo Job Seekers
. By Cross
. Washington
: Urban Institute Press
, 1990
.Eva the Fugitive
. By Valle
Rosamel Del
. Translated, with an introduction, by Balakian
. Berkeley
: University of California Press
, 1990
.Los gobiernos de facto en América Latina, 1930-1980
. By Complak
. Caracas
: Academia Nacional de la Historia
, 1989
.A Historical Geography of Europe
. By Pounds
N. J. G.
. New York
: Cambridge University Press
, 1990
.Huei Tlatoani: The Mexican Speaker
. By Blythin
. Lanham, MI
: University Press of América
, 1990
.Inca Religion and Customs
. By Cobos
Father Bernabé
. Translated and edited by Hamilton
. Austin
: University of Texas Press
, 1990
.Inquisition and Society in the Kingdom of Videncia, 1478-1834
. By Haliczer
. Berkeley
: University of California Press
, 1990
.Latin American Politics and Development
. 3d ed. Edited by Wiarda
Howard J.
and Cline
Harvey F.
. Boulder
: Westview Press
, 1990
.Lives in Between: Assimilation and Marginality in Austria, Brazil, and West Africa
. By Spitzer
. New York
: Cambridge University Press
, 1990
.Lost Illusions: Latin América’s Struggle for Democracy, as Recounted by its Leaders
. By Baker
Paul H.
. New York
: Markus Wiener Publishing
, 1990
.Masks of the Spirit: Image and Metaphor in Mesoamerica
. By Markman
Roberta H.
and Markman
Peter T.
. Berkeley
: University of California Press
, 1989
.Mata galegos. Os portugueses e os conflictos de trabalho na República Velha
. By Ribeiro
Gladys Sabina
. São Paulo
: Editora Brasiliense
, 1989
.Memories of Underdevelopment/Inconsolable Memories
. By Desnoes
, directed by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea
. New Brunswick
: Rutgers University Press
, 1990
.Mexican Mosaic: Folklore and Tradition
. By Gallop
. London
: Quiller Press
, 1990
).México y Estados Unidos: El manejo de la relación
. Compiled by Roett
. Mexico City
: Siglo Veintiuno Editores
, 1989
.Migrants in the Mexican North: Mobility, Economy, and Society in a Colonial World
. By Swann
Michael M.
. Boulder
: Westview Press/Dellphia Latin American Studies
, 1989
.The Mississippian Emergence
. Edited by Smith
Bruce D.
. Washington
: Smithsonian Institution Press
, 1990
.La organización industrial en México
. By Casa
José I.
et al. Mexico City
: Siglo Veintiuno Editores/Instituto Latinoamericano de Estudios Transnacionales
, 1990
.Pensamento crítico hispanoamericano: Arbitristas del siglo XVIII
. By Almarza
. Madrid
: Editorial Pliegos
, 1990
.The Poet’s Africa: Africanness in the Poetry of Nicolás Guillen and Aimé Césaire
. By Kubayanda
Josaphat B.
. Westport
: Greenwood Press
, 1990
.Political Parties and Elections in the United States
. By Martí
. Edited, with an introduction and notes, by Foner
Philip S.
. Translated by Randall
. Philadelphia
: Temple University Press
, 1990
.The Politics of Nonformal Education in Latin America
. By Torres
Carlos Alberto
. New York
: Praeger
, 1990
.The Press and Main Street: El País—Journalism in Democratic Spain
. By Cebrián
Juan Luis
. Ann Arbor
: University of Michigan Press
, 1989
.Recursos: A Directory of Mexican American Institutions, Organizations, and University Programs Based in the United States of America
. Compiled by Herrera
and Mejía
. Mexico City
: Benjamin Franklin Library
, 1990
.Salud y crisis en México: Textos para un debate
. Coordinated by Bay
Ignacio Almada
. Mexico City
: Siglo Veintiuno Editores/Centro de Investigaciones Inter-disciplinarias en Humanidades
, 1990
.Las sociedades rurales hoy
. Edited by Patterson
Jorge Zepedap
. Zamora
: El Colegio de Michoacán
, 1988
.Sojourners of the Caribbean: Ethnogenesis and Ethnohistory of the Garifuna
. By Gonzalez
Nancie L.
. Champaign
: University of Illinois Press
, 1988
.Spanish American Women Writers: A Bio-Bibliographical Source Book
. Edited by Marting
Diane L.
. Westport
: Greenwood Press
, 1990
.The State and Capital Accumulation in Latin America. Vol. 2. Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela
. Edited by Anglade
and Fortín
. Pittsburgh
: University of Pittsburgh Press
, 1990
.The State and Policy Outcomes in Latin America
. By Graham
Lawrence S.
. New York
: Praeger
, 1990
.The State, Corporatist Politics, and Educational Policy Making in Mexico
. By Morales-Gómez
Daniel A.
and Torres
Carlos Alberto
. New York
: Praeger
, 1990
.Testimonios de la crisis 4. Los saldos del sexenio (1982-1988)
. Coordinated by Garza
Esthela Gutiérrez
. Mexico City
: Siglo Veintiuno Editores/Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa
, 1990
.Thomas O. Larkin: A Life of Patriotism and Profit in Old California
. By Hague
and Langum
David J.
. Norman
: University of Oklahoma Press
, 1990
.Time and Reality in the Thought of the Maya
. 2d ed., enlarged. By León-Portilla
. Norman
: University of Oklahoma Press
, 1990
.The Uses of Literacy in Mediaeval Europe
. Edited by Mckitterick
. New York
: Cambridge University Press
, 1990
.Vichy et la France Libre au Mexique: Guerre, cultures et propagandes pendant la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale
. By Roland
. Paris
: L’Harmattan
, 1990
.Voyagers to the Straits of Magellan: Yugoslav (Croatian) Immigration to Southern Chile
. By Mateo
Martinic B.
Translated by Rees
and Dahl
. Worthington, OH
: Renaissance Publications
, 1990
.White Wall of Spain: The Mysteries of Andalusian Culture
. By Joseph
. Pensacola
: University of West Florida Press
, 1990
.Women of Mexico: The Consecrated and the Commoners, 1519-1900
. By Gugliotta
. Encino
: Floricanto Press
, 1989
.Zum Wandel von Herrschaft und Mentalität in Guatemala: Ein Beitrag zur SozialGeschichte Lateinamerikas
. By Riekenberg
. Cologne
: Böhlau Verlag
, 1990
.Copyright 1991 by Duke University Press