Waking from the Pan-American Dream, Lawrence E. Harrison; Chile: No, James F. Petras and Robert LaPorte, Jr.; The Challenge of Venezuelan Oil, Norman Gall; Cuba: Time For a Change, Abraham F. Lowenthal; Panama Paralysis, Thomas M. Franck and Edward Weisband; Atoms for Brazil, Dangers for All, Norman Gall; Kennedy and the Cuban Connection, Donald E. Schulz; South America Looks at Detente (Skeptically), Mariano Grondona; Brazil: The End of a Beautiful Relationship, Roger W. Fontaine; Mexico’s Opportunity: The Oil Boom, George W. Grayson; Panama Treaty Trap, Richard A. Falk; Latin America: A Not-So-Special Relationship, Abraham F. Lowenthal; Puerto Rico: Out of the Colonial Closet, Jose A. Cabranes; Dateline Nicaragua: The End of the Affair, Richard R. Fagen; Dateline Peru: A Sagging Revolution, Abraham F. Lowenthal; Central American Paralysis, Richard Millett.